Re: [gingery_machines] Regarding the 'X' bracing in the bed??


Monday, February 28, 2011


On 28/02/2011 12:33 PM, noblelapidary wrote:
> ... an X brace ... A pic would be great ...

Check out the thread "[gingery_machines] Questions about getting
started...." and especially the pictures already loaded up in this group
Yahoo pages by John Dammeyer. A nice picture of an X braced bed can be
found at:

John Barlow
straw bale owner-builder
Officially recognised Transition Town Trainer

<*> Member map - Who and where we are.  Please add yourself so members can find each other.


RE: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Fwd: they're losing


Not with someone as inappropriate as you.  I won't debate with someone who uses name calling right off the bat.


I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.


Peacefully yours,


Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~ Albert Einstein

Description: Laughing





From: [] On Behalf Of patrick mc govern
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 5:34 AM
Subject: RE: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Fwd: they're losing


Thanks for posting that latest Tea bagger you can't elaborate on it further, can you ?

 You can lead people to knowledge but you can't make them think

--- On Sun, 2/27/11, Julie Dinkins-Borkowski <> wrote:

From: Julie Dinkins-Borkowski <>
Subject: RE: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Fwd: they're losing
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 8:38 PM


I happen to think that cutting those programs will help create jobs, as well as help to save America.  Government is so overbloated and we must stop feeding the beast.  It is consuming us.  Obama and the Democrats have exploded the growth of government exponentially since they were in power and then stimulated, bailed out, regurgitated the industries willing to submit themselves to the will of Government control and government regulation.  That never works.  That ruins the middle class.


Peacefully yours,


Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~ Albert Einstein

Description: Laughing





From: [] On Behalf Of Bruce Majors
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 6:14 AM
Subject: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Fwd: they're losing





The Tea Party is winning


Monday, February 21, 2011

Take five more steps back and you realize how successful the Tea Party has been. No matter how much liberals may poke fun at them, Tea Party partisans can claim victory in fundamentally altering the country's dialogue.

Consider all of the problems taking a back seat to the deficit in Washington and the media. You haven't heard much lately on how Wall Street shenanigans tanked the economy in the first place - and in the process made a small number of people very rich. Yet any discussion of the problems caused by concentrated wealth (a vital mainstream issue in the America of Andrew Jackson and both Roosevelts) is confined to the academic or left-wing sidelines.

You haven't seen a lot of news stories describing the impact of long-term unemployment on people's lives or the difficulty working-class kids are encountering if they want to go to college.

You hear a lot about how much the government spends on the elderly but not much about facts such as this one, courtesy of a report last fall from the Employee Benefit Research Institute: People over 75 "were more likely than other age groups - including children under 18 - to live on incomes equal to or less than 200 percent of poverty."

Any analysis of the economic struggles many elderly people endure would get in the way of the "greedy geezer" storyline being spun to justify big cuts in Medicare benefits and Social Security.

Thanks to the Tea Party, we are now told that all our problems will be solved by cutting government programs. Thus the House Republicans' budget bill passed Saturday. They foresee nirvana if we simply reduce our spending on Head Start, Pell grants for college access, teen pregnancy prevention, clean-water programs, K-12 education and a host of other areas.

Does anyone really think that cutting such programs will create jobs or help Americans get ahead? But give the Tea Party guys credit: They have seized the political and media agenda and made budget cutting as fashionable as Justin Bieber was five minutes ago.

More striking is the Tea Party's influence on Washington's political elite, which looks down at the more extreme men and women of the right when they appear on Fox News but ends up carrying their water.

Lori Montgomery reported in The Post last week that a bipartisan group of senators thinks a sensible deficit reduction package would involve lifting the Social Security retirement age to 69 and reforming taxes, purportedly to raise revenue, in a way that would cut the top income tax rate for the wealthy from 35 percent to 29 percent.

Only a body dominated by millionaires could define "shared sacrifice" as telling nurses' aides and coal miners they have to work until age 69 while sharply cutting tax rates on wealthy people. I see why conservative Republicans like this. I honestly don't get why Democrats - "the party of the people," I've heard - would come near such an idea.

The media are full of commentary on President Obama's "failure of leadership." There is some truth to the critique but not in the way the charge is typically made.

Obama is not at fault for his budget proposals. But any fair examination of the news suggests that he is in danger of losing control of the national narrative again, just as he did during the stimulus and health-care battles.

In his State of the Union address, Obama made a good case that budget cutting is too small an agenda and that this is also a time for more government - yes, more government - in areas that would expand opportunities and strengthen the economy. That argument has been entirely drowned out. If politics is reduced to a crabbed and crabby accountants' war, Obama loses. The country will, too.

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© 2011 The Washington Post Company



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[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Libya Questions of Theory Correction


Socialist Worker.Org not Socialist Workers Party.

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[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Libya Questions of Theory


Libya, Questions Of TheoryFebruary 28th, 2011 The issue of the correct position regarding Libya is interesting. I have reproduced an article from the Socialist Workers Party regarding the position of the Workers World Party and Party of Socialism and Liberation, I also included my response to their position. I know, its boring, but I love this shit.
From Socialist Workers Party Paper
Taking sides about Libya Todd Chretien examines the attitude of the Workers World Party and Party for Liberation and Socialism toward Muammar el-Qaddafi's dictatorship in Libya.
February 28, 2011
"Of all the struggles going on in North Africa and the Middle East right now, the most difficult to unravel is the one in Libya."
— Workers World Party, February 23, 2011
"At present, the revolt has not produced any organizational form or leader that would make it possible to characterize it politically."
— Party for Socialism and Liberation, February 24, 2011
THOSE WERE the statements last week from two well-known U.S. socialist groups active in anti-imperialist movements. As madman Muammar el-Qaddafi ranted in his bunker about al-Qaeda slipping hallucinogens into young people's coffee in order to make them rebel, the Workers World Party (WWP) and Party for Liberation and Socialism (PSL) refused to take a stand with the Libyan people against a dictator.
These two organizations, part of the same group until 2004, have long accepted the Libyan dictatorship's claim to be progressive and anti-imperialist in spite of the corruption of the country's tiny elite around Qaddafi and the savagery of the regime's police-state repression and violence–now on sickening display for all the world to see.
As recently as 2009, the WWP, for example, published an article that spoke highly of the Qaddafi regime as it celebrated the 40th anniversary of Libya's "revolution."
The article said the anniversary "has been acknowledged by governments throughout the African continent and the world"–with Zimbabwe's dictatorial President Robert Mugabe as example number one. The WWP even saluted Qaddafi's close relationship with the right-wing Italian government of Silvio Berlusconi, noting that Italy would "honor the 40th anniversary celebration [of Qaddafi's rule] with a display by its Air Force aerobatics team."
In its recent statement, PSL noted that "developments in the last decade have greatly and understandably diminished [Qaddafi's] credibility among progressive and anti-imperialist forces in the region, almost all of which have declared their solidarity with the Libyan revolt."
That's a huge understatement. Qaddafi has gone to great lengths to reverse his once-hostile relationship to Western governments.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Libya purchased large amounts of military equipment from the former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries, which were used to go to war with neighboring Chad and construct a vast police state. While the Cold War was still on, the U.S. considered Libya an enemy, and Ronald Reagan targeted the country in the 1980s, including an attempt to assassinate Qaddafi by bombing one of his residences (which killed his 15-month-old daughter).
But in the late 1990s, Qaddafi began to make peace with his former adversaries. And after 9/11, Qaddafi offered Libyan support for the U.S. government's "war on terror" under George W. Bush. The regime restored diplomatic relations with the U.S., leading ExxonMobil, Chevron and other American corporations to rush into lucrative exploration and production deals.
Libya also reestablished ties to Western Europe, especially Berlusconi in Italy, which was once the colonial ruler of Libya. The Qaddafi-Berlusconi partnership is particularly close, ranging from multibillion-dollar oil deals to a shared affinity for young Italian fashion models.
But neither the lucrative business deals with the West nor revenues from Libya's vast oil resources have trickled down to the majority of people in the country. Despite Libya's small population of 6 million, unemployment has remained high (roughly 25 percent) and wages low (around $250 a month). Meanwhile, Qaddafi's immediate inner circle has squirreled away fortunes in foreign banks and overseas investments.
This is the regime that the WWP and PSL have supported as "progressive" for years–and which they now refuse to condemn for its savage assault on people demanding democracy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SO WHY can't the PSL and WWP join "almost all progressive and anti-imperialist forces in the region"–and, I would add, around the world, with the notable exceptions of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez–in openly supporting the Libyan people in their rebellion against the dictatorship?
The answer lies in these groups' view of social revolution.
The Workers World Party was founded in 1959 by Sam Marcy and other members of the Socialist Workers Party in the U.S. The SWP aligned itself with exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky and his struggle against the Stalinist counterrevolution. Thus, when workers in Hungary rose up in 1956 against the so-called "Communist" police state that ruled over them, the SWP organized in solidarity with the workers.
Marcy and the founders of WWP did a somersault, calling the movement in Hungary a "full-scale, nationwide counterrevolution" and siding with the invading Russian tanks sent to suppress the rebellion. (V. Grey, "The Class Character of the Hungarian Uprising," SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1957)
Since then, the WWP and the newer PSL (which broke away from the WWP organizationally in 2004, but maintained identical political beliefs) have consistently sided with Stalinist or "anti-imperialist" states against social struggles from below.
In 1968, for example, Marcy cheered on Russian tanks when they were sent into Eastern Europe again, this time to smash a workers and student uprising in Czechoslovakia. As Marcy wrote, "We support the Warsaw Pact intervention under present circumstances."
In 1989, the WWP praised the suppression of the protests in Tiananmen Square. In response to a article commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen rebellion, Richard Becker, a leading member of PSL, criticized the International Socialist Organization, writing, "Do they not recognize that the victory of the Tiananmen protesters and their supporters…would have made U.S. imperialism's victory in 1989-91 even more complete?"
In 1991, top bureaucrats, generals and KGB chiefs launched a military coup in a last-ditch effort to preserve their rule in the former USSR. They were defeated by massive demonstrations in the streets of Moscow. Marcy criticized the coup leaders for their failure, writing, "A coalition of military officers, party officials and security forces has made an ill-fated attempt to halt the process of capitalist restoration in the USSR."
The WWP's and PSL's enthusiasm for crackdowns has not diminished with the passage of time. Incredibly, they continue to defend the Chinese Communist Party as an "anti-imperialist" force. In 2008, PSL leader Brian Becker explained that the group must "offer militant political defense of the Chinese government" in the face of mass movements which are hostile to the Communist Party.
In addition to their admiration for the rulers of China, the WWP and PSL extend their support of what might be called "regime socialism" to various less powerful governments, such as North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Iraq (under Saddam Hussein), Libya, Syria, and even to states they deem to be "anti-imperialist," such as Iran.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
THE MAIN justification for this characterization is that these governments are (or at least have been) targets of U.S. imperialism.
All genuine socialists in the U.S. must unequivocally oppose all forms of intervention in these countries, whatever the character of their governments. Socialists never support their "own" government in its wars for power and profit. That's why we call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. military, mercenary and intelligence forces from Iraq and Afghanistan; the end of all aid to Israel, Egypt, Colombia and Saudi Arabia; and the lifting of sanctions against Cuba, to name a few important anti-imperialist positions.
But genuine socialism and anti-imperialism requires more than a simple "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach. It requires organizing to link the interests of workers, students, the poor and the oppressed across the world, including to their brothers and sisters in the United States.
This necessitates organizing against the U.S. government's military attacks on other nations and exposing the hypocrisy of its racist propaganda conducted against political leaders and peoples it decides to demonize. Thus, even though we in the ISO believed that Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a tyrant, we were 100 percent against both U.S. wars against Iraq under George Bush Sr. and Jr., and against Bill Clinton's deadly sanctions regime.
However, opposing imperialist war and supporting the right of national self-determination does not mean that socialists should give, as Brian Becker puts it, "militant political defense" to every government the U.S. government declares to be its foe.
Instead, while we oppose U.S. (or European or Chinese or Russian) intervention, we also support the right of workers, students and poor people in these countries to rebel, to build social movements, to fight for their democratic rights like freedom of speech, religion and assembly, and to struggle for union rights, women's and racial equality, and more.
In fact, we think U.S. imperialism is best opposed not by the continuing state power of decrepit, corrupt, bureaucratic rulers, but by rebellion from below.
U.S. imperialism can deal with losing a dictator or two in the Middle East and North Africa. What it can't handle is a region-wide social revolution that threatens its economic, political and military interests.
This is precisely what is happening across the region, and the workers, students and poor of North Africa and the Middle East don't care if the WWP and PSL have anointed the regime they happen to live under as "progressive" or not.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IF the WWP and PSL issued mealy-mouthed statements about Libya that give the feeling they hope Qaddafi somehow hangs on to power, the two organizations continue to promote their loud and proud support of the Iranian regime's brutal crackdown on dissent. As PSL's Mazda Majidi wrote:
[T]here is one obvious difference between the revolutionary movement in Egypt and the Green opposition in Iran. In Egypt, the movement encompasses millions of people from different classes against the U.S. client Mubarak dictatorship. The dictatorship has very little social base left. There were no pro-Mubarak demonstrations, except for the few hundred hired thugs and policemen out of uniform that tried unsuccessfully to quash the protests. In contrast, in Iran, on many occasions, millions of predominantly working-class people have demonstrated in support of the Islamic Republic.
This is an incredible statement from beginning to end. Majidi dramatically underestimates the social base of the Egyptian regime, reducing it to a "few hundred hired thugs." In fact, tens of thousands of thugs were unleashed on Tahrir Square, resulting in many deaths, and tens of thousands more–the Mubarak regime's police and security service personnel numbered 1.7 million–launched attacks throughout the country. It was only through a heroic mass struggle that these forces were defeated.
Despite what Majidi claims, the "obvious difference" between Egypt and Iran was that the regime lost in Egypt, while the Iranian government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has so far managed to repress the opposition.
But the simple fact is that the same underlying conditions of poverty, oppression and repression which drove millions to the streets in Iran in 2009 also sparked the revolution in Tunisia, the revolution in Egypt and the rebellion that will hopefully soon overthrow Qaddafi in Libya. The revolutionary wave is sure to continue–and it is bound to make its way back to Tehran, as evidenced by a series of demonstrations over the past month.
Why did it take more than a week for the WWP and PSL to make a statement about the Libyan revolution? Only now that the revolt has achieved mass proportions are these organizations beginning to hedge their bets in case Qaddafi falls, with some vague qualifications of their support for the regime.
Nevertheless, instead of standing forthrightly with the revolution spreading through the Arab world, these groups want to pick and choose which revolutions are "good" and which are "bad." Concretely, under PSL's influence, the ANSWER coalition in San Francisco refused to endorse a rally on February 26 in solidarity with the Libyan uprising. This allegiance to police states may make some sense in the minds of the WWP and PSL theoreticians, but it has no place in the fight for social justice.
The leaderships of the WWP and PSL have had decades to reconsider their "militant" defense of Stalinism and supposedly "anti-imperialist" police states–and they have sided with the tanks every time.
That is their right. Everyone is free to think what they want. Fortunately, the workers, students and poor of North Africa and the Middle East are demonstrating a clearer understanding of the class struggle.
Of course, socialists and radicals of all stripes must continue to work together to oppose U.S. military intervention and the racist scapegoating that justifies it, despite our disagreements.
But this debate should not be papered over. For several generations, the dominant position among those who called themselves socialists was support for the kind of Stalinist regimes that the WWP and PSL back to this day. It is high time to clear away these distorted theories and recognize that Karl Marx's commitment to revolution "from below" means supporting the mass struggles spreading from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya and beyond.
This is my response
I am glad to see some analysis of the events in Libya. Gaddafi claims that he has the love of the people and it seems that there are elements of the population who still believe in his rule. There are obviously large numbers of people who are opposed to Gaddafi's rule. What I have not seen is a clear class analysis of exactly who the people are who are opposed to him. Certainly the bourgeoisie who left the country when the social reforms were enacted back in the 1970's would be involved with the rebels. But the events in Libya are more like a civil war than civil disobedience. This is not like events in Egypt or Tunisia. Simply painting all the revolts with the same brush is to miss the nuances of difference between the different countries.
I agree that we need to oppose US intervention, but is that a universal position? Are you opposed to intervention for humanitarian purposes such as after the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean or the earthquake in Haiti? Would you oppose an intervention to end genocide?
I am all in favor of supporting mass movements but when the masses are supporting Sarah Palin or listen to Rush Limbaugh; are they no longer the masses? Fortunately the masses that follow such right wing talking heads are not the majority, but they are voters and tend to be wealthier and whiter than the masses supportive of the progressive groupings on the left. I do not believe in supporting mass movements simply because they have a large number of people supporting them.
Taking a line that is in the interest of the masses, as opposed to taking a line that is following the masses, are two different things. If the masses are mostly racist and want to oppress minorities, it is not the correct thing to support that, but in your analysis, it might very well be correct.
My question is what is the nature of the rebellion in Libya and who are the people supporting Gaddafi? Is it breaking down along tribal lines? Is it breaking down along class lines? I can't tell from media reports. There are plenty of them but there is no analysis of who is who that makes any sense to me, I have done some background research on the Green Revolution and it seems to be quite progressive. But the theory and practice are not always the same thing and the rebellion might simply reflect a rebellion against a corrupt leadership taking advantage of their positions of authority, or it might represent a counterrevolution of the professional classes goading the working classes on to fight.
We shall see when the dust settles and the EU and the USA move in to offer `assistance'. The difference between your position and that of the WWP and PSL are not so clear when it comes to these questions of principal. Certainly supporting dictators is not a good revolutionary principal, but when it comes to the dictatorship of the people, who represent the people and who are merely representing themselves and their class of bureaucrats?

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RE: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Setting the record state on public employee wages and unions [EPI News]


Capitalists did not do this.  Rich union leaders did this.  They are not capitalists by any definition of the word.  They are at the very least, progressive socialists aka democrats.


Peacefully yours,


Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~ Albert Einstein

Description: Laughing





From: [] On Behalf Of iloveubuntulinux
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Setting the record state on public employee wages and unions [EPI News]



capitalists are not the only ones who do this. All rich folks in charge do this type of thing...consider the USSR's leaders...and China's. All the workers are expendable no matter what economic system is there

--- In, elaine mckay <glyndon47@...> wrote:
> Capitalists always start pruning the tree at the bottom not the top.
> --- On Sun, 27/2/11, patrick mc govern <mcgvrn_ptrck@...> wrote:
> From: patrick mc govern <mcgvrn_ptrck@...>
> Subject: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Setting the record state on public employee wages and unions [EPI News]
> To: "free" <>, "pcc" <>, "rd group" <>, "dea" <>
> Received: Sunday, 27 February, 2011, 8:22 AM
> February 25, 2011
> Problems viewing this email? Click here to read the Web version.
> Setting the record state on public employee wages and unions
> Widespread protests in Wisconsin over a bill that would strip public workers of their collective bargaining rights and impose sharp increases in employee contributions to health and pension benefits has raised more questions about public employee compensation in Wisconsin and elsewhere. EPI has produced an extensive body of research on the topic, showing that public workers typically see a compensation penalty relative to their counterparts in the private sector. This research, all available on, has been widely cited in the media and by policy makers over the past week as the debate over public-sector compensation reached fever pitch.
> Comparing public and private-sector compensation in Wisconsin
> Three recent reports examine public-sector wages and compensation in Wisconsin. An EPI Economic Snapshot, Wisconsin public servants already face a compensation penalty, shows that these workers in Wisconsin, at all levels of education, earn less than comparable private-sector workers. The gap is particularly large among college-educated public-sector workers, who comprise close to 60% of the state and local workforce. Earlier this month, EPI also published the paper Are Wisconsin public employees overcompensated?, which examined compensation in the private and public sectors controlling for education, experience, and multiple other factors, and concluded that public employees are not overcompensated. Other EPI resources include a fact sheet on Wisconsin public employees and the policy memo Wisconsin public versus private employee costs: Why compare apples and oranges? This policy memo argues that reports suggesting public employees are overpaid fail to
> take into account variables such as level of education: Nationally, 54% of full-time state and local public-sector workers hold at least a four-year college degree, compared with 35% of full-time private-sector workers, and in Wisconsin, the educational differences are even greater.
> This research has been cited by CNN, Boston Globe, Ezra Klein’s Washington Post blog, and multiple other sources. In addition, EPI Vice President Ross Eisenbrey took part in a discussion about public worker pensions on the Diane Rehm Show on February 23.
> Nationwide: A public-sector compensation penalty
> This latest research on public-sector compensation in Wisconsin builds on a paper EPI published in 2010, Debunking the myth of the overcompensated public employee. EPI has more recently published state-level research on this topic focusing on Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana, and Michigan, in addition to Wisconsin. All of these papers and related fact sheets are posted on the page A public-sector compensation penalty, on
> Inside the new budget
> EPI has also produced extensive research on the proposed 2011 budget that President Obama released on February 14. EPI Research and Policy Director John Irons said the budget was flawed, but better than some of the alternatives proposed by Republican leadership in Congress. “The overall freeze in domestic discretionary spending all but ensures that the fight to create jobs and ensure future economic growth will be limited,” Irons wrote. More in-depth analyses of the new budget, from policy analysts Andrew Fieldhouse, Ethan Pollack, and Rebecca Thiess, look at the tax policies, public investments, and budget cuts contained in the new budget.
> Rebecca Thiess’s analysis earlier this month, Republican proposal to “right our fiscal ship” throws more workers overboard, has drawn widespread attention. On February 21, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi cited the research during a debate over the proposed spending cuts.
> The Recovery Act two years later
> Shortly after President Obama took office two years ago, he signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a series of investments designed to save jobs and create new ones. Economist Josh Bivens has written an analysis, An investment that worked, showing that the Recovery Act created or saved between three million and four million jobs, and boosted gross domestic product by as much as $560 billion.
> Are employers discriminating against the unemployed?
> Algernon Austin, director of EPI’s program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy, provided testimony to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on February 16 on the potential impact on minority workers of employers excluding the currently unemployed from consideration for hiring. Austin argued that this widely reported practice would significantly disadvantage African Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians, all groups with above average unemployment rates. The hearing received widespread media attention in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and multiple other sources.
> Also in the news
> In his New York Times blog, Paul Krugman cited research from EPI President Lawrence Mishel showing widespread unemployment across all industries. The research, Krugman noted shows why the current unemployment crisis is not a structural problem reflecting inadequate worker skills, but rather results from a simple lack of jobs.
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