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Friday, September 3, 2010


I cannot accept Thilo Sarrazin's accusations. Entire segments of our population feel insulted by them. Integration efforts is one of the most important issues of our time. About 16 million people in Germany - one fifth of the population - have a migrant background. But to be honest, we can also see a number of issues which show that we still have a long road ahead of us, especially when it comes to education and social integration. We need to clearly label the problems, but we cannot ignore the progress being made either.

The chairman of the parliament's home affairs committee, Christian Democrat Wolfgang Bosbach, has called for a serious discussion, without taboos, which addresses both the progress and the problems associated with integration. Bosbach's comments were mirrored by German President Christian Wulff, who at the opening of a new synagogue in Mainz on Friday said people of different religious backgrounds in Germany need to talk to each other, learn from each other, and confront controversial issues together in order to move forward.

Basil Venitis points out that most people do not understand the function of borders. A border is not properly a barrier for the purpose of keeping foreigners out; it is properly a boundary designating the area in which the government must protect rights. Rights-respecting foreigners who want to cross that boundary in order to enjoy the relative freedom and abundant opportunity in a country have a moral right to do so. Likewise, citizens who want to associate with foreigners in rights-respecting ways, whether through friendship, romance, recreation, or commerce, have a moral right to do so. And citizens who do not want to associate with foreigners have a moral right not to associate with them. But no one, including the government, has a moral right to prevent anyone from acting on his judgment.

Venitis notes open immigration does not mean that anyone may enter the country at any location or in any manner he chooses; it is not unchecked or unmonitored immigration. Open immigration means that anyone is free to enter and reside in a country, providing that he enters at a designated checkpoint and passes an objective screening process, the purpose of which is to keep out criminals, terrorists, Muslims, enemies of the country, and people with certain kinds of contagious diseases. Such a policy is not only politically right; it is morally right.

Sarrazin points out Muslims sponge off Fourth Reich(EU), are incapable of integrating themselves into Fourthreichian society, and constantly produce little girls in headscarves. Muslims have no productive function other than in groceries, dumb down society, and are conquering Fourth Reich through a higher birthrate. Muslims are taking over Germany, Vardaska, Bosnia, and West Thrace exactly as Albanians took over Kosovo, via a higher birth rate.

Sarrazin notes Fourth Reich's Muslim immigrant families have profited from social welfare payments to a far greater degree than they have contributed to Fourthreichian prosperity. Muslim immigrants would rather work under the table than legally. The much higher birth rates of Muslims will result in a Muslim population overtaking that of Fourth Reich's autochthonous population in two centuries.

Fourthreichian Premier Durao Barroso points out conditions in areas like Berlin's Kreuzberg neighborhood give rise to very real, justified concerns. There are schoolrooms where three-quarters of the students are from immigrant families, students whose German is barely good enough to get by. There are Turkish, Arab, and Albanian family clans that control crime syndicates and receive welfare benefits. There are phenomena like forced marriages and honor killings. In some mosques, imams are encouraging the faithful to engage in Islamist terror. A tsunami of Islamization is sweeping across our continent. Fourthreichians don't want their grandchildren to live in a mostly Muslim country where Turkish and Arabic are widely spoken, women wear headscarves, and the day's rhythm is determined by the call of the muezzin.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan angers many Germans whenever he warns Turkish immigrants against assimilation in Germany. He calls assimilation a crime against humanity! Erdogan demands Turcogermans to stay in their ghettos away from Germans, speak only Turkish, import wives from Turkey, and have many children, in order to outnumber Germans in two centuries. There are obligatory German language courses for foreigners who collect social welfare, but most Turks who are required to take the language courses to improve their opportunities on the labor market, either don't attend classes or quit them early.

Fourthreichian Diplomacy Czar Catherine Ashton points out Turkey is joining forces with Iran and Syria in an antisemitic Islamofascist alliance that seeks to destroy Israel and Islamize Europe as part of a long-term strategy of establishing the Global Caliphate. We live a nightmare of the emergence of Turkey as a Middle Eastern hegemon that is challenging and counterbalancing the Western power and Graecoroman culture. Fourth Reich(EU) has only one enemy, terrorist Turkey.

Fourthreichian President Haiku Herman points out Erdogan, the Global Caliph, was imprisoned in 1998 after famously reading in public a poem, much beloved of militant Muslims, containing the following passage: The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers. Since coming to power, Erdogan has greatly improved his country's relations with Syria and picked a loud quarrel with Israeli President Shimon Peres, disrupting what had been a rather close alliance between the Jewish state and Turkey. He has also been developing a new friendship with the Iranian regime next door, just as the rigged re-election of President Ahmadinejad has disgusted all who had hoped for freedom in that Islamic Republic.

Venitis notes the overriding impact of immigrants, except Muslims, is to strengthen and enrich culture, increase the total output of the economy, and raise the standard of living of citizens. Immigrants are advantageous for several reasons. Since they are willing to take a chance in a new land, they are self-selected on the basis on motivation, risk taking, work ethic, and other attributes beneficial to a nation. They tend to come during their prime working years, and they contribute to the workforce and make huge net contributions to old-age entitlement programs. Immigrants tend to fill niches in the labor market where demand is highest relative to supply, complementing rather than directly competing with native workers. Many immigrants arrive with extremely high skill levels, and virtually all, except Muslims, regardless of skill level, bring a strong desire to work. Their children tend to reach high levels of achievement in schools and in society at large.

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