[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Here's this week's column...

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Thursday, September 2, 2010


The President's Debt Commission
By Ernest Stewart

"Social Security is "a milk cow with 310 million tits. It's for the 'lesser people' of society." ~~~ Alan (Cat Food) Simpson.

"Yet no one can doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security."
~~~ Barack Obama ~~~

The land of the boll weevil,
Where the laws are medieval,
Is callin' me to come and nevermore roam.

I wanna go back to the southland,
That "ya'll" and "hush-ma-mouth" land,
Be it ever so decadent,
There's no place like home.
I Wanna Go Back To Dixie ~~~ Tom Lehrer

Well I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground

She's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
She's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground
Going Down ~~~ Jeff Beck

Old "Cat food" Simpson opened his cakehole the other day comparing Social Security to "a milk cow with 310 million tits" in a reply to Ashley Carson, executive director of the National Older Women's League. Alan's ramblings pissed off ladies and seniors from coast to coast. However, since Alan was a white Rethuglican and guilty as sin, he wasn't fired from his appointment like black and innocent Shirley Sherrod was. Alan will continue to scheme with fellow traveler Erskine Bowles in secret meetings behind closed doors to figure out ways of stealing all the lovely Social Security money. Thus sending grand pa and grand ma off to a "Happy Camps"(tm) for a diet of sawdust bread until they can take their turns in the "showers!" As Alan said it really doesn't matter because Social Security is for those "lesser people!" That's you and I folks!

You'll recall that Erskine was Slick Willie's point man for destroying Social Security. Erskine teamed up with another great thinker Newt Gingrich back in 1997 for a plan that would have privatized Social Security with the retirement funds placed into the stock market. Gosh that would have worked out just dandy for the seniors, huh? These are the folks that head up and were appointed by Barry for his debt reduction commission. They're handy so Barry can throw up his hands and plead he's just following this blue ribbon panels suggests to save America! Oh, and folks if you buy that, you might be interested in buying this bridge I own in Brooklyn, it's a major moneymaker!

There are 18 members on this panel, most all are a little to right of Darth Vader and were drawn from Big Business with a couple of exceptions, i.e., token liberals for window dressing and hence there is little chance that these captains of industry will recommend tax hikes for the wealthy and import fees for American jobs sent over seas to some slave shops. I'm willing to bet serious money that they won't recommend ending our needless, useless, imperial war crimes in the Middle East and elsewhere! Nor will they recommend spending money to put folks back to work, which with the increased taxes from more people working would do a whole lot more for debt reduction than stealing from programs like Social Security. Social Security and Medicare are programs that I might mention were already paid for by their recipients, whose funds have been stolen for the last 50 years to pay for imperial wars of aggression, Congressional salary raises, pork barrel projects on "Bridges to Nowhere" by draining the funds in the Social Security and Medicare accounts!

So will the committee come out with their recommendations before the November elections giving the Con-gress a chance to vote on this scheme and then face the people's righteous wrath at the voting booth? What do you think? I think that there is not a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't announce their decision until after January 20th when the Rethuglicans take back the house and make it just that much easier to screw the old folks and America.

In Other News

Before you ask the question you already know the answer, don't you? No I didn't watch Barry's speech, I read it online as doing it that way detaches my outrage more so then when Barry is lying right in my face. As political bullshit goes it was pretty much par for the course. That is to say, it left much of what was true and important out, was full of lies, half truths, sound and fury, while signifying nothing!

For example, Barry said:

Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.

When the truth of the matter was that "Iraqi Freedom" ended on March 19th 2003 and may not return for 100 years!

Barry praised Bush instead of having him indicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity and hundreds of acts of treason and sedition. Of course, to do so would have left Barry open to many of those same charges as he adopted and expanded many of Bush's acts of treason and war crimes as his own.

As to what the future horrors hold for Iraq, Barry said without the slightest bit of tongue in cheek and with a perfectly straight face:

This new approach reflects our long-term partnership with Iraq -- one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect.

When did Iraq ask to be our partner in anything? I must have missed that in our search of those WMDs? Our only interest in Iraq is to stay there until their oil runs out and they better respect that or we'll turn lose those 50,000 trainers and the 100,000 soldiers of fortune against the few Iraqis that are still alive until they do respect it!

One other highlight is that Barry gave that 4400 number of Americans "who have given their lives in Iraq." The key bit there is "in Iraq." The real number is about 19 times that amount but they died after leaving Iraq, they died on the airplanes that flew them towards Germany. Many were brain dead but kept "alive" on heart/lung machines until the plane left the runway! Or they died in German hospitals or died after they got back to America from their wounds that they got in Iraq but didn't die "in Iraq!" You didn't really think that Bush's blackout of arriving coffins had anything to do with respect for the dead did you? It was to keep an accurate count of the bodies out of the press!

You can read this little song and dance, if you have the stomach for it, at the White House's site.

On the very same day August 31, exactly 100 years ago the last good Republican also made a speech. A speech most would agree is the best speech ever made by an ex-president maybe the best speech made by any president at any time. A speech rivaling the other great Republican president Abe Lincoln's speech's, The Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation.

There was no bullshit in Teddy's speech and the very things that Teddy talked about became part of US law for everyone's benefit (well everyone except the ruling elites!), not a cover up of our greatest war crimes and war criminals. Teddy's speech did more than anything else to create an American Middle Class, something that has all but disappeared under every president since Ray-Guns! Teddy told it like it was in his speech. Please read, then compare and contrast these two speeches. Here's Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism Speech. For more information on Teddy's speech see Chuck Collins and Sam Pizzigati article just below this slot "The August Day Plutocracy Would Love Us To Forget." Which speech do you suppose will be remembered 100 years from now?

And Finally

Then there's Mississippi, which refuses to join us in the 21st century, or the 20th century or even the latter 19th century! Have you heard the strange tale of Nettleton, Mississippi? Nettleton is suburban Tupelo if you can imagine that and Nettleton middle school has carried on some strange traditions.

In 6th, 7th and 8th grade depending upon the color of your skin you are allowed to run for certain class offices, providing you are either black or white. If you're Asian or Indian or mixed well, just forget it as you can't even run. Here's the election instructions sent home to Nettleton middle school parents...

In 6th grade blacks can only be the reporter, while only whites can fill the other 3 offices. In seventh grade black children can only be elected to be the treasurer/secretary while white children fill the other offices. At last in 8th grade blacks can be the vice president while still only whites can be the president. Black folks can be the President of the United States but not the class president of Nettleton middle school!

I didn't bother writing the Neanderthals a letter because if I had I couldn't have published it in this magazine without some serious redacting. However, plenty of people did, not only write the principle and school board but Mississippi Governor Hailey Barber and Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, etc. so when it hit the fan the Nettleton school superintendent, Russell Taylor, posted a statement on the district's web site announcing a review of the "processes, historical applications, compliance issues, as well as current implications and ramifications" of the student election system.

Followed by this announcement two days later:

The Nettleton school board today (August 27) voted unanimously to overhaul election rules so that "beginning immediately, student elections at Nettleton School District will no longer have a classification of ethnicity." In a statement, superintendent Russell Taylor acknowledged that the school system is "growing in ethnic diversity and that the classifications of Caucasian and African-American no longer reflect our entire student body." Future elections, he added, "will be monitored to help ensure that this change in process and procedure does not adversely affect minority representation in student elections."

WTF, America?

It's Over

Dear Readers,

I got my walking papers the other day! She wants me G.O.N.E. A.S.A.P.. Trouble is, I done spent all my money financing this magazine and I'm flat broke. I desperately need $1,000 to get me and my stuff back to Detroit and set up housekeeping, before it and I end up on the street walking the 700 miles back to Detroit, and with COPD I don't imagine I'll get very far. If you can help me please do so today. To say that I'm desperate is a vast understatement! HELP! Contact me at: uncle-ernie@journalist.com

PS. Last week you donated 25% of what I desperately need, this week, zero, zip zilch. With just a couple of weeks to go before I'm out on the street time is fast running out. Please help me if you can, as soon as you can. To the doctors lawyers, PhDs and folks who have those big bank accounts who are weekly readers and to whom the money that I desperately need is little more than pocket change, please give a little help ya'll!

Oh and even more "good" news. The computer that I thought I had access to, I don't, which means I now have to raise another $1200 for a computer and software. Or the magazine will be closed until about the first of March, instead of for a week, as I'm going to be broke until I start getting social security checks in December. So as I write this I need about $2000. Anyone who can help in any way, i.e., transport, cash, a computer, please email me at once!


08-05-1934 ~ 09-01-2010
R.I.P. sweetie!


We get by with a little help from our friends!
So please help us if you can...?


So how do you like Bush Lite so far?
And more importantly, what are you planning on doing about it?

Until the next time, Peace!
(c) 2010 Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 9 years managing editor and publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. Visit me on Face Book. Follow me on Twitter.

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