[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] "How the World Changed After 9/11" - Sept. 11-12

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Monday, September 6, 2010


Flyby News www.FlybyNews.com
Editor - Jonathan Mark
September 6, 2010 -

With live streaming Internet access, this 9/11 NYC Event goes Worldwide!

September 11, 12, 2010 in NYC and Internet
How The World Changed After 9/11
After 9/11 - A Symposium of Critical Thinkers

Following that is a press release and information on next Saturday's event in Northampton, MA with www.valley911truth.org

Films and Discussions - Northampton, MA
Valley 9/11 Truth - September 11, 2010

And after that.. some important and updated links at www.FlybyNews.com

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Join us this Sept. 11th and 12th for a symposium of critical thinkers who will present research and expert commentary on:

"How the World Changed After 9/11"

A two day event filmed for television, featuring eight panels of 32 experts in world affairs! You'll hear a stellar array of speakers including Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Cynthia McKinney, Peter Dale Scott, Coleen Rowley, Sen. Mike Gravel, Governor Don Siegelman, Michael Parenti, Kristina Borjesson, Ralph Schoenman, Richard Gage, Sara Flounders. This will be the first US appearance of Dr. Niels Harrit, who rocked the science community with his paper revealing explosives found in the world trade center dust. See web site for more. The panels will look at 9/11's impact on military policy, loss of privacy, the media, perception of Islam, US politics, and much more!

Get full details at  http://www.howtheworldchanged.org. Seating is limited so reserve your ticket now!

WHERE: Walker Stage - 56 Walker Street, New York, NY

WHEN: 1pm through 10pm Sat. Sept. 11th and Sun. Sept. 12th

ADMISSION: $20 suggested donation per session, 2 sessions each day each session includes 2 panels, seating limited to 175.

TICKETS: See Paypal links on site or call 206-338-0319

Also attend a Memorial at All Souls Church Friday night 6 pm Sept. 10 2010
1157 Lexington Avenue

Speakers: Anthony Shaffer, Cynthia McKinney, William Rodriguez, Cindy Sheehan, Richard Gage, Wayne Madson, Coleen Rowley, Niels Harrit, First Responder Major Mike McCormick, Jason Bermas, Gary Franchi, Bob Shulz, Daniel Sunjata and many more from the Saturday and Sunday panels. 
Tickets: http://wearechange.org/91110/

Can't come to New York? Then join us via live stream of the entire four day conference, the memorial and a live broadcast from the streets at ground zero for a modest $10 fee. Sign up NOW at http://liveonlocation.tv/.

Proceeds from all events go to help first responders.

Presented by the International News Net
Co-sponsors: The Puffin Foundation, Soundview Broadcasting, International Action Center, We Are Change NY, and WBAI


Films and Discussions
- Northampton, MA
Valley 9/11 Truth - September 11, 2010


September 11 Event in Northampton, MA

Valley 9/11 Truth - www.Valley911truth.org

Northampton -- For more than three years members of Valley 9/11 Truth have been holding meetings, films and discussions on 9/11. The evidence uncovered by independent researchers show that it was impossible to cause three steel-framed buildings to collapse at nearly free fall speeds with the official explanation of office fires and jet fuel. Not only had this never happened before or since, but evidence published in the peer-review, highly respected, The Open Chemical Physics Journal show military grade nano-thermite explosives were found throughout the dust at 'ground zero' soon after their collapse.

Evidence regarding a cover-up of what happened on September 11 is important because two wars have been justified by the alleged attacks. The issue of building a Muslim community center in NYC is another example of the importance of valuing a scientific investigation, and sticking with principles in the US Constitution. Instead, 9/11 has appeared to many as a coup d'etat to mislead people, as National Academy of Science member Lynn Margulis wrote in her article. "Two Hit, Three Down - The Biggest Lie." (1)

The focus of programs Saturday, September 11, 2010 at the Frances P. Crowe community meeting space (60 Masonic Street) will be covering the sudden descent of World Trade Center (WTC) building 7. "Building what?" was asked by Judge Edward Lehner upon hearing mention of WTC Building 7. But no wonder why he would miss something as significant as that, the so-called official 9/11 Commission omitted this fact from their Report!?!

David Ray Griffin said: "Recognizing the high correlation between those who know about the collapse of WTC 7 and those who believe that a new - or rather real - 9/11 investigation is needed, I propose that the international 9/11 Truth Movement initiate, starting this September, a world-wide, year-long 'BuildingWhat?' campaign. Through this campaign, we would seek to make the fact of its collapse so widely known that the mention of Building 7 would never again evoke the question: 'Building What?'"

The program begins at 2:00 PM at the Frances Crowe community meeting space with "9/11 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction." Following films will be discussions. The film beginning at 7:00 PM is called The Reflecting Pool. At 9:00 PM the film will be a new DVD interview with Richard Gage, AIA. Any changes will be posted at www.valley911truth.org.

The public is invited free of charge. However donations will be appreciated to support costs of the event and to donate to BuildingWhat.org for television advertisements in NYC on WTC-7.

(1) Two Hit, Three Down - The Biggest Lie
National Academy of Science member and Distinguished Professor endorses
David Ray Griffin's work exposing the truth of 9/11
By Lynn Margulis

Without truth there can be no justice.
Without justice can there be peace?

For resources:
FlybyNews.com - Valley911truth.org - AE911truth.org - NYCCAN.org - BuildingWhat.org


In first 3 minutes, watch
9/11 - WTC-7 - Exposed!
Video clip produced by Robert Bowman
National Commander, ThePatriots.US

"Building what?" - Judge Edward Lehner
upon hearing mention of WTC Building 7

17 August 2010 - AE911truth - Action Alert
The "BuildingWhat?"
NYC Television Advertising Campaign
Watch The Ad One Million New Yorkers Will See:
BuildingWhat .org

02 September 2010 - Kenny's Sideshow - Blog
Just how did Muslims bring down WTC7?
Just lucky I guess.
And we should thank those 19 Muslim daredevils
and Bin Laden for suspending the laws of physics,
bringing down WTC 1 & 2 so neatly straight down
in a pile and for turning much of the mass into dust
so that there wasn't as much debris to pick up.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

04 September 2010 - 911blogger - BoneZ
WTC Detonations finally revealed (video)

31 August 2010 - 911blogger - Justin Keogh
International Center for 9/11 Studies Secures
Thousands of Photos and Videos from NIST

1,273 Architects and Engineers
Call for New 9/11 Investigation
September, 2010 - AE911truth Newsletter
This is the AE911Truth Season

04 September 2010 - Corbett Report - 911blogger
9/11 Truth is Still the Issue
Part 1 through 7 - Video

03 September 2010 - 911blogger - Kevin Ryan
The History of Wirt Dexter Walker:
Russell & Company, the CIA and 9/11

11 May 2010 - YouTube - Robert Bowman
Patriots Question 9/11
Interview by Jonathan Mark and Tom Finnell
Parts 1 - 5 running time approximately 48 minutes
For best Online viewing, in alphabetical order, see:
Flyby News Productions

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

9/11 Investigation vs New World Order
Perspective - Resources - Archives

For an important investigative drama that
challenges the official version of 9/11
The Reflecting Pool
Watch the Jonathan Mark interview:
Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp

12 July 2010 - 911blogger
9/11 Documentary Film Resources

11 September 2001 - World Trade Center Building 7 - 5:20 pm EST
Footage of WTC-7's Collapse

14 July 2010 - 911blogger - 911TrueStory
Video Compilation of Controlled Demolition Evidence

For FN's recommended films, see:
Films that Make a Difference!

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era


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