Celebrate JCD 2011 by Boycotting Israel!/other news
Celebrate JCD 2011 by Boycotting Israel!
(Below is a list of some newsletters that you can copy and paste into your browser if you care to see more, of today's news. I will be adding more websites to the newsletter list, as time permits MBS)
hudson-ny.org, imra.org.il
grendelreport. posterous.com
Zionists Bomb Christian Copts in Egypt to Damage the Good Name of Islam
Second Chance Posts: Top Unread Gems Of 2010
1) May 1948, When American Foreign Policy Had The Moral Compass It's Missing Today (5 Unique Page-views)
The first country to recognize the State of Israel was the United States. That recognition almost didn't happen. It was purely by the will of the President, Harry Truman, that the UN Partition Plan was implemented.
Throughout the months leading up to May 14, 1948, the President made his wishes clear, he wanted a homeland for the Jewish People, not because of political reasons, but because it was the right and moral thing to do. Read the rest of the post here 2) Anti-Jewish Hatred From The Folks Who Call The Tea Party Racist(14 Unique Page-views)
The progressive world is usually very quick to place the "bigot" label on people. The people who opposed the ground zero mosque are Islamophobes, critics of the President are doing so because Obama partially of African descent. It is interesting that some of the same progressive media which tries to brand the tea party movement as racist spews bigoted venom against Jews. Read the rest of the post here 3) Iran Sanctions Won't Work Without Credible Military Option Says Bibi to Biden (15 Unique Page-views) Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Met met with the SCHMOTUS, Joe Biden yesterday to tell him its time to get serious about Iran. The "diplomacy" and sanctions are simply not working to stem Iran's nuclear program.
Israel has publicly supported Obama's outreach effort, but after two years has seen it bring nothing but the further empowerment of Iranian President Ahmedinejad who is getting credit throughout the radical Islamist world for staring down "the great Satan" Read the rest of the post here 4) Poll of Economists, The Pokulus Bill Was a Waste (22 Unique Page-views)The latest quarterly survey of buisness economists run by the National Association for Business Economics (NABE), presents both good news and bad news. The good news is that the economists believe that we have turned the corner and the economy is starting to recover. The bad news is a vast majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact. In other words the United States wasted almost a trillion dollars. Read the rest of the post here
5) Forty-One Years Ago Tonight, Sleeping on My Parents Floor To Watch The Moon Landing (27 Unique Page-views)
Forty-one years ago today, it seemed as if the entire world was united behind one event. A celebration of a miracle, two men walked on the moon. For those of us who grew up before twitter, facebook, and I-pads, the US space program was simply the coolest thing in the world--ever! I joined all of my friends in wanting to be Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin (no one wanted to be Michael Collins because he stayed in space). Read the rest of the post here 6) Unmasking The Yitzchak Rabin "Myth": He Wasn't The Blind Peacemaker People Remember (28 Unique Page-views)
Its interesting how since his death, the myth of Rabin's peacemaking expanded. While it is true that he was the Prime Minister who began the "Oslo Process, " it is also true that his final vision for the process was to the right of supposedly "hawkish" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Rabin did not support the creation of a Palestinian State, nor did he support the division of Jerusalem. Rabin was not the "sacrifice everything for the sake of peace" type that the Labor Party Premiers who came after him were. In fact Yitzchak Rabin was the last prime minister of Israel that did not support the creation of a Palestinian State. Read the rest of the post here 7) Regime Change in Iran Will Happen From Within (32 Unique Page-views)
If a regime change will happen in Iran it will come from within. Over the last few years, the Iranian regime has been increasingly worried about a possible cultural change in Iran, fearing such a change might eventually destabilize the regime.
This is why the regime has been cracking down on every kind of artistic or cultural expression that is not deemed sufficiently Iranian and Islamic. Artists, filmmakers and actors, academics, intellectuals and authors – they are all suffering the heavy-handed oppression of the Iranian regime. Read the rest of the post here
8) New House Report: Obama Cares More About Gulf Clean-up PR Than Actual Clean-up (34 Unique Page-views)
Darrell Issa (R-CA), the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has a real problem with priorities. Today he released a report charging that the PR about the Gulf Oil Clean-up issued by the White House is more important to the Administration than the actual clean-up.
Well of course it is! PR is more important to the President than just about anything. Look at all of the lies he has told in the name of PR, things like "you will be able to keep your health plan" or "there are no pork-barrel projects in the stimulus plan" or "I am a supporter of Israel." Obama tells the country these PR tales because he doesn't want us to get nervous, he is just pushing through what he wants because, to be frank, Obama knows better than us" (OK Sarcasm off). Read the rest of the post here 9) Austan Gooslbee Lied About NAFTA-Gate, Can We Really Trust Him Now? (36 Unique Page-views)
If you are looking for Barack Obama's new Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Austan Goolsbee to be anything but a political hack who will twist the truth to advance the President's agenda, you may be disappointed. Mr. Gooslbee was the man behind one of the most oblivious lies made by the President's staff during the campaign season.
During the Ohio Democratic Primary season, then Senators Obama and Clinton took turns declaring who hated the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) more (placating the Ohio steel industry). Obama said that he would renegotiate the NAFTA treaty but at the same time, Austan Goolsbee was telling the Canadians not to worry, Obama's anti-NAFTA stance was just for show. Read the rest of the post here 10) New TARP Report: US Funded OTHER Countries' Bank Rescues (It Didn't Help)
(45 Unique Page-views)
If you are the type of person who starts flipping out every time you think about TARP program and what its done to the federal deficit stop reading now, because this will make you bleed from your ears.
Issued today, the Congressional Oversight Panel's August oversight report, called "The Global Context and International Effects of the TARP," shows that tens of billions of TARP dollars went overseas, and just like the the dollars spent here, they did little to stop the global slowdown. Also while the US gave money to international banks, where the money could flow overseas, our allies made sure that money from their TARP equivalents stayed in their own countries. Read the rest of the post here
In October of 2008, Hansen made the announcement that it was warmest Oct. in history. A few days later after all the doom and gloom headlines passed he announced "OOPS NEVER MIND, I was wrong." It was also after he was "outed" by other scientists. Oct. 08 was quite an average October. It Ranked 70th in the last 114 years.
That wasn't the first time Hansen has screwed up his numbers. In 2007 he was forced by reporter Stephen McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest year in history was not 1998 as he had claimed, but 1934.
Well It wasn't exactly a correction. He fought tooth and nail against changing the numbers, mislead the pres and in the end didn't fully make the change. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request and gained access to all the NASA Documents related to the incorrect data, unlike a real scientist the grand guru of climate change wasn't very anxious to correct his mistakes. As Judaical Watch reported:
According to multiple press reports, when NASA corrected the error, the new data apparently caused a reshuffling of NASA's rankings for the hottest years on record in the United States, with 1934 replacing 1998 at the top of the list.
These new documents, obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), include internal GISS email correspondence as NASA scientists attempted to deal with the media firestorm resulting from the controversy. In one exchange GISS head James Hansen tells a reporter from Bloomberg that NASA had not previously published rankings with 1998 atop the list as the hottest year on record in the 20th century [not true].
Hansen announced recently that "The 12-month running mean global temperature in the Goddard Space Institute analysis has reached a new record in 2010 The main factor is our estimated temperature change for the Arctic region." The GISS figures show that recent temperatures in the Arctic have been up to four degrees C warmer than the long-term mean.
Just like much of his data, the arctic numbers that were so important to Hansen's Statement were a figment of Hansen's vivid imagination. Art Horn, at the Energy Tribune blog, Blew the whistle on Hansen and GISS. He pointed out that GISS has no thermometers in the Arctic! It has hardly any thermometers that are even near the Arctic Circle. GISS estimates its arctic temperatures from land-based thermometers that supposedly each represent the temperatures over 1200 square kilometers. Turn on the Weather Channel and look at the temperature fluctuations within a 40 mile radius...and they want to use 1200 kilometers.
Watts Up With That has some proof that Hansen's fudge doesn't matter. By examining ice core samples for the past 10,500 years we learn that approximately 9,100 of the past 10,500 years were warmer than 2010.
So where do the 1934/1998/2010 warm years rank in the long-term list of warm years? Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year ( 1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in the long-term list.
That's were I disagree with the Watts Up With That post, it is much to do about global redistribution of income.
The climate has been warming slowly since the Little Ice Age, but it has quite a ways to go yet before reaching the temperature levels that persisted for nearly all of the past 10,500 years.
It's really much to do about nothing.
Exploratory drilling off Israel's northern coast this week has confirmed the existence of a major natural gas field — one of the world's largest offshore gas finds of the past decade — leading the country's infrastructure minister to call it "the most important energy news since the founding of the state."
In January 2009 a major supply of natural gas was found off the coast of Haifa, Israel's major port city. In December, a significant quantity of oil was discovered near Rosh HaAyin, a city located east of Tel Aviv on the western edge of Samaria.
This past February two different finds of Natural Gas were found off the coast of Israel. For the Mira Prospect, the best estimate of gross prospective sales gas resources is 4.24 TCF (trillion cubit feet) and for the Sarah Prospect, the best estimate is 1.47 TCF. The high range is 7.34 TCF
At the time the US Geological Survey released a report saying the Levant Basin Province which runs up the Mediterranean Sea the length of Israel (see above), through Lebanon and the bottom tip of Syria contains an estimated 1.7 billion barrels of Oil and 122 TCF of natrual gas (that's the best guess estimate, some project the actual reserves may be double)
"The Levant Basin Province is comparable to some of the other large provinces around the world and its gas resources are bigger than anything we have assessed in the United States," said USGS Energy Resources Program Coordinator Brenda Pierce.
Now the size of that natural gas find has been confirmed. The field, named Leviathan, has at least 16 trillion cubic feet of gas at a likely market value of tens of billions of dollars and should turn Israel into an energy exporter.
"If it acts correctly, levelheadedly and responsibly, Israel can enjoy not only the benefit of using the gas, but it can also turn into a gas supplier in the Mediterranean region," the infrastructure minister, Uzi Landau, said in a statement. "The large reserves of natural gas will enable Israel's citizens to enjoy the benefit of clean and inexpensive electricity, as well as the expected profits for the state."
Of course Israel's government is already trying to determine how to tax the Oil Companies' projected new profits.
The find means that Israel, with a long history of dependence on foreign energy, and hostility and boycotts from many of the biggest energy powers, could find itself in a much more advantageous position in the coming decade.
Gideon Tadmor, the chief executive of Delek Energy and Avner Oil Exploration, partners in this venture with Noble, said the taxes could make the project prohibitively expensive. "The gas may stay in the ground because we will not succeed in obtaining from banks around the world the tens of billions of shekels for developing the reservoir," he said in an interview.
Then there is the matter of Israel's neighbors who also have access to the gas fields. Based on the Israeli announcement, Lebanese politicians said they would move more quickly in exploring their country's gas potential.
Economist Eytan Sheshinski, who is the head of a state-appointed committee discussing the Gas Find is planning to recommend substantially increased profit taxes.
"We have proposed a profit tax to be imposed after the firms earn an adequate return on their investment," Professor Sheshinski said in an interview. "We have checked with the banks and we will be well within world averages. Anyone who knows the numbers can be assured of a proper return."
Of course any recommendations must be approved by the Netanyahu government and Knesset (Israel's parliament).
Professor Sheshinski said that his report, due out on Monday, had already been endorsed by the governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer; the International Monetary Fund; and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which Israel recently joined. He said that the profit tax rate recommended by his committee would be 55 to 60 percent and that the O.E.C.D. average was 62 percent.
Thank God that Israel is not following the US President's lead by restricting off shore exploration. Now if we can only get the President of the United States to tap America's reserves, the US would no longer need to import energy, and Obama would no longer have to bow before the King of Saudi Arabia.
Review of Sarah Palin's new book,
Although I thoroughly enjoyed Sarah Palin's autobiographical book, GOING ROGUE, I was initially disappointed when I picked up AMERICA BY HEART and realized this wasn't going to be an anecdotal STORY book but a serious explanation of the ideology that governs Sarah's life–and by her analysis, also shaped the founding fathers of our nation and still inspires the majority of hard-working Americans today. Fortunately, I found her writing style not only kept me enthralled but also made understanding her point of view easy.
I wondered if Palin's personal faith would narrow her view of America. I need not have worried. Her references to the founding fathers' faith was not narrowly parochial but simply pointed to their insistence on the Creator as the source of all... Freedom of speech under attack
As it has done for a number of years, the United Nations recently put the... Is Christianity to blame? By Ted Belman
Michele Bachmann shines
Good News, Israel
Palestinian draft condemning Israeli settlements designed to win U.S. support
Although he was loyal to a Middle Eastern country, the American military hired him as an intelligence officer and translator anyway—partly because he knew an important Middle East language. Nevertheless, he was a poor choice. This man passed classified documents to "insurgents" in Iraq who were battling American forces; he also had conversations with members of Al Qaeda and kept their documents on his computer.
He was caught, tried and, in 2008, sentenced to— ten years. Currently, Noureddine Malki (if...A Day at the mall: Hadera and TelAviv
More Recent Articles
Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world fear (respect) her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg
Permission granted to share with others!!
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Celebrate JCD 2011 by Boycotting Israel!/other news
Posted by Politics | at 1:23 PM | |Saturday, January 1, 2011
You don't believe me? Well, don't take my word for it:Islamic scholar: Jihadis are "tools in the hands of the Zionists, Israelis, Europeans, and Orientals, with the goal of damaging...
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(Daily Mail thanks to Chris)Wakademia explains "empty inside"Why do so many British career women convert to Islam? Kevin Brice from Swansea University, who has specialised in studying...
Happy New Year to all our Winds of Jihad readers! First the good news from France: Jihad is just vandalism, no need to report it. Because reporting it may just cause …. more...
Its one thing if a post gets read and criticized, but sometimes a post does not get read at all which is very frustrating. Part of the reason a post wallows in anonymity is its headline. The weakest part of my blogging skills is headlines. That is only one of the reasons a post remains unread. Below are some very good posts written over the past year but you would never know it, unless you were one of the few people who read it. They are offered up again because they cover interesting topics and deserve further discussion.
2010 Top Unread Gems
James Hansen of NASA is not just any global warming Moonbat, he is Al Gore's global warming Moonbat. It was Hansen's data that was used in Gore's Oscar/Peace Prize winning film. Hansen's work is ruled by one motto: "If God deals you bad numbers--fudge them."
WAY TO GO MOSES!! . For decades some have been complaining if Moses had only made a right turn after he led the Israelites across the Reed Sea the Jews would have the Oil, the Arabs would have the desert and the world would be much better off. Moses' sense of direction is making a comeback.
America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag
By Olivia Rodan Jacobs, author of Jerusalem 3000 THE POISONER'S AGENDA. Olivia tells me she is an avid reader of Israpundit.
U.N. Resolution and Political Correctness Aim to Curtail Freedom of Speech in the West
By Matthew M. Hausman
Freedom of speech is a right that is often taken for granted in the West, but one that is essential for the continuity of democratic society. It is also an endangered species that is currently under stealth attack by religious extremism masquerading as multicultural tolerance. As the United Nations recently called for member states to ratify the "Defamation of Religions Resolution," as European nations enact legislation to designate as hate speech the critical discussion of specific religions, and as the political left blames western democracies for inflaming Islamist passions by refusing to submit to doctrinal totalitarianism, the right to speak freely is being threatened by a culture of political correctness in which progressive policymakers seek rapprochement with the Arab-Muslim world.
Recently on Israpundit, Yamit took Christianity to task for many hundreds or years of antisemitism and characterized the recent turn of some Christian denominations to supporting Jews and Israel as recent only thereby suggesting that we should wait for a couple hundreds years to see it this change becomes permanent. In any event many Christian denominations remain antisemitic and anti-Israel and support the BDS movement. The Catholic Church is still found wanting.
One RC friend, Rongrand, understands where Yamit is coming from and takes no issue with him. Another RC friend American Eagle, calls Rongrand a "brown noser" for so doing and Yamit an "anti-Christian bigot" and 'racist". He does so in almost all his comments dealing with Yamit. His explanation to Rongrand as to where he is coming from is telling.
"However, I have no such guilt trip. To begin with whatever some ancient Christians did had nothing to do with me or...
By watching this two part video of her recent speech you will learn of her great appeal and also of the battle lines for the next two years. T. Belman
Compliments of Anglo Saxon Raannana Real Estate
Quote for the Week
"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." Bob Dylan American poet and songwriter. (Our young women translate this nostrum into action. )
* We'll start with the GN story of the day, the week, the month and probably the year. Israel is a high tech super power and there's no denying that; it has been a chicken schnitzel champ for years and now for the first time it is in the enviable position of being a natural gas power to be reckoned with, with the confirmation yesterday of the presence of a huge deposit of natural gas sitting below its shore in the Leviathan gas field. Estimates show that the find contains 16 trillion cubic feet of gas whose monetary value ranges from $US45bn to $US90bn depending on which report you read. Fact is that Leviathan officially became the biggest deep-water gas discovery in the whole world for the...
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said his new attempt to get the United Nations to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank was specifically designed to win U.S. support.
The Palestinians have drafted a proposal and are lobbying for a Security Council resolution that would declare West Bank settlements illegal and an "obstacle to peace."
The U.S. has said it does not support the move. Israel has said it's an attempt by the Palestinians to avoid negotiations.
Speaking in Brazil on Thursday, Abbas said the Palestinian draft used the "same words" as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has in criticizing settlements.
Judaeophobia vs Islamophobia Phyllis Chesler, FrontPageMagHis name—one of five aliases—is Noureddine Malki. He pretended to be from Lebanon, the persecuted son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, and on this basis allegedly sought and received asylum in America, naturalized citizenship, and a job as an Arabic translator for the Army. He received top secret clearance and was working in Iraq where he took bribes from various Sunni sheikhs and passed classified information on to them.
I love our kids
Green light org. (Prevent traffic accidents)
yes glee flash mob Tel Aviv
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright~
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