Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Fwd: The Facts About the Rich & Taxes

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 13:48 +0000, zeus32117 wrote: 

I think that top managers at most companies had been too busy trying to figure out how to comply with new laws and new government regulations to be doing anything with that money. None of them is infinitely smart. It takes them a long time to do that.

A lot of money also its called compliance cost.  Just the IRS regulations alone cost the economy billions the new regulations on everything else raise the price of both raw materials and ultimately finished goods.  Look at the price of gas and O'Kenyan's restrictions on oil drilling offshore.  The regulations are so bad that building new oil rigs in the gulf was cheaper than repairing those the hurricane damaged.


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