Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Hello everyone

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


What we have in America is merchantilism not capitalism. The government
regulates people for business. Look at the change in the Bankrupsy law.
If we had capitolism we would have more liberty because the government
would be 10% of its current size and little or no federal debt.


On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 13:44 +0000, zeus32117 wrote:
> They did that in the Soviet Union. Their alternative to capitalism has
> proved to be much worse than capitalism is. Of course, a better
> alternative to capitalism can probably be created as well. As many
> humans as possible may have to work on this together in order to
> create one.
> --- In, "voice.of.god"
> <vo

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