Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: How many?

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Carl is a troll, much like Bruce

 You can lead people to knowledge but you can't make them think

--- On Sat, 1/29/11, elaine mckay <> wrote:

From: elaine mckay <>
Subject: Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: How many?
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 11:52 PM

What is Carl smokin'!!!!!!!!!!

--- On Sat, 29/1/11, Carl Spitzer <> wrote:

From: Carl Spitzer <>
Subject: Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: How many?
Received: Saturday, 29 January, 2011, 2:23 PM

Liberals are hateful they are the ones keeping minorities on the plantation, in poverty and uneducated, while driving them to covet the property of those who honestly earn it.  There are even liberals so stupid as to confuse government theft with charity and consider it a moral and Christian charity to do such theft.  As if a armed robber who steals is more moral than an honest man who gives willingly.  Liberals are also usually moral cowards who lack the nerve to get a gun and rob a bank, but they will hire a thug, IRS / ATF agent, to do it for them via voting for Democrat Socialists.


On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 08:34 +0000, Walt L wrote: If I were a black person reading this, I'd be mad as hell at first. Then I'd challenge this writer to prove it, word for word. Simple Simon could refute the figures he mentions. I will agree Al Sharpton is a black race baiter. This writer is a HATER. Which is worse? Walt


--- In, Susan <sailorgirl43@...> wrote:
> Oh please, the elites are liberal. I would think you would know that. It is
> painfully obvious liberals don't care about the "little people".


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