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Monday, May 2, 2011


The number of Europeans aged 65+ is expected to increase by 45% between 2008 and 2030, and even further to over 30% of the population by 2060. This major challenge needs to be tackled at EU level to help older Europeans enjoy an active and healthy life. Meeting in Brussels for the first time today, an EU-led Steering Group discusses how to improve the health and quality of life of older people, increase sustainability of healthcare systems and create new growth and market opportunities for Europe.

This high level Steering Group is jointly chaired by Vice President Neelie Kroes and Commissioner John Dalli and includes Member States, regions, industry, health- and social care professionals, elderly and patient organisations and other interest groups. The strategy will form an integral part of Europe 2020's Innovation Union and Digital Agenda flagships.

Life is a game with winners and losers. Any loser must have the right to get out of the game, to cut his losses short. Any person must have the right to die peacefully, and under circumstances of his own choosing. The State should not stop his exit to the other side. His body belongs to himself, not to the State.

Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, asserts that ageing is an opportunity not a burden. The generation who built Europe deserves to benefit from the technological progress that it has made possible. Kroes is especially convinced that digital technologies have much to offer for a better life for elderly people and their families and carers. A longer and healthier life means the chance to keep playing an active role in society, helping to shape and influence the choices for a future better Europe for all generations. We need to play an active role in making innovation a success for ageing well.

Euthanasia is now lawful in Germany, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden,
Luxembourg, Switzerland, Albania, and the American states of Oregon and
Washington. Choosing to hasten death by self-starvation and dehydration should
be accompanied by palliative care. Electing to die by terminal sedation is also
a choice provided it is freely made by the patient. Living Wills and Durable
Powers of Attorney for Health Care must be respectfully considered by medical
professionals at all times. The most popular euthanasia substance on the market
is pentobarbital, aka nembutal, that is a barbiturate and powerful sleep-aid.

John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, notes that with this Partnership we are treading new ground. Active and healthy ageing is the very first topic which has been chosen as a priority in a European Innovation Partnership. Dalli believes that this is a very important political signal. Active and healthy ageing is central for our citizens. Our common objective is to raise the average number of healthy life years by 2 by the year 2020.

Many medical advances are merely medicine gone mad, delivered by maddocs, maddog doctors who cannot face failure. Quality of life can disappear under a forest of needles, wires, electronic gadgets and surgical proceedures. There are myriads dying trapped in hospitals waiting for useless tests when they want to be at home. Others in coma following accidents or
strokes often linger for months, hovering in that twilight zone between life and death, sustained by massive effort even when there is no hope of meaningful future existence.

Medical madness can be horrific. A woman went into hospital at the age of 75
for surgery which found inoperable tumor. She was a person with strong faith, at
peace, sustained by hope of eternal life. A day or two later she had a heart
attack and was dying peacefully, as she had often prayed she would. But despite
her wishes for no heroics, the crash team was called and violent attempts were
made to revive her with massive electric shocks and injections. She died anyway,
without peace or dignity because no one stopped to think.

The limits of life are constantly expanding, without regard for the well-being
or will of the patient. In some emergency rooms, half of all admissions now come
from nursing homes. If someone who is chronically ill has a heart attack or gets
pneumonia there, the most sensible thing to do is to make sure that they don't
suffer, and to refrain from doing anything else. But this is all too rare.
Instead, old people, who are dying, are torn out of their familiar surroundings,
rushed off to hospital in an ambulance, resuscitated and given artificial

This first Steering Group meeting is facilitated by David Byrne, a former European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy. It is the first time that in Europe all the stakeholders are joining forces at this scale to commit advancing innovation in active and healthy ageing.

In future meetings, the steering group should look at how to use innovation to improve quality of care, cost-efficiency, and economic opportunities, pursing thereby a triple win. The group should also assess how the existing policies, instruments and programmes can better contribute to tackling the barriers in this area. Digital Eurocommissar Neelie Kroes's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent old-aged dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Kroes! http://venitism.blogspot.com

The infamous government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, uses the cybercops as a political tool. On October 18, 2010, Merciless Marilizard went completely insane, and she did not think twice about abusing her position in destroying a dissident blogger, an innocent victim of a wild political witch hunt. Under wild orders, a freakish gang of brutal cybercops broke into the home and into the college office of a distinguished professor and robbed at gunpoint his computers, software, files, documents, personal data, personal codes, and personal secrets.

The wild Graecocybercops locked the 65-year old professor in jail, they humiliated him with handcuffs, fingerprints, mugshots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and initiated sham court proceedings for treason! There was no mattress, no pillow, and no toilet facility in his jail cell. At night, the world renown had to urinate in a bottle! There was neither toilet paper nor soap. He lost his job, and his life is stolen forever by a deranged Greek minister. That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the International Day Against Cybercop Brutality. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globaltaxrevolt


By Basil Venitis

Gone are all the power years
Avoid now any strife
Shifting now slow gears
The last years of my life.

Life is a real game
Peace and prayer are now rife
Have accomplished my aim
The last years of my life.

Euthanasia is coming
Marching now with a fife
Thank you much for all the hugging
The last years of my life.

All alone and no wife
Looking back at my life
Wondering about afterlife
The last years of my life.

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