[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Poll: Palestinians biggest supporters of Osama bin Laden (38%) and al Qaeda (28%)

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Monday, May 2, 2011


Osama bin Laden Largely Discredited Among Muslim Publics in Recent Years  May 2, 2011 http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1977/poll-osama-bin-laden-death-confidence-muslim-publics-al-qaeda-favorability  In the months leading up to Osama bin Laden's death, a survey of Muslim  publics around the world found little support for the al Qaeda leader.  Among the six predominantly Muslim nations recently surveyed by the Pew  Research Center's Global Attitudes Project, bin Laden received his highest  level of support among Muslims in the Palestinian territories -- although  even there only 34% said they had confidence in the terrorist leader to do  the right thing in world affairs. Minorities of Muslims in Indonesia (26%),  Egypt (22%) and Jordan (13%) expressed confidence in bin Laden, while he has  almost no support among Turkish (3%) or Lebanese Muslims (1%).  Over time, support for bin Laden has dropped sharply among Muslim publics.  Since 2003, the percentage of Muslims voicing confidence in him has declined  by 38 points in the Palestinian territories and 33 points in Indonesia. The  greatest decline has occurred in Jordan, where 56% of Muslims had confidence  in bin Laden in 2003, compared with just 13% in the current poll. Jordanian  support for bin Laden fell dramatically (to 24% from 61% the year before) in  2006, following suicide attacks in Amman by al Qaeda. In Pakistan, where  2011 data is still not available, confidence in bin Laden fell from 52% in  2005 to just 18% in last year's survey.  Al Qaeda also received largely negative ratings among Muslim publics in the  2011 survey. Only 2% of Muslims in Lebanon and 5% in Turkey expressed  favorable views of al Qaeda. In Jordan, 15% had a positive opinion of al  Qaeda, while about one-in-five in Indonesia (22%) and Egypt (21%) shared  this view. Palestinian Muslims offered somewhat more positive opinions (28%  favorable), but about two-thirds (68%) viewed bin Laden's organization  unfavorably.  Ratings of al Qaeda are, for the most part, unchanged, except in Jordan,  where al Qaeda's favorable rating fell from 34% in 2010 to 15% currently.  As was the case with views of bin Laden, Nigerian Muslims typically offer  more positive views of al Qaeda than any other Muslim public surveyed.  -------------------------------------------- IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis Website: www.imra.org.il 

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.  ~Herm Albright~

Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world fear (respect) her!!!  And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg





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