[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Republican Sally Kern causes outrage over racist and sexist comments | Mail Online

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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sally Kern had made a very unfortunate generalization. I think that what almost all blacks need is a much better education. Of course, there are already a lot of blacks who have a college degree and a good income. Now we have to make sure that most blacks have a college degree and a good income. I would start with improving the quality of education that they receive in the elementary school, in the middle school and in high school. I think that it is time to inform every child that nothing is more important for a child and a young adult than a good education. It is also time to inform them that what they learn at school is not enough. They should be studying math, science, world literature and Ethics on their own as well as at school.

--- In Politics_CurrentEvents_Group@yahoogroups.com, "Sheep&Goatlady" <springcreek@...> wrote:
> this is outragous, and bigotry,, prefect case of opeing mouth and inserting foot in mouth,,,
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1381730/Republican-Sally-Kern-causes-outrage-racist-sexist-comments.html

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