Zeus writes much as he did last week, so my last week's response still applies. I have now, via Yahoo, seen a more solid agreement with what I wrote:
Search Results
- Having a perpetual growth economy is not only insane, it is impossible.www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/
Posted by: "zeus32117" zeus32117@yahoo.com zeus32117 at Sun May 1, 2011 5:26 am ((PDT))
Before agriculture was invented most people had to gather enough food, kill enough animals and/or catch enough fish in order to survive. All other activities which human beings engage in today had been invented relatively recently. Human beings have not stopped inventing new ways of earning a good living either. It has simply become a lot more difficult to implement them. I think that it will make a lot of difference if we help those people who find new ways of earning a good living figure out how to comply with all those laws and all those government regulations that they would have to comply with if they try to implement these new ways of earning a good living.
--- In Politics_CurrentEvents_Group@yahoogroups.com, Dave Ketchum <davek@...> wrote:Zeus writes as if good activities that he imagines happening could,somehow, happen and mean escape from the collapse that others of ussee coming.Would he somehow attract a capable fairy to inspire change? I do notexpect such, but do not hear anything more constructive from our Zeus.Dave Ketchum"zeus32117" zeus32117@... zeus32117 wrote on Mon Apr 25, 20117:14 pm ((PDT))I am in favor of organic farming. As far as predicting an economiccollapse is concerned, this prediction does not make much sense tome. Here is why it doesn't. Fists of all, new ways of earning a goodincome appear to be discovered on a regular basis. Second, more andmore ways of doing the same thing in less and less time and withfewer and fewer resources appear to be discovered on a regular basisas well. Third, it would make a lot of difference if agriculturalproductivity in most other countries caught up with agriculturalproductivity in U.S. When this happens enough food for everyone willfinally be produced.--- In Politics_CurrentEvents_Group@yahoogroups.com, Dave Ketchum<davek@> wrote:Why? Hopefully Karl will be more successful than many others inmaking the point that we CANNOT keep doing what we are doing - thuswehad best work toward a path to more profit and less pain.How? Karl offers some thought, but more is needed. See his: http://karlnorth.com/I suggest the following three of his titles there (others are moreinto agriculture - fine if that is your interest):What Every Marxist Needs to Know about EcologyBy Karl North | December 12, 2010The Population "Bomb" and its Distortions in Capitalist CultureBy Karl North | July 20, 2010Invisible Ships and Boiling Frogs: The End of Industrial AffluenceBy Karl North | June 7, 2010
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