[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Building Boom in Gaza's Ruins Belies Misery That Remains/Queers Should Focus on Arab World and Iran, Not Israel

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011



On delegitimization – A 'Jerusalem Post' roundtable

    'We have to take back the narrative and reframe it and get out of the docket of the accused' – Irwin Cotler.
Over the past several years, the almost-unpronounceable word 'delegitimization' has become part and parcel of any discussion on Israel.
Countless lectures have been given about it, position papers have been written about it and many an op-ed writer, including in this paper, has attempted to outline the expressions and manifestations of the delegitimization of the State of Israel.
One of the many panels at last week's Third Annual Presidential Conference was the "Delegitimization: Who is at fault? Us or them?" discussion moderated by Brig. Gen (Res.) Michael Herzog, senior fellow at The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) and former head of the IDF Strategic Planning Division.

The panelists included:
-Irwin Cotler, emeritus professor of law and chair of Inter Amicus, McGill University, a member of Parliament, Canada and former minister of justice and attorney general
-Miri Eisen, former international media advisor to the prime minister
-Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
-Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League
-Robert Wistrich, Neuberger Professor of Modern History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the author of A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad.
The Jerusalem Post caught up with them before their panel discussion on Thursday for a more intimate dialogue on the Jewish state, its image and the campaign to call into question its legitimacy, on which there were some interesting disagreements.
Ben-David: Is there a working definition for delegitimization?
Foxman: Rejection of Israel. Period. It's just a fancy name for the non-acceptance of Israel Hoenlein: The right of Israel to exist. It's not about policies, it's not 1967, it's 1947. It's denying Israel the right that all other countries have.
Wistrich: Delegitimization is really something more far-reaching. It goes beyond the existence of Israel. They are saying that Israel is illegitimate but also that it's existence is immoral. That it shouldn't be here. And behind that is something else: It challenged the raison d'être of the Jewish people being able to define itself, especially in national and state terms.
Eisen: I emphasize the issue on nation terms, that is the approach of Judaism and the Jewish people as a nation beyond religion and culture.
Ben-David: Israel's right to exist?
Cotler: It's not only a matter of denying Israel's right to exist but also undermining its legitimacy and that shows that delegitimization is not only an objective, it's a strategy. And there are series of ways and means of undermining Israel
Hoenlein: It's an attack on the collective Jew, as Bernard Lewis put it.
Wistrich: I think it's even more than undermining. It is political and ideological warfare, designed to sap completely the basis of Israel's existence. It's been rather successful until now but, fortunately, not completely so.
Ben-David: So you are saying that this is linked to anti-Semitism. Would you consider it a new form of it?
Wistrich: It's a little more difficult that it might appear a first. You could make the argument that all forms of anti-Semitism we have known, from antiquity until the present, have involved forms of delegitimization as one aspect of the way anti-Semitism works. It's delegitimizing because the core of Jewish identity was defined both by Jews and non-Jews in religious terms, delegitimizing Judaism, presenting it as demonic, that was an extreme form of delegitimization.

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IDF: Flotilla participants to be armed with chemicals
Army elements said that the participants of the Gaza-bound flotilla are planning to attack IDF soldiers with chemical materials, including sulfur. Roughly 500 activists aboard eight ships are expected to set sail towards the Gaza Strip in the coming days. (Hanan Greenberg)


Flotilla organiser is alleged Hamas operative

Mon. 27 Jun. 2011 @ 13.28 –
Key flotilla organiser is alleged to be a Hamas operative wanted for financially supporting militant networks in the West Bank and Gaza.
Mohammed Sawalha, a key organiser of the second flotilla which is set to attempt to break Israel's blockade of Gaza later this week, is alleged to be a Hamas operative with long-standing connections to the militant organisation. Last year's flotilla resulted in widespread media coverage and international condemnation when nine individuals aboard the Mavi Marmara were killed by Israeli soldiers. Israel maintained that its soldiers had acted in self-defence after being attacked by activists from the controversial Turkish Islamist charity IHH.
Just Journalism has already analysed how early coverage in the British media has begun presenting an inaccurate narrative of peaceful organisers, contrasted with Israel's belligerency.
Yesterday Press TV, the British-based news outlet with strong ties to the Iranian regime, aired an interview with Sawalha.  Appearing on the programme 'Remember Palestine', Sawalha, who is described as a 'Gaza aid flotilla coordinator', answers several questions about the logistics and aims of the fleet.
He also gave the closing remarks at an IHH conference on 17 June. The IHH website describes Sawalha as the 'head of the International Committee to End the Siege on Gaza', one of the key organisers of the second flotilla.
Sawalha's open involvement in the organisation of the flotilla is noteworthy given the repeated allegations that he has strong ties to Hamas. In 2005, The Sunday Times reported on his appointment at Finsbury Park mosque:
'Sawalha's link with Hamas emerged after he was named as a co-conspirator in an American court case involving racketeering and conspiracy. Last week the cleric, who arrived in Britain 15 years ago and has been given indefinite leave to remain, said that he still supported Hamas, notorious for its suicide attacks in Israel.
'According to US court documents, Sawalha was a leading militant in the early 1990s "in charge of Hamas terrorist operations within the West Bank". The documents, from the federal court in Chicago, claim he met two of the three "conspirators" accused of laundering millions of dollars to finance Hamas activities, including the purchase of weapons.'
A 2006 BBC Panorama investigation into the activities of Islamic charities in Gaza and the West Bank also repeated these allegations. 'Faith, Hate and Charity' included further information on Sawalha's role in fundraising for Hamas. According to the presenter, John Ware:
'From London, Sawalha is said to have master minded much of Hamas' political and military strategy. Wanted by Israel, he fled to London in 1990… In London, Sawalha is alleged to have directed funds, both for Hamas' armed wing, and for spreading its missionary dawah. Then, in January 1993, an operation Sawalha was involved in went badly wrong. Hamas would be forced to reorganise its funding arrangements. A senior Hamas man from America flew into London for instructions from Sawalha. Sawalha's visitor was en route to the Palestinian territories. The two men travelled to Sawalha's home. His visitor's name was Mohammed Salah. Salah's mission was to distribute funds. Sawalha told him who to meet in the Palestinian territories…. With Sawalha's agreement Salah began distributing about a quarter of a million dollars to local Hamas operatives. Some was ear marked for military activities. Some for missionary dawah. More money was in the pipe line from his bank in Chicago. But the Israeli's had been tracking him. Stopped at a check point as he left Gaza, Salah was arrested.'
Alongside reports of his ties to Hamas, Sawalha is also a signatory of the infamous 2009 Istanbul Declaration, which explicitly calls for all crossings to Gaza to be opened so that Palestinians can gain access to weapons for use against 'the Zionist enemy':
'The obligation of the Islamic Nation to open the crossings — all crossings — in and out of Palestine permanently, in order to allow access to all the needs of the Palestinians — money, clothing, food, medicine, weapons and other essentials, so that they are able to live and perform the jihad in the way of Allah Almighty. The closure of the crossings or the prevention of the entry of weapons through them should be regarded as high treason in the Islamic Nation, and clear support for the Zionist enemy.'


Building Boom in Gaza's Ruins Belies Misery That Remains

Wissam Nassar for The New York Times
A construction site in Gaza City is a sign of the area's first period of economic growth since the Israeli siege began in 2007.

GAZA — Two luxury hotels are opening in Gaza this month. Thousands of new cars are plying the roads. A second shopping mall — with escalators imported from Israel — will open next month.Hundreds of homes and two dozen schools are about to go up. AHamas-run farm where Jewish settlements once stood is producing enough fruit that Israeli imports are tapering off.
As pro-Palestinian activists prepare to set sail aboard a flotilla aimed at maintaining an international spotlight on Gaza and pressure on Israel, this isolated Palestinian coastal enclave is experiencing its first real period of economic growth since the siege they are protesting began in 2007.
"Things are better than a year ago," said Jamal El-Khoudary, chairman of the board of the Islamic University, who has led Gaza's Popular Committee Against the Siege. "The siege on goods is now 60 to 70 percent over."
Ala al-Rafati, the economy minister for Hamas, the militant group that governs Gaza, said in an interview that nearly 1,000 factories are operating here, and he estimated unemployment at no more than 25 percent after a sharp drop in jobless levels in the first quarter of this year. "Yesterday alone, the Gaza municipality launched 12 projects for paving roads, digging wells and making gardens," he said.
So is that the news from Gaza in mid-2011? Yes, but so is this: Thousands of homes that were destroyed in the Israeli antirocket invasion two and a half years ago have not been rebuilt. Hospitals have canceled elective surgery for lack of supplies. Electricity remains maddeningly irregular. The much-publicized opening of the Egyptian border has fizzled, so people remain trapped here. The number of residents living on less than $1.60 a day has tripled in four years. Three-quarters of the population rely on food aid.
Areas with as contested a history as this one can choose among anniversaries to commemorate. It has been four years since Hamas took over, prompting Israel and Egyptto impose a blockade on people and most goods. It is a year since a Turkish flotilla challenged the siege and Israeli commandos killed nine activists aboard the ships, leading to international outrage and an easing of conditions. And it is five years since an Israeli soldier, Staff Sgt. Gilad Shalit, was abducted and held in captivity without even visits from the Red Cross.
In assessing the condition of the 1.6 million people who live in Gaza, there are issues of where to draw the baseline and — often — what motivates the discussion. It has never been among the world's poorest places. There is near universal literacy and relatively lowinfant mortality, and health conditions remain better than across much of the developing world.
"We have 100 percent vaccination; no polio, measles, diphtheria or AIDS," said Mahmoud Daher, a World Health Organization official here. "We've never had a cholera outbreak."
The Israeli government and its defenders use such data to portray Gaza as doing just fine and Israeli policy as humane and appropriate: no flotillas need set sail.
Israel's critics say the fact that the conditions in Gaza do not rival the problems in sub-Saharan Africa only makes the political and human rights crisis here all the more tragic — and solvable. Israel, they note, still controls access to sea, air and most land routes, and its security policies have consciously strangled development opportunities for an educated and potentially high-achieving population that is trapped with no horizon. Pressure needs to be maintained to end the siege entirely, they say, and talk of improvement is counterproductive.
The recent changes stem from a combination of Israeli policy shifts and the chaos in Egypt. The new Egyptian border policy has made little difference, but Egypt's revolution and its reduced policing in the Sinai have had a profound effect.
For the past year, Israel has allowed most everything into Gaza but cement, steel and other construction material — other than for internationally supervised projects — because they are worried that such supplies can be used by Hamas for bunkers and bombs. A number of international projects are proceeding, but there is an urgent need for housing, street paving, schools, factories and public works projects, all under Hamas or the private sector, and Israel's policy bans access to the goods to move those forward.
So in recent months, tunnels under the southern border that were used to bring in consumer goods have become almost fully devoted to smuggling in building materials.
Sacks of cement and piles of gravel, Turkish in origin and bought legally in Egypt, are smuggled through the hundreds of tunnels in double shifts, day and night, totaling some 3,000 tons a day. Since the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian security authorities no longer stop the smugglers. Streets are being paved and buildings constructed.
"Mubarak was crushing us before," said Mahmoud Mohammad, a subcontractor whose 10-man crew in Gaza City was unloading steel bars that were carried through the tunnels and were destined for a new restaurant. "Last year we were sitting at home. The contractor I work for has three major projects going."
Nearby, Amer Selmi was supervising the building of a three-story, $2 million wedding hall. Most of his materials come from the tunnels.
Karim Gharbawi is an architect and building designer with 10 projects under way, all of them eight- and nine-story residential properties. He said there were some 130 engineering and design firms in Gaza. Two years ago, none were working. Today, he said, all of them are.
Another result of the regional changes is the many new cars here. Israel allows in 20 a week, but that does not meet the need. Hundreds of BMWs, pickup trucks and other vehicles have arrived in recent months from Libya, driven through Egypt and sold via the unmonitored tunnels. Dozens of white Kia Sportage models, ubiquitous on the street, are widely thought to have come from the same dealership in Benghazi, Libya, that was looted after the uprising there began.
Hamas's control of Gaza appears firmer than ever, and the looser tunnel patrols in Egypt mean greater access to weapons as well. But opinion surveys show that its more secular rival, Fatah, is more popular. That may explain why an attempt at political unity with Fatah is moving slowly: the Hamas leaders here are likely to lose their jobs. The hospital supply crisis is a direct result of tensions with Fatah in the West Bank, which has kept the supplies from being shipped here.
Efforts by fringe Islamist groups to challenge Hamas have had little effect. And it has been a year since the government unsuccessfully sought to impose tighter religious restrictions by banning women from smoking water pipes in public. On a recent afternoon in the new Carino's restaurant — with billiards, enormous flat-screen televisions, buttery-soft chairs — women without head coverings were smoking freely.
But such places and people represent a wafer-thin slice of Gazan society, and focusing on them distorts the broader and grimmer picture.
Samah Saleh is a 21-year-old medical student who lives in the Jabaliya refugee camp. Her father, an electrician, is adding a second story to their house now that material is available from the tunnels. Ms. Saleh will get her own room for the first time in her life, but she views her good fortune in context.
"For the vast majority in Gaza, things are not improving," she said. "Most people in Gaza remain forgotten."
Fares Akram contributed reporting.

Israel warns journalists not to join Gaza flotilla or risk being banned from Israel for ten years

barenakedislam | June 26, 2011 at 3:34 PM | Categories: Islam and the Jews | URL: http://wp.me/peHnV-vYy
The Israeli government issued the warning on Sunday, saying the journalists could also have their equipment seized in addition to other sanctions. The threat came as pro-Palestinian activists prepared to set sail for Gaza from Greece and elsewhere in an effort to break Israel's (Internationally sanctioned legal) blockade of the coastal territory. Al-Jazeera - Eleven ships - nine passenger [...]

Queers Should Focus on Arab World and Iran, Not Israel

Published: Saturday, June 25, 2011 8:06 PM CDT

Israeli-Palestinian Face-Off: Part 2 of 2

The LGBT communities of the world are now confronted with a strange fusion of homophobic radical Islamists and extreme left-wing groups.

In recent weeks, the anti-Israeli groups Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QAIA) and Siegebusters have taken shots at the one Middle Eastern country that respects the rights of its LGBT community. As 100,000 people took part in the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, QAIA stoked hatred of the Jewish state at similar parades in Brooklyn and Queens. They are slated to march in the jumbo Pride Parade in Manhattan on June 26.

Meanwhile, Siegebusters — whose membership appears to overlap with QAIA's –– are raising funds to sponsor a flotilla to violate Israel's legal naval blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The alliance between Hamas and Siege Busters/ QAIA is unsettling. Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar has said, "You in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept homosexuality. And now you criticize us?"

Both the European Union and the United States have designated Hamas a terrorist organization because it showers Israel's southern cities with rockets and calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state. The purpose of the naval blockade is to prevent weapons and rocket smuggling into Gaza.

Meanwhile, homosexuality remains a crime across the Muslim world. In Syria, Bashar al-Assad's regime imposes a three-year prison sentence for same-sex relations. In Libya, where Muammar Qaddafi has ruled for more than 40 blood-soaked years, the punishment is five years in prison. In Yemen, the penalty is death. The Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia lead the world in enforcing capital punishment against their LGBT communities. And the list goes on.

What is most ironic about QAIA's obsession with Israel is that the Jewish state is the only government in the Middle East that openly encourages acceptance of LGBT communities –– and even tourism by foreign gays.

Tzipi Livni, Israel's former foreign minister and head of its opposition party Kadima, spoke at the Tel Aviv pride event. Citing Israel's declaration of independence, she highlighted the government's responsibility to guarantee the rights of all people.

"There are still many teenagers who fear the price of freedom is the love from their parents if they come out to them," Livni said. "There are parents who are still prejudiced and unwilling to accept their children as they are."

Nitzan Horowitz, an openly gay member of the Meretz party in the Knesset, told participants in the Tel Aviv parade, "We will expand the struggle so that anybody who wants to live his or her life on their own path can do that without fear of being cursed or hit in the street, without fearing being thrown out of their home, and without the fear of being harassed at work."

In a largely overlooked remark to a joint session of the US Congress in late May, even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the lethal homophobia flourishing in Muslim countries. He compared Israel's "path to liberty" with "the Middle East [that] has long rejected it. In a region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted, Israel stands out. It is different."

In early June, New York's LGBT Community Center denied QAIA permission to hold meetings there, leading to charges it was silencing dissent and free speech. Yet the Center would surely deny individuals and groups the opportunity to rent space when their rhetoric is animated by hatred. It would never welcome, for instance, the crackpot anti-gay Reverend Fred Phelps and his followers, who blanket military funerals and gay events with signs reading "God Hates Fags."

When QAIA equates Israel with the former Apartheid regime of South Africa, they evince little practical understanding of the vast distinctions between them. Those distinctions are not lost, however, on the Vanguard Leadership Group, made up of students and alumni from historically black colleges and universities in the US. In April, the organization spoke out against the odious likening of the Jewish state to the former Apartheid regime.

Vanguard president Michael Hayes said, "This rhetoric does absolutely nothing to help Israel-Palestine negotiations or relations. We feel this type of action serves to hinder the peace process domestically and abroad, and have made it our priority to take a stand to shift the tide of understanding."

In fact, our understanding of anti-Semitism has broadened in recent years to respond to new manifestations of "the world's oldest hatred." The former Soviet Union's renowned refusenik Natan Sharansky, now an Israeli human rights activist, explained that the Jewish state faces extreme critics in the West identifiable through a "3-D test" –– in that they demonize, delegitimize, and apply double standards to Israel, ones they would apply to no other country in the world. QAIA's rhetoric and actions are consistent with that pattern of attack.

Siegebusters and QAIA have said nothing of the thousands of Syrian refugees who fled as Assad began gunning down his own citizens. They have uttered not a peep as Libya and Yemen have persecuted democratic reformers.

In a preemptive move to insulate themselves from charges of anti-Semitism, QAIA and Siege Busters note that some of their members are Jewish. Sherry Wolf, a self-described socialist and anti-Zionist Jewish member of Siegebusters, has invoked this Jewish insurance policy to inoculate the group against criticism it is fanning the flames of Jewish hatred.

There are gays who are closeted and homophobic. There are women who are misogynists. And, sadly, there are Jews who are anti-Semitic.

The post World War II definition of anti-Zionism — a euphemism for opposition to Israel's right to exist — was neatly captured in the late 1960s by the Austrian Jewish writer Jean Amery, who noted, "Anti-Zionism contains anti-Semitism like a cloud contains a storm." When rising anti-Semitism burgeoned among left-wing Europeans in the late 19th century, the German Social Democrat August Bebel termed the affliction a "Socialism of Fools." The misguided leftists associated with QAIA, unfortunately, follow in that tradition, besotted with the anti-Semitism of fools.

Benjamin Weinthal is a fellow at the Iran Human Rights Project of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

For Part 2 of this Face-Off, see Laura Durkay and Brad Taylor's  "We're Here, We're Queer — And We Support Palestine!"

Passionate about Jew-hate
Germany's Left Party hard on Israel, remains silent on
real human rights abusers

Benjamin Weinthal

06.25.11, 16:56 / Israel Opinion

Germany’s Left Party passed a resolution earlier this month barring the
party’s parliamentary representatives and employees from participating in the
upcoming flotilla to break Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, which
remains under the control of the terrorist organization Hamas. Despite the
resolution - which also calls for an end to boycotts of Israeli products and
demands for the dissolution of the Jewish state - the Left Party remains in
denial about anti-Semitism in its ranks.

According to a German study, “Anti-Semites as a Coalition Partner” released
last month, “A power has established itself within the parliamentary spectrum
of the Left Party, which tolerates anti-Semitic positions.”

In their groundbreaking investigation, Political scientists Samuel Salzborn from
the University of Giessen and Sebastian Voigt from the University of Leipzig
sharply criticized the entrenched left-wing anti-Israel attitudes within the
Left Party.

The Left Party is Continental Europe’s best organized and largest anti-Israel
party, and it has over the years promoted efforts to dismantle the Jewish state.
The group’s local branches in the German cities of Duisburg and Bremen called
for boycotts of the Jewish state. Hermann Dierkes, a city councilman for the
Left Party in Duisburg, termed Israel’s right to exist “petty.”

Last year, Left Party city councilwoman Erika Zemaitis voted against funds to
build a new Synagogue in the city of Herford, to replace one the Nazis had
torched in 1938. The party’s foreign policy spokesman, MP Wolfgang Gehrcke,
has participated in demonstrations in support of the terrorist groups Hamas and

In May 2010, two Left Party parliamentarians, Inge Höger and Annette Groth,
joined a group of radical Turkish Islamists aboard the Mavi Marmara vessel, to
violate Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza. When they returned, along with
former party foreign policy spokesman and MP Norman Paech, who came along for
the ride, Left Party leaders gave them a hero’s welcome in Berlin.

Rising media pressure has forced the party to make cosmetic changes - hence its
new resolution to address persistent allegations of anti-Semitism. Nonetheless,
Dieter Graumann, the head of Germany’s 105,000-member Central Council of Jews,
is not impressed.

As Dr. Graumann said Monday, “The old East German anti-Zionist spirit still
haunts the party. Paradoxically, today it’s representatives from the west who
let out their rabid, almost pathological hatred of Israel. Unfortunately, it’s
these ideologues who claim responsibility for the Left Party’s policies on

The Left Party is the successor party to the Socialist Unity Party of the former
East German communist state, and has attracted a mix of East German socialists,
West German leftists and trade unionists. Most members of these factions share a
common hatred of Israel.

Other parties of the German Left have successfully expelled anti-Semitic
members. In 2003, Christian Democratic Union MP Martin Hohmann called Jews a
“race of perpetrators” and argued that their involvement in the Russian
Revolution of 1917 exculpates German atrocities during the Holocaust. Following
this perverse line of reasoning, both Germans and Jews committed crimes against

After some dithering, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was then in the
opposition, authorized a party process to eject Hohmann. Unfortunately, top Left
Party officials like Gregor Gysi, Gesine Lötzsch , Klaus Ernst, Petra Pau and
Katja Kipping have made no efforts to expel Left Party politicians like MP
Christine Buchholz and Hermann Dierkes who have called for violent Palestinian
resistance against Israel. Sadly, the list of Left Party politicians who fan the
flames of anti-Semitic anti-Israelism goes on.

Fourteen of 76 Left Party members protested the resolution and walked out of the
Left Party session. Several other MPs simply did not show up for the vote.
Gregor Gysi, the Left Party MP who heads the party faction in parliament,
navigated the resolution to a yes vote. According to reports, Gysi, whose father
was an East German Jew, threatened to resign if the Left Party rejected the

Andrej Hunko, a Left Party MP, said Gysi’s approach was “blackmail and a
subjugation of the left-wing” of the party.

Gysi - and it must have been hard for him to say this with a straight face -
told the German press that there is “no problem of anti-Semitism” in the
party, and chalked up the party’s preoccupation with Israel to “passion.”

He is right about passion; passionate anti-Semitism. All of this helps to
explain why the Left Party’s politicians and supporters get so riled up about
Israel but remain awfully silent about countries where real human rights abuses
are unfolding: Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya, and the list continues.

If the Left Party is truly serious about improving its reputation, it should
expel members whose vitriolic hatred of Israel overwhelms every other position
they take.

Benjamin Weinthal is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

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A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.  ~Herm Albright~

Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world respect her!!!  And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg





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