Of Course the Flotilla is a Political Provocation/Pull my other leg: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan to "jointly combat terrorism"/other news
SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson explains court strategy |
Traditionalist Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson, who faces charges in a German court of inciting racial hatred over his public denial of the Holocaust, announced in a letter to supporters [on the Dinoscopus mailing list] that he would not try to defend the truth of his statements in court. Rather, his defense would be based on the argument that his remarks "were self-evidently in no way intended for a German audience, and thus the German law did not apply to [his] situation." The German press agency DPA had recently quoted Bishop Williamson's former lawyer as saying that the bishop intended to argue in German court that his statements were factually true (i.e. he would repeat in court his contention that the Holocaust never happened).
Bishop Williamson's defense may well not hold up in court. There is precedent for German courts upholding their right to prosecute any case where Holocaust denial was made accessible to German citizens, even if the actual statements were made outside Germany and in a foreign language. We saw this in the case of Fredrick Toben in late 2000, and the principle was reaffirmed in 2007 with the conviction of Ernst Zundel in Germany, partially for web content that was posted outside the country.
If convicted, Bishop Williamson may be forced to pay a fine; I don't think the prosecutors are asking for prison time.
Bishop Williamson is a member of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), which has a history of promoting anti-Semitism. The bishop's own anti-Semitic comments have been documented as well.

by aish.comIf the UN unilaterally declares a Palestinian state, will you join the party?

The Stoning Dog Hoax
by Yvette Alt MillerThe sad phenomenon of anti-Jewish slurs.

Jewish Hip Hop
by Alisha KinmanEnter the Jewish scene of reggae, beat-boxing, hip-hop and urban funk.

Dear Emuna: Intimate Matters
by Emuna BravermanHelp! My husband doesn't desire any physical intimacy.

The Night Before My Wedding
by Yael MermelsteinWe were on opposite poles: her life was drawing to a close and mine was about to begin.

Sheltering Our Children
by Hilary Spirer LeederWhere do we draw the line between allowing a child to experience difficult situations and excessive hurt?

The Hamas Flotilla
by David A. HarrisGeorge Orwell, where are you?

Why You Don't Understand the Bible
by Adam JacobsThe Jewish sages of antiquity were in the best position to interpret and comprehend the Torah.
Editor's Pick:
The Real You
by Rabbi Aryeh KaplanWhat is the r

by aish.comIf the UN unilaterally declares a Palestinian state, will you join the party?

The Stoning Dog Hoax
by Yvette Alt MillerThe sad phenomenon of anti-Jewish slurs.
Jewish Hip Hop
by Alisha KinmanEnter the Jewish scene of reggae, beat-boxing, hip-hop and urban funk.
Dear Emuna: Intimate Matters
by Emuna BravermanHelp! My husband doesn't desire any physical intimacy.
The Night Before My Wedding
by Yael MermelsteinWe were on opposite poles: her life was drawing to a close and mine was about to begin.
Sheltering Our Children
by Hilary Spirer LeederWhere do we draw the line between allowing a child to experience difficult situations and excessive hurt?
The Hamas Flotilla
by David A. HarrisGeorge Orwell, where are you?
Why You Don't Understand the Bible
by Adam JacobsThe Jewish sages of antiquity were in the best position to interpret and comprehend the Torah.Editor's Pick:
The Real You
by Rabbi Aryeh KaplanWhat is the rThere Are No Socialists
by Victor Davis Hanson
An analysis of why and how socialists do not like socialism.
Glenn Beck's Strong Support of Israel
by Sammy Levine
Beck is not only on the right side of history, defending the lone democracy in a sea of despotism, he is also helping ensure the survival of Judaism.
U Pay Your Tax 2
by Mike McNally
Poor old Bono. You spend your life campaigning against poverty and injustice, and making some pretty good music along the way, and what thanks do you get?
'Gunwalker' Scandal and the Case for Impeaching Holder
by Howard Nemerov
While Holder didn't pull any triggers, the Department of Justice was involved in Gunwalker from the beginning.
Understanding Online Radicalization: The Videos
by Ali Teymouri
Once primitive, jihadi video productions are now slick and potent. (Also read Parts One, Two, Three, and Four in this series.)
After 61 Years, Korean War Offers Modern Lessons
by Dan Miller
As we remember our military personnel who gave their lives during the conflict, we might also think about the reasons it happened and about how to diminish the likelihood of another, in Korea and elsewhere.
Winds Of Jihad |
Posted: 26 Jun 2011 03:06 AM PDT Its all about Binnie: Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan claimed responsibility, saying it was the latest in a series of attacks to avenge the killing of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. Burka-clad... |
Posted: 25 Jun 2011 05:56 PM PDT That, and nothing else, is what sly Islamo-supremacist Aiman Mazyek is telling Germans who want Muslims to distance themselves from the jihadists.* German Interior Minister says Muslims must fight... |
Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:51 PM PDT (with German Subtitles) 'The United States of Islam': Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Calls on Arab Youth to Launch a New Revolution in the West & Establish a Global Islamic State FAITH MEMRI (The... |
Posted: 25 Jun 2011 05:20 AM PDT You knew this was coming: Arrested jihadists' families and friends shocked! One of the most interesting parts of this story, another case of "decent fellows" somehow gone wrong, is... |
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Newsletter
Attached please find information about :
Security Fence Path Near Bil'in Deconstructed |
Today marked the start of an initiative aimed at altering the course of the security fence bordering the West Bank village of Bil'in. Israeli forces began implementing a court ruling by Israel's Supreme Court, which will enlarge neighboring Palestinian territory. This requires Israeli soldiers to relocate and replant dozens of Palestinian olive trees in order to protect them from the surrounding construction work.
The alternative security fence, as well as removing the previous one, will cost Israel 26 million NIS. An additional allocation of five million NIS will be used to expropriate the land to the village of Bil'in, making it suitable for Palestinian agricultural use.
Every Friday, violent rioters hurl rocks at Israeli soldiers near the village of Bil'in, protesting the route of the security fence. Over the past several years over 200 Israeli security personnel have been injured at these riots.
The security fence is responsible for preventing thousands of suicide bombers from carrying out terror attacks against Israeli civilians. "Just years ago terrorists moved freely from Palestinian cities to Israeli ones killing hundreds of innocent men, women and children," said Colonel Saar Tzur, brigade commander of the regional defense Benjamin. "One of the main reasons for the decline in terrorism in the Israeli Home Front Command is the success of the security fence."
Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press
(Israel Government Press Office)
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Yediot Aharonot refers to the recent incident in which an Israeli couple were convicted in Poland of stealing items from Auschwitz-Birkenau. The author regrets that "There is no limit to idiocy, brazen gall and the nadir to which people are capable of sinking," and says that "It is a pity that the Polish judge in Cracow was so lenient towards these two Israelis who lack a conscience and did not send them to prison for several years."
Ma'ariv believes that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to curtail the privileges Hamas prisoners receive while held in Israel will stand a legal challenge before the High Court of Justice. The author contends that "The revocation of privileges will be considered both legal and proportional."
Yisrael Hayom asserts that "While the struggle for the release of Gilad Shalit is worthy and important, it has long since gone off its rails," and adds that "Demonstrations opposite the Prime Minister's Residence will not help because it is not the right address." The paper reminds its readers that "Shalit is not hidden in the basement on Balfour Street in Jerusalem. It would be better if the Shalits and their media advisers would direct them towards the enemy, towards the goal: Encourage giant demonstrations opposite the UN offices in Israel, the ICRC offices, and perhaps the Egyptian and Jordanian embassies or the prisons in which Hamas's prisoners are being held." The author believes that Israel cannot free the terrorists whose release Hamas is demanding, "even at the price of Gilad Shalit not being freed," because "We cannot teach an enemy that murders civilians in terrorist attacks that he is a short-time prisoner." The paper urges a policy of eliminating terrorists and avers that "This is also the only way to prevent the next kidnapping and the possibility that another family might become like the Shalits."
The Jerusalem Post wonders how to thwart Aryeh Deri, the Shas ex-minister and power broker who served two years in prison for bribe-taking and breach of trust and now seems poised o make a move to enter national politics. The editor states that while this is legal in Israel, "In other lands Deri would have stood no chance of returning to politics and gaining election," but nevertheless feels that retroactive legislation that would amend the rules of the race with the runners almost at the start-line should not be enacted. The editor declares that "He should be rejected on cogent moral grounds by his own past disciples," and adds: "That would be the only proper and convincing cap to his sordid political saga."
Haaretz considers the bill submitted by MK Yaakov Katz (National Union) that would shorten the minimum period of time between the swearing-in of the Supreme Court president and their mandatory retirement, at age 70, from three years to two, to be problematic "because it is designed to guarantee that a specific justice will become president of the court." Nevertheless, the editor states, "the bill is appropriate, because it reinforces the principle of seniority in selecting the Supreme Court president."
[Noah Kliger, Noam Sharvit and Shlomo Tsazna wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]
[Noah Kliger, Noam Sharvit and Shlomo Tsazna wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]
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GENEVA — A watchdog organization is calling on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to retract his apparent endorsement of an Iranian government conference on terrorism that is attacking the US, Britain and Israel. See below the letter sent today to the UN chief by Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based UN Watch. The non-governmental organization also called on US Ambassador Susan Rice, the Obama Administration's UN representative, to ensure that the UN refrains from endorsing such Orwellian conferences in the future. ![]() # # # # # His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon The Secretary-General The United Nations New York, NY 10017 25 June 2011 Your Excellency, Earlier this week, UN Watch warmly welcomed your deserved reelection as UN Secretary-General and applauded your principled leadership. It is in that spirit that we call upon you to distance yourself and the United Nations from a cynical conference now underway in Iran which claims to have your blessing and that of the United Nations. ![]() Organized by the Ahmadinejad regime, the conference is entitled "International Conference on Global Fight Against Terrorism." It began today and ends tomorrow. The opening message by Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei attacked "the United States, Britain and some Western governments, with a black record in terrorist behaviors," "satanic world powers," and "terrorist organizations such as the Zionism International Agency." The Iranian Supreme Leader further states on the conference website that "the creation and growth of the wild and blind terrorism is basically the result of the wicked policy of America and England," and that "it is a duty for all Muslims to confront and fight this inauspicious offspring which is the clear example of corruption on earth and fighting with God." ![]() Inflammatory cartoons abound on the conference website. Several depict the United States as a purveyor of terrorism. One image portrays innocent Middle Easterners as the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Another shows the Statue of Liberty, with Lady Liberty holding a stick of dynamite in her hand. Still another shows an Israeli soldier as a devil with horns. If this were not enough, the conference openly defied the United Nations by prominently hosting Sudanese President Al-Bashir, against whom there is an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court on the charge of genocide against the people of Darfur. As you know, this conference is the height of cynicism. Iran is a leading sponsor of terrorism, arming and training terrorist proxies such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Iran has been accused of sponsoring terrorist attacks in Iraq, and of now aiding the Syrian regime in the bloody repression of its own population. Iran has been condemned repeatedly by the UN General Assembly for severely violating the human rights of its own citizens, and is under UN sanctions for violating international law in its covert pursuit of a nuclear bomb. Last September, you rightly condemned Iranian President Ahmadinejad when he used the UN podium to accuse the US of perpetrating the 9/11 terror attacks. ![]() Mr. Secretary-General, your good name and that of the United Nations should not be exploited in this way. It harms the credibility of the world body, contradicts the principles of the UN Charter, and aids and abets the sponsors of terrorism in their global propaganda. We urge you to publicly distance yourself and the UN from this shameful conference. Yours truly, Hillel Neuer Executive Director |
Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world respect her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg
Permission granted to share with others!!
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright~
Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world respect her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg
Permission granted to share with others!!
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