[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Dog days in the Hate Israel industry/other news

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Monday, June 27, 2011


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--- In Politics_CurrentEvents_Group@yahoogroups.com, "mech'el samberg" <mechelsambergnew@...> wrote:
> Dog days in the Hate Israel industry/other news
> (Below is a list of some newsletters that you can copy and paste into your browser if you care to see more, of today's news. I will be adding more websites to the newsletter list, as time permits MBS)
> www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com
> hudson-ny.org, imra.org.il
> iris.org.il/blog
> arabsforisrael.blogspot.com
> NonieDarwish.com
> shmuelkatz.com
> blog.havivgur.com
> israelinsider.net
> israelsituation.com
> savageinfidel.blogspot.com
> thereligionofpeace.com
> reutrcohen.com
> littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog
> waronjihad.org
> israelwhat.com
> muslimsforisrael.com
> terrorism-info.org.il
> freeman.org
> freeman.org/online
> freeman.org/serendipity
> jihadwatch.org
> fresnozionism.org
> islamist-watch.org
> creepingsharia.wordpress.com
> salaswildthoughts.blogspot.com
> WorldJewishDaily.com
> memri.org
> israpundit.com
> sultanknish.blogspot.com
> israelmatzav.blogspot.com
> cufi.org
> jewishworldreview.com
> grendelreport. posterous.com
> tundratabloid.blogspot.com
> sheikyermami.com
> atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs
> israeltoday.co.il
> haaretz.com
> wnd.com
> ynetnews.com
> familysecuritymatters.org
> dailyalert.org
> calevbenyefuneh.blogspot.com
> yidwithlid.blogspot.com
> israelnationalnews.com
> jewishideasdaily.com
> jpost.com
> israelseen.com
> aish.com
> Palestinians officially decide to seek UN recognition
> Regime of Palestinian leader Abbas makes it official: It will unilaterally seek UN recognition for an independent Palestinian state at the UN this September
> more
> Israeli man nearly lynched in Jerusalem
> Jewish moving company driver savagely beaten after GPS mistakenly directs him into Arab neighborhood in northern Jerusalem; man's life saved by village elder
> more
> Prepared for the
> Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
> by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
> View this page at www.dailyalert.org
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> Via Smartphone
> Monday,
> June 27, 2011
> Daily Alert Needs Your Support
> In-Depth Issues:
> Jamaat e Islami of Pakistan and Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt Join Hands (Dawn-Pakistan)
> The Muslim political party Jamaat e Islami of Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt on Wednesday decided to join hands to solve issues faced by Muslims all over the world and to promote the true image of Islam.
> The leadership of the two parties made the announcement at the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo on Wednesday. A JI delegation, led by the JI chief Syed Munawar Hasan, is currently on a four-day visit to Egypt at the invitation of Muslim Brotherhood chief Dr. Muhammad Badei.
> Attacks on Syrian Protesters Leave 20 Dead - Alexandra Sandels (Los Angeles Times)
> Syrian security officers opened fire on protesters Friday, leaving as many as 20 dead, as people poured into the streets across the nation in defiance of President Bashar Assad.
> Large demonstrations were reported in the central cities of Homs and Hama, the suburbs of Damascus, the mainly Kurdish city of Qamishli in the north, and the eastern oil hub of Dair Alzour.
> Delta Denies Jewish Discrimination Claims - (CNN)
> Delta Air Lines on Friday denied online claims that it is discriminating against Jewish passengers through a multi-airline alliance that is set to include Saudi Arabian Airlines.
> Delta said it does not operate in Saudi Arabia, nor does it sell Delta seats on flights operated by other carriers that serve that country.
> Delta's agreement with the Saudi carrier allows passengers to book tickets on multiple airlines "similar to the standard interline agreements American Airlines, US Airways and Alaska Airlines have with Saudi Arabian Airlines," the airline said in a statement.
> New Cracks Form in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - Maggie Michael (AP)
> The new political openness in post-revolutionary Egypt is taking a toll on the Muslim Brotherhood.
> Several factions - most recently several young members - have already broken away to form new parties to rival the Brotherhood's main Freedom and Justice Party.
> The latest breakaway party is spearheaded by members of the Brotherhood's so-called "reformist" camp, which announced Sunday they were forming a separate bloc called al-Riyada, Arabic for "The Pioneers."
> See also Egypt's New Political Alliance Could Boost the Islamists - Eric Trager (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)< BR> June 21 saw the second meeting of the National Democratic Alliance for Egypt, with fourteen smaller parties agreeing to join the coalition's founders, the Muslim Brotherhood's newly formed Freedom and Justice Party and the liberal Wafd Party.
> Anti-Western foreign policy views are uniting parties with wildly divergent views on domestic issues.
> News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
> U.S. Warns Against New Gaza Flotilla
> U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said in a statement Friday: "Groups that seek to break Israel's maritime blockade of Gaza are taking irresponsible and provocative actions that risk the safety of their passengers," adding that there were established ways to move humanitarian aid to Gaza. "We urge all those seeking to provide such assistance to the people of Gaza to use these mechanisms, and not to participate in actions like the planned flotilla."
> "We underscore that delivering or attempting or conspiring to deliver material support or other resources to or for the benefit of a designated foreign terrorist organization, such as Hamas, could violate U.S. civil and criminal statutes and could lead to fines and incarc eration." (Reuters)
> See also Israel, Egypt Agree Flotilla Can Unload Cargo in El-Arish - Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon
> Israel and Egypt have come to an understanding that ships taking part in an upcoming flotilla to Gaza will be allowed to unload their cargo at the Egyptian port of El-Arish, from where it will be transferred on land to Gaza after being checked, Israel Radio reported on Monday. The Israeli government has declared that the flotilla, scheduled to arrive later this week, will not be allowed to enter Gaza by sea. (Jerusalem Post)
> Building Boom in Gaza - Ethan Bronner
> Two luxury hotels are opening in Gaza this month. Thousands of new cars are plying the roads. A second shopping mall will open next month. Hundreds of homes and two dozen schools are about to go up. As pro-Palestinian activists prepare to set sail aboard a flotilla to Gaza, the Palestinian coastal enclave is experiencing its first real period of economic growth since the siege they are protesting began in 2007. "The siege on goods is now 60 to 70% over," said Jamal El-Khoudary, chairman of the board of the Islamic University, who has led Gaza's Popular Committee Against the Siege.
> Gaza has never been among the world's poorest places. T here is near universal literacy, relatively low infant mortality, and health conditions remain better than in much of the developing world. Hundreds of BMWs, pickup trucks and other vehicles have arrived in recent months from Libya, while dozens of white Kia Sportage models are widely thought to have come from the same looted dealership in Benghazi. (New York Times)
> Iran Woos U.S. Allies as Troops Withdraw - Jay Solomon
> Iran is moving to cement ties with the leaders of three key American allies - Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq - highlighting Tehran's efforts to take a greater role in the region as the U.S. military pulls out troops. The Afghan and Pakistani presidents, visiting Tehran, discussed with Iranian President Ahmadinejad "many issues...that might come up after the NATO military force goes out of Afghanistan," Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi said Sunday. (Wall Street Journal)
> News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
> Report: Hizbullah Moving Arms from Syria to Lebanon, Fearing Assad's Fall - Barak Ravid and Amos Harel
> In recent weeks Hizbullah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported Saturday. Hizbullah moved the missiles over fears that a successor to the failing regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad could sever ties with the organization. A Western expert is quoted as saying efforts have been made to send as much weaponry as possible to Lebanon before the fall of the Assad regime. Intelligence agencies have monitored the movement of trucks from the Syrian border to Lebanon's Bekaa region containing long-range Iranian Zilzal, Fajr-3 and Fajr-4 missiles. (Ha'aretz)
> Israel Isolates Imprisoned Senior Hamas Operatives - Elior Levy
> In response to kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit's continued imprisonment, Israel has placed at least seven imprisoned senior Hamas operatives in solitary confinement, sources confirmed. Israel aims to prevent contact between the Hamas inmates who will be scattered in separate wings or different facilities. They will not be allowed to share prison cells or stay in adjacent cells. Frequency of family visits and telephone calls will be reduced. Prisoners will not be able to start studying for a higher degree, while those who have already began a program will be allowed to finish it. (Ynet News)
> Turkey Wants UN to Tone Down Report on Gaza Flotilla Raid - Barak Ravid
> The Turks are "very worried" about harsh criticism of Turkey in the UN Secretary-General's report on last year's flotilla to Gaza, according to a senior government official in Jerusalem. They want Israel to agree to a softened version as part of a package deal to end the crisis between the two countries over the May 2010 flotilla. A draft of the report was given to Israel and Turkey about six weeks ago. The committee determined that Israel's naval blockade of Gaza is in keeping with international law, and therefore its actions to stop the flotilla were legal. The report criticizes the Turkish government and highlights the relationship between it and IHH, the group that organiz ed the flotilla. (Ha'aretz)
> Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
> A Foolish Plan from "Wise Men" on the Middle East - Elliott Abrams
> Another Middle East peace plan was proposed on June 23 in the New York Review of Books by a set of Washington luminaries. It proposes that the U.S. give up on the "peace process" and impose conditions of our own, and threaten dire consequences should Israel balk. The proposals reveal that many of America's most experienced former senior officials now blame Israel alone for the freeze in Middle East peace negotiations. And they believe that Israel should be forced into compromises and sacrifices under enormous American pressure, even if the vast majority of Israelis oppose them and view them as dangerous.
> As we all celebrate the demands for democracy in Arab lands, we can be thankful that American democracy remains str ong. This fact ensures that neither the president nor Congress would ever accept the demands made here: to blame Israel alone for the failure to reach a peace agreement, threaten her, adopt positions that undermine her security, and abandon pledges made by American presidents of both parties. The writer, senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, was a deputy national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration. (Weekly Standard)
> How Can Do-Gooders Possibly Think that Gaza Is the Primary Center of Injustice in the Middle East? - Kevin Myers
> What is it about Israel that prompts such a widespread departure from common sense, reason and moral reality? As another insane flotilla prepares to butt across the Mediterranean bringing "aid" to the "beleaguered" people of Gaza, does it never occur to all the hysterical anti-Israeli activists in Ireland that this is like worrying about the steaks being burnt on the barbecue, as a forest fire sweeps towards your back garden?
> According to Mathilde Redmatn, deputy director of the International Red Cross in Gaza, there is in fact no humanitarian crisis there at all. But by God, there is one in Syria, where possibly thousands have died in the past month. However, I notice that none of the Irish do-gooders are sending an aid-ship to Latakia.
> Israel, just about the only country in the entire region where Arabs are not rising up against their rulers, is also the only country that the Irish chattering classes unite in condemning. (Irish Independent)
> Observations:
> U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians - Jim Zanotti (Congressional Research Service-Federation of American Scientists)
> Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed over $4 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world's largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid.
> From FY2008 to the present, annual U.S. bilateral assistance to the Palestinians has averaged over $600 million. Additionally, the U.S. is the largest single-state donor to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).
> A May 2011 power-sharing agreement between Fatah and Hamas has raised concerns among some Members of Congress about continuing U.S. budgetary and security assistance to a PA government that could be subject to the approval of a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (Hamas) that claims to reserve the right to violently oppose Israel's existence.
> The Fatah-Hamas power-sharing or "unity" government will not be eligible for U.S. aid if Hamas is included in the government and does not change its stance towards Israel - possibly subject to some limited exceptions.
> See also U.S. "Could Withdraw Funding from UN If Palestine State Is Recognized" - Jon Swaine and Adrian Blomfield
> Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the UN, said there was "no greater threat" to U.S. support and funding of the UN than the prospect of Palestinian statehood being endorsed by member states. Rice said the Obama administration was devoting "extraordinary efforts and energy" to resta rting Middle Eastern peace talks so that a vote in September could be avoided. (Telegraph-UK)
> How to Deliver to Goods to Gaza
> Israel Defense Forces | June 27, 2011 at 14:52 | Tags: COGAT, flotilla, Gaza, Gaza flotilla, Gaza Strip, Humanitarian Aid, Kerem Shalom crossing, Miles of Smiles, Red Cross, UNRWA | Categories: Aid to Gaza, Facts & Figures, Gaza Flotilla | URL: http://wp.me/ppbEs-1Kj
> Israel transfers thousands of goods and materials into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing
> On a daily basis, nearly 6,000 tons of food, fuel, materials and other supplies are transferred into the Gaza Strip. Never does the delivery of goods turn into a media frenzy. In contrast, previous convoys, instigating violent provocations with Israeli or Egyptian forces, rarely delivered substantial amounts of goods into the Gaza Strip.
> In addition, lawfully enforcing the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip allows the Israel Navy to halt rocket attacks into Israel by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.
> How a Small Group of Activists Succeeded in Helping Palestinians in Gaza
> In June 2011, the European convoy, "Miles of Smiles 3," arrived at the Rafah land crossing. At the Egypt-Israel border crossing, the convoy's ten European human-rights organizations transferred 30 tons of medical supplies, 12 ambulances, baby food, and wheelchairs to the Gaza Strip by coordinating efforts with the Egyptian Red Crescent. The transfer of goods and materials did not entail violence because the organizers focused on delivering supplies, rather than delegitimizing Israel through a violent confrontation.
> In contrast to the "Miles of Smiles 3" convoy, the 2010 Gaza flotilla organizers set sail with a provocative, violent agenda, refusing to deliver goods and materials via land crossings. The 2010 Gaza flotilla arrived with only 20 truckloads worth of goods and materials (including expired medication). On March 31, 2010, a 2010 Gaza flotilla organizer clarified the flotilla's purpose: Isolation of Israel in the international community and breach the lawfully enforced naval blockade on the Gaza Strip.
> On a Weekly Basis, Gaza Receives Thousands of Tons in Goods and Materials
> Sunday through Thursday, Israel coordinates the daily transfer of roughly 250 to 280 truckloads into Gaza (equivalent to approximately 6,000 of tons of goods and materials)â€"via the Kerem Shalom land crossing. Palestinian officials, responsible for ordering all goods and materials transferred into Gaza, have yet to maximize the crossing's truckload capacity.
> Sunday through Thursday, Israel coordinates daily truckloads of goods and materials into Gaza.
> Steps for Transferring Goods and Materials into the Gaza Strip
> 1. To make a donation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, contact a humanitarian organization operating in the Gaza Strip, either UNRWA or the Red Cross in Gaza.
> 2. Humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza submit all formal requests to the international organizations branch of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).
> 3. COGAT's donations officer, part of the international organizations branch, is responsible for approving and coordinating the transfer of all donations. UNRWA, the Red Cross and other major organizations typically receive immediate approval.
> 4. Requests for dual-use items must undergo a project review.
> 5. Per submitted requests, Israel transfers thousands of tons in goods and materials into Gaza on a weekly basis via the Kerem Shalom land crossing.
> NY Times "Scoop": Israel Claims Media Coverage is Unfair
> Posted: 27 Jun 2011 07:26 AM PDT
> By Barry Rubin
> Sometimes when one of the better reporters around tries to be fair the result shows up the low quality of Middle East coverage generally. In an article on the Gaza Strip, Israeli policy, and the flotilla of anti-Israel, pro-Hamas activists, the New York Times informs us:
> "Israel’s relationship with the foreign news media has grown strained in recent years; the country increasingly believes that foreign portrayals of its conflict with the Palestinians are harsh and one-sided."
> Since Israelis have been quite aware of media bias since the mid-1980s and provided hundreds (thousands) of examples this should not exactly be a discovery. But American newspaper readers or television watchers are rarely informed of this fact by the very institutions that stand accused of bias, ignorance, and just plain bad reporting.
> A detailed analysis of how the flotilla, the Gaza Strip, and Israel's policy is being covered.
> Read more
> Seinfeld's Advice for Obama Administration Policy: Do the Opposite
> Posted: 27 Jun 2011 06:27 AM PDT
> By Barry Rubin
> Just your normal Middle East policy day in which every instinct the Obama administration has is wrong. Allied forces in Libya accidentally drop bombs on civilians. I thought the NATO forces were in Libya to protect civilians. Libya didn’t attack the United States. When Israel is attacked, responds directly, and accidentally kills civilians it is called a “war crime”; when the United States and its allies do it thousands of miles away in an unnecessary and ill-defined mission that’s an excusable accident. What are Western forces doing in Libya? And if they are really there to overthrow dictator Muammar Qadhafi why is he still in power?
> How is it that the Obama Administration is doing the exact opposite of what it should be doing?
> read more
> The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Newsletter
> Attached please find information about :
> The Upcoming Flotilla to the Gaza Strip Update (June 22, 2011)
> HTML Download PDF file (184KB)
> http://www.terrorism-info.org.il
> Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press
> (Israel Government Press Office)
> Two papers discuss the initiative by various celebrities calling for Gilad Shalit's release in which they spent one hour alone, on camera, in a small, bare room:
> Ma'ariv remarks that "It is not really a solitary cell; it is not really a discussion. It's just another exercise in whining and longing for the soldier who needs a whole lot more than that to return home."
> Yisrael Hayom asks: "What was the meaning of this bizarre gimmick of celebrities in simulated solitary confinement? From whom were they trying to extract feelings? Indeed we all live Gilad every day. Sad, but this gimmick weakened Israel and presented it as a pathetic crumbing society in the face of brutal captors that are proud of their ability run us all around in circles. Hamas is not really interested in returning Gilad Shalit, because it is holding a rare card worth as much as any rocket. As long as we play into their hand with pathetic shows, there is no reason for them not to harden their positions."
> ===============================
> Yediot Aharonot opines that "Frightened, Netanyahu is now ready for conditions which are almost no different from the October 1995 Beilin-Abu Mazen understandings. But, when we had something good in our grasp, we refused to use it. And by the time we understood that the merchandise would go bad, there were no longer any buyers."
> The Jerusalem Post states that “Some NGOs’ detrimental effect on Israel’s image in the world has recently sparked a flurry of legislative action, not all of which is in line with democratic values,” and calls on the government to expose these NGOs using the democratic means at its power. The editor declares: “Israel’s vibrant democracy does not merely survive criticism, it thrives and is improved by it, especially when much of this ‘criticism’ can be exposed for what it really is: disingenuous and ideologically motivated propaganda.”
> Haaretz urges the government to permit the flotilla to dock in Gaza, and states: “A less fearful country would certainly have offered even to go as far as escorting the flotilla to the Gaza coast.”
> [Yaron London, Michal Aharoni and Dror Eydar wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]
> Winds Of Jihad
> ‘Islam cures depression’- really?
> Frank Zappa: … and it will cure your asthma too! If that doesn’t work, try camel urine. ‘Quran Therapy’, a unique method to treat patients suffering from incurable and deadly diseases,...
> “Kill Whitey!”
> Race Relations at an All-Time Low Under the Post Racial Presidency “Kill Whitey!” Nothing to do with Obama’s religion of ‘Black Liberation Theology”, move on….....
> No Sharia to see here, move on: D.C. gets $ 700 million sharia compliant shopping centre
> H/T Atlas This is the next level of imposing Islamic law on the secular marketplace. A shariah compliant mall on taxpayer land. The New York Times says here that the property is primarily public...
> The Jihad Never Sleeps
> ‘The United States of Islam’: Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Calls on Arab Youth to Launch a New Revolution in the West & Establish a Global Islamic State Nigeria Authorities: 25 killed in 3 bomb...
> Dog days in the Hate Israel industry
> Is there no way America can rid itself of these traitors? ‘Color Purple’ Author Alice Walker: Israel and America are “Terrorist States“ Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker will...
> Is unemployment getting you down? Move to Iran and become a Mullah…
> NO MUSLIM TERRORISM TO SEE HERE DANIEL GREENFIELD Back in the US, it’s another day and another terrorist attack that has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Zippo. Nada. Not a thing....
> Muslims curse the Kuffar 17 times a day in their prayers…
> Muslim Prayers as Incitement In Paris, Muslims block the streets every Friday…. Gates of Vienna This is a refreshing change from all the usual PC cant about Islam. It’s good to see a frank...
> Sunday Night Jihad
> Howler of the day: The Cambridge Muslim Council intends to be an “umbrella organisation promoting peace, tolerance and understanding” throughout the county. Does anybody still believe...
> CAIRing Jihadists
> Barenaked presents: CAIR Propaganda Terrorist Front Group CAIR says virtually every city in America is “Islamophobic” Hamas-affiliated CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) in conjunction with...
> Is Delta Airlines Judenrein?
> Not only. Its worse: despite some mealy mouthed apologies there is another little problem with Delta: Ever heard of the “Occupied Palestinian Territory?” Anyone know where that country I...
> A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright~
> Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world respect her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
> Mech'el B. Samberg
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ProJewishProZionistGroup/?yguid=368134690
> http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/stillnotjustmusicanymore/?yguid=368134690
> http://groups.yahoo.com/adultconf?dest=%2Fgroup%2Fwhateverreturns%2F%3Fyguid%3D368134690
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shieldofdavid/?yguid=373549731
> Permission granted to share with others!!

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