Saturday, June 25, 2011
Diane Ravitch, plantation mistress
America in the era of late stage disaster statism is a society founded on forms of slavery, including especially race slavery. It's right before our eyes and the tax predator ruling class pretends it does not exist, with a window dressing of welfare bennies, affirmative action, and a beige Nixon in the White House.Yet our political system, our campaigns, and at least one of our major parties, the Democrats, our founded on and funded by the selling of black children, and other poor and minority children, to educrats who in turn give campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. These educrat cartels (perversely labelled "unions" in an outrage against the history of the American working class) imprison black kids in mind-killing brick warehouses from which they emerge 12 years later often illiterate and unemployable, wards of the state and cannon fodder for politicians for the rest of their lives.Some of these kids liberate themselves, as an increasingly large number never finish high school. A few lucky ones live somewhere where vouchers, charters, home schooling, or a benefactor, give them some freedom to attend an alternative school.As the decades have passed and funding for state education has increased and federal control and intervention of all education has intensified, a reaction has begun among the poor and urban families. They have begun to demand charters and other liberalizations of the state monopoly, an education tea party brewing from below and from people of color. Stong black tea.The ruling class has to find some way to fight this. It's hold on power depends on limiting political choices through ballot access, incumbency, and control of campaign financing. And selling black kids to educrat cartels is an important piece of the latter.And so they have appealed to an "authority," Diane Ravitch, to counter the authority of reformers like educrat-cartel-ousted, former DC public school superintendent, Michelle Rhee.
Ms. Ravitch, said to be a scholar, spends much of time now tweeting (which she calls "mini-blogging") deep wisdom like:
"DianeRavitch Diane Ravitch
Obama should tend to his base. No one worked harder for him than teachers."It is no accident that "Washington City Paper," a faux alternative media that serves to create ideological hegemony among the cogs of the Washington establishment, would promote Ravitch. And it's a hilarious article (link below) since it leaves out what will be the only thing Ravitch will be remembered for decades hence in an asterisk: she's the world's most famous lesbian (former) neoconservative/Bush administration appointee.It's hard to be a lesbian in the Beltway world of the tax predator ruling class or its state-funded outposts in media and academe if you are not a statist flak. I have two friends or former friends in DC who are somewhat politically incorrect lesbians in hiding. One, a libertarian, covers national politics for a major American newspaper, and never discusses politics in her column or at events, only when she is safely at a libertarian happy hour. Another raises money for the DNC and worked on Hillary's campaign and serves as a political appointee in Obama's State Department. At one event she said to the aforementioned journalist and me: "What does it mean that my two best friends are libertarians?" and proceeded to discuss her cognizance and appreciation of market based solutions and market institutions (she's a Harvard educated health economist). But these girls toe the line. Only a third of gays don't vote Democrat and it may be less for lesbians (and more for gay men).
And if one peruses the ranks of educrat administrators and educrat union organizers, Democratic party lesbians, from James-Carville-with-a-coochie Randi Weingarten (now lovers with Obama flak and "Business Forward" gonif Hillary Rosen) or "Sex and the City" actress Cynthia Nixon's gal pal Christine Marinoni on down, are very well represented. It's a honey pot, if not a gravy, train.) One of the most hilarious examples of faux radicalism and moronicity among lesbian academe was in one of "radical feminist" Mary Daly's later works. Daly praised FDR (and Eleanor) for creating the about to be bankrupt Social Security system, since it kept elderly ladies out of poverty (by taxing away the savings and potential real estate downpayments of working class black men, who for decades died before the retirement age required to draw Social Security). But Social Security has, for decades, taxed gays and lesbians while denying survivor benefits to their partners or partners' children -- what kind of lesbian feminism is that?
Any honest account of Diane Ravitch and why she represents the definition of insanity (continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting a better result), would have to ask if her virulent racism was caused by the strain on her social, sexual and romantic life when she was a politically incorrect lesbian.
City Paper editors: will you stop selling black kids to educrat cartels for Democratic campaign contributions?Diane Ravitch, the Anti-Michelle-Rhee
[An alternative view of Ravitch is provided at The ruling class is not using Ravitch to defend themselves because of any Hayekian insight she may have.]
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