Obama warned Republicans on Wednesday of shutting down the government if they do not raise the debt limit, but this sounded like music in our ears! Debt ceiling or no debt ceiling, deficit or no deficit -all of these unconstitutional ministries, agencies, boards, commissions, authorities, bureaus, divisions, services, administrations, and programs should be shut down. This is not complicated. Constitutions delegate certain limited powers to the government. Every other purpose of government is illegal.
Obama argues the United States would plunge back into recession if Congress fails to raise the $14.3 trillion cap on government borrowing by August 2. But Republicans are skeptical that default is inevitable if government borrowing grinds to a halt and some question the disaster warnings of Obama. Republicans insist that significant spending cuts must accompany any deal on the debt ceiling. Congress is neither the Eldorado of Prostitutes nor the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square! Uncle Sam should not copy Europeism of Fourth Reich.
Europeism is a product of Eurokleptocrats. It is a product of the drones who do not want to go to work from 8am until 5pm during the week and to have a normal job. It is a product of the freaks who want to steer, command, patronize, and legislate others. On the one hand, they include politicians and to them related bureaucrats and on the other hand, eggheads operating in the public space and in the media who are attached to politicians. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Bruce Thornton points out the worldwide Great Recession that began in 2008 has taken much of the bloom off the European Union rose. These days, the enthusiastic pronouncements of recent years, when Fourth Reich(EU) was touted as a bold new experiment in living, one leading the way into a new era, sound premature if not delusional. Equally premature have been the prophecies of Fourth Reich's future dominance in the New European Century, or the prognostications that the the twenty-first century might yet belong to Fourth Reich, or the argument that the European way is the best hope in an insecure age.
Republicans argued with Obama during a two-hour closed-door meeting, during which they also highlighted weak private sector job growth. High unemployment of 10% could hurt Obama in the 2012 election. The best thing that could ever happen to citizens would be that the majority of the functions of government were shut down permanently. Jefferson said the two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
Republicans warned Obama that he is leading America to the miserable level of the Cradle of Kleptocracy! Uncle Sam must avoid socialism, kleptocracy, and Marilizardism. There is only one solution to the dilemma faced by a government over its inability to borrow more money. Shut it down! Uncle Sam should watch October-18 Mafia, which is going bankrupt.
Defense spending in the West is over two trillion euros a year. The West spends twice on defense than the rest of the world combined. The West has over 1,000 foreign military bases and station troops in over 150 countries. Much of what passes for defense spending has no recognizable connection to West security. Since maintaining a strong national defense has nothing to do with maintaining a strong offense in every corner of the globe, foreign bases should be shut down.
When the government failed to protect the citizens from terrorists, parliaments responded by creating new services of antiterrorism. But since we already have Ministries of Defense, and the antiterrorist services have become a menace to society, the airlines, like any other business, should provide their own screening and security and the antiterrorist services should be shut down. The government itself is the largest terrorist organization after all!
The war on drugs drains 100 billion euros a year. It has destroyed financial privacy, eroded civil liberties, swelled prison populations, turned law-abiding citizens into criminals, failed to reduce drug use, and ruined more lives than drugs themselves. The war on drugs should be shut down.
The West provides some form of assistance to over 150 countries. Foreign aid loots taxpayers and lines the pockets of foreign kleptocrats. Trillions of euros have been doled out the last quarter of century. And with poverty, unemployment, and crumbling infrastructure in the West, it doesn't even make any sense for kleptocrats to send taxpayer money overseas. Spending on foreign aid should be shut down. It's not yours to give!
The West pays half of the regular operating budget of the United Nations and three quarters of the peacekeeping budget. And then there is the money that Western taxpayers are forced to give the World Bank and the IMF. Spending on these globalist organizations should be shut down.
Western governments own over one billion acres of land, with ownership exceeding 50 percent in some states. All government land should be sold and the Ministries of the Interior should be shut down.
Internet can replace schools. Aside from that bloated bureaucracy of the ministries of education, there is the National School Lunch Act, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; Pell Grants, research grants to colleges, Erasmus, EIT, and student loans. And since most constitutions are silent on the government's authority to spend one dime on education, spending on education should be shut down.
The government regulates and funds health care. Yet, most constitutions authorize not a dime to be spent to do either. This means no Ministries of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, IKA, or funding of laboratories, community health centers, medical research, clinical trials, family planning, vaccinations, or AIDS prevention initiatives. Spending on medical care should be shut down.
The space program funnels billions of taxpayer dollars to privileged scientists, researchers, and contractors. And since space exploration and experimentation are no more legitimate purposes of government than providing health care, they should be shut down.
State insurance is an entitlement program, an income transfer scheme, a wealth redistribution plan, and a Ponzi scheme. It is a welfare program just like unemployment benefits, food stamps, Head Start, farm subsidies, and housing subsidies. State insurance taxes should be abolished and the program should be shut down.
Without government spending on all of these things, there is one government service that citizens certainly don't need: the tax service. All taxes should be abolished and the tax services should be shut down.
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Cradle of Kleptocracy: Greece
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Fourth Reich: European Union
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
Posted by Politics | at 8:55 PM | |Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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