[gingery_machines] Re: Anyone doing something Gingery?

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011



I look forward to seeing any of your articles. As far as Gingery related, your articles deal with machining which is the genesis of all things Gingery.

Your contributions and wliingness to share as well as the plkain genius of it all is very inspiring and I for one appreciate it all.

--- In gingery_machines@yahoogroups.com, Matthew Tinker <mattinker@...> wrote:
> Rick,
> I hadn't seen this when I wrote my last email!
> "Maybe the best way to handle this is for anyone that wishes to be told
> about every article I write send me their email address. I will build an alias that will be used along with my selective notification. Please
> send your address off list to rgsparber@..."
> Put me on your list!
> Regards, Matthew
> Matthew TINKER
> CNC conversion 1944 Colchester Lathe build-up log
> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35519
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Sparber <rgsparber@...>
> To: "gingery_machines@yahoogroups.com" <gingery_machines@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 14:31
> Subject: Re: [gingery_machines] Re: Anyone doing something Gingery?
> Stewart,
> I do not want this discussion to cause dis-harmony in the group. I believe Wonk has a valid point.
> Each time I write an article, I decide which groups to notify. In many cases the list does not include gingery_machines because I don't think it fits. I just need to be a bit more careful.
> I often post to a lathe and mill group because they are focused more on types of machines rather than types of construction.
> Maybe the best way to handle this is for anyone that wishes to be told about every article I write send me their email address. I will build an alias that will be used along with my selective notification. Please send your address off list to rgsparber@...
> As for electric furnaces, you will find a few articles on my modified Hartman in the foundry section of my site. I like my electric furnace for the same reasons you are attracted to them. Just understand that efficient use requires you to plan the foundry day so you are busy doing other things while the furnace is heating up.
> Rick
> Rick.Sparber.org
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 1:47 AM, lists <Stuartlists@...> wrote:
> > In article <B2167E51-2D89-476D-8401-F31FCE9B5B8E@...>,
> > Rick <rgsparber@...> wrote:
> >> I am truly sorry for dominating the site. I had no idea. In the future I
> >> will be more selective about which articles I announce.
> >
> > Rick,
> >
> > I have not been a member of the group for long and I have enjoyed
> > everything you have written. I would ask you not to give up.
> >
> > Wonk's request for more posts from people building Gingery machines is
> > fine and I would certainly go along with it. You appear to be "dominating
> > the site" (your words) simply because others aren't posting. It's a bit
> > like me seeming to dominate morning worship in our church on a Sunday
> > morning. It's not that I do particularly, or that I want to, it's just
> > that other musicians seem to have more other commitments and aren't there
> > quite so often. Apart from my normal rota appearances I often fill in for
> > others when they can't make it.
> >
> > One other group I read is very quiet these days and if one particular
> > person didn't make posts on a regular basis, kicking off discussion, it
> > would be dead.
> >
> > I enjoyed reading Scott Trostel's "Why I built the Gingery lathe" and what
> > I would like, and I hope that was Wonk's thought too, is more of others
> > not less of you.
> >
> > I haven't done anything Gingery yet and it will probably be a while before
> > I do, due to time restraints, but I bought my first Gingery book, "The
> > charcoal foundry" last Saturday. I already have a couple of other books on
> > DIY metal casting and at the UK "Midlands Model Engineering exhibition" in
> > October, Noel Shelly is giving some demonstrations and lectures on the
> > subject. I am also a member of the "Home Foundry" group but have a
> > preference towards some sort of electric furnace (not too big though)
> > because of the cleanliness and controllability.
> >
> > --
> > Stuart Winsor
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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