[gingery_machines] ShopNotes V20, Issue 115 - cool router jig / lathe.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Just a heads up Shop Note issue 115 has a very interesting router jig/lathe described in an article in this issue. I haven't been able to get online with my PC yet, to get the gear making info but they seem to have an easy avenue to wood gears.

This brings up an interesting question, how difficult would it be to make a hob for gears with teeth this large? The idea would be to cut aluminum or wood with the hob. If not a hob maybe a single point cutter? The problem with doing a hob is the pitch which would require interesting gearing on most lathes.

The thought is to try to make the gears with a little more precision than can be had with a bandsaw. Of course the intent would be to use normal home shop equipment. A CNC router would be ideal here but I don't have one of those. Maybe I should build a CNC router instead. The thing I have about cutting them out on a bandsaw is the thought that the gears would end up bumpy.

Interesting an idea just came to mind that if I do one good pattern I could use a router to do a clean up pass. This I need to think about a bit more. It would seem as though the right fixture would turn this into a precision operation.

In any event you gotta love ShopNotes. Their articles really get the inventive juices flowing.

David A Frantz

Sent from my iPhone.

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