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(So what part of making war against Israel is NOT violent? Yep, and these are the people that the Joo Haters want us to make peace with. Oops, I meant to say the, ahem, "anti-Zionists. 'm I bad??? MBS)
Abbas to Western audience:
Abbas to Arab audience:
Abbas made the statement against violence in an interview with Bernard Avishai writing for the New York Times Magazine. The statement was intended for an international audience and reported in the New York Times on January 27, 2011.
Abbas made the second statement not ruling out war in a meeting with Egyptian and other Arab journalists. This statement was meant for an Arab audience and reported in the official Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on January 24, 2011.
Abbas stressed that he is against violence now because the Palestinians are unable and because the international community opposes it. He did not denounce violence as a tool:
PA leaders' depicting non-violence against Israel as a necessary current strategy was exemplified recently during the 2010 peace talks. PA leaders repeatedly used apologetic language when explaining the rationale behind the non-violence to Palestinians.
Nabil Shaath, MP, member of Fatah Central Committee and former PA Foreign Minister, made a series of speeches justifying the cessation of violence, which he stressed was due to current conditions: "At the present time [the armed struggle] is not possible, or is not effective," he said. He noted "the inability to engage in the armed struggle," and pointed out that: "[it] has become undesirable now," and "international conditions do not permit us." Shaath also stressed the "right to return to the armed conflict whenever we view that as our people's interest." (Full quotes below.)
Abbas has repeated this willingness to join an all-out Arab war three times in the last year: First, to the Arab League in March, then in July, and now again:
The following are excerpts from the statements by Mahmoud Abbas (emphasis added):
Jan. 24, 2011, meeting with Egyptian and other Arab journalists:
July 6, 2010, in the home of PA Ambassador to Jordan, to writers and journalists:
in the home of the Palestinian Ambassador to Jordan,
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 6, 2010]
The following are excerpts from the statements by Palestinian MP Nabil Shaath, (emphasis added):
MP Nabil Shaath (1): "... the armed struggle, which has become undesirable now"
MP Nabil Shaath (2): "the armed struggle at the present time... is not effective"
MP Nabil Shaath (3): negotiations are "tactical" and "temporary"
MP Nabil Shaath (4): Palestinians will return to violence when it is "our people's interest."
The following is the article in New York Times quoting Mahmoud Abbas:
Olmert Memoir Cites Near Deal for Mideast Peace
By Ethan Bronner
JERUSALEM - Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister of Israel, says in new memoirs that he and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, were very close to a peace deal two years ago, but Mr. Abbas's hesitation, Mr. Olmert's own legal troubles and the Israeli war in Gaza caused their talks to end. Shortly afterward, a right-wing Israeli government came to power...
In a separate interview, Mr. Abbas confirmed most of Mr. Olmert's account...
Mr. Avishai's article is scheduled to be published in The Times Magazine next month...
"I am committed to peace, but not forever," Mr. Abbas said. "I don't mean I will turn to violence - never. In my life, I will never do it. But I cannot stay in my office forever doing nothing."
He said Washington needed to play an active role, or "hopes for peace will collapse and the region will be controlled by extremists."
(And now a word from the white trash department. Notice that Pike is too OBSESSED with JOOZ and Israel to be bothered WHINING about all the BILLIONS of US $$$ that go to Egypt. MBS)
FACTBOX-Most U.S. aid to Egypt goes to military | Reuters U.S. Aid to Egypt: The Current Situation and Future Prospects ...
The current structure of U.S. aid to Egypt neither generates goodwill toward the United States nor alleviates poverty. U.S. economic aid would be much more ... FT Alphaville » US foreign aid to Egypt
Jan 28, 2011 ... Since the Israel-Egypt peace accord in 1979, these two countries have been the number one and two recipients of US foreign aid. ... Background Notes on Egypt - Egypt
U.S. military aid to Egypt totals over $1.3 billion annually. In addition, the U.S. Agency for International Development ... $50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt / The ...
(Anyone else notice that online, the only WHINING is about the money that we give to Israel? MBS) The Christian Science Monitor - an independent daily newspaper providing context and clarity on national and international news, peoples and cultures, and ... Most US aid to Egypt goes to military - Telegraph
Jan 29, 2011 ... Some quick facts about Egypt, the second largest recipient of US aid after Israel, and how it spends the $2bn it receives annually. Most US aid to Egypt goes to military - Yahoo ...
{"s" : "351011.DU,RTN","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} End U.S. Aid to Egypt | The Progressive
End U.S. Aid to Egypt. By Matthew Rothschild, June 15, 2010. Pop quiz: Which country, over the last 30 years, has received the second biggest amount of U.S. ...
30 Jan 11
Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world fear (respect) her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
Mech'el B. Samberg
Permission granted to share with others!!
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] No to violence, yes to war against Israel/other news
Posted by Politics | at 4:26 PM | |Sunday, January 30, 2011
Jan. 30, 2011
Abbas makes
contradictory statements:
No to violence,
yes to war against Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in recent days has made contradictory statements concerning violence and war against Israel. To the English speaking audience Abbas said he would never turn to violence; in Arabic he said he would join Arab states in a war against Israel.
"'I am committed to peace, but not forever,' Mr. Abbas said. 'I don't mean I will turn to violence - never. In my life, I will never do it. But I cannot stay in my office forever doing nothing.'"
"I have said more than once that if the Arabs want war - we are with them."
"We do not wish to turn to armed struggle, because our [lack of] capabilities and the international atmosphere do not allow for it."
"The President [Abbas] emphasized that in September the Palestinian leadership will pass a resolution which no-one will have dreamed of, if the available options concerning the peace process fail... President Abbas made it clear that the Arab Peace Initiative is the ideal solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict... He noted that the Palestinian Authority published the Peace Initiative in the Israeli media and on the 'streets', in order to bring it to the attention of the Israelis.
He emphasized that he supports the options that the Arab [state]s will choose, and added: 'I have said more than once that if the Arabs want war - we are with them. I cannot fight alone. We tried military action during the Second Intifada and during the attack on Gaza at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, after the [Hamas] refusal to renew the ceasefire, and it brought destruction upon us. 25% of the homes in Gaza are still in ruins.'He noted that he opposes military action and that he believes that popular operations resisting settlement and the [security] fence lead to clear positive results for the Palestinian cause. He noted that 50% of the participants in these demonstrations are Israelis, while 25% are foreigners. He added: 'We are determined to continue this activity, and we do not wish to turn to armed struggle, because our [lack of] capabilities and the international atmosphere do not allow for it."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 24, 2011]
"'We are unable to confront Israel militarily, and this point was discussed at the Arab League Summit in March in Sirt (Libya). There I turned to the Arab States and I said: 'If you want war, and if all of you will fight Israel, we are in favor. But the Palestinians will not fight alone because they don't have the ability to do it.' ... 'The West Bank was completely destroyed and we will not agree that it will be destroyed again,' in addition to 'the inability to confront Israel militarily.'"
[Abbas, at meeting with writers and journalists
"MP Dr. Nabil Shaath, member of Fatah Central Committee and Commissioner of Foreign Relations... emphasized that the Fatah's stated strategy for the struggle is to adopt the growing popular and 'non-violent' struggle against Israel, because of the inability to engage in the armed struggle, which has become undesirable now, although it is the right of the Palestinian people, which all international treaties and resolutions have guaranteed... Shaath emphasized that the non-violent struggle is no less honorable than the armed struggle, and that it does not signify submission to Israeli demands."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 20, 2010]
"The current distancing from the armed struggle does not mean its absolute rejection... He noted that the difficulty of the conflict required the Palestinian people to diversify its activities of struggle - along with an emphasis on the importance of the armed struggle, which laid the basis for the existence of the state and contributed to maintaining the right and presenting it to the world - especially since the armed struggle at the present time is not possible, or is not effective, because of to the difficulties with which the Palestinian people contends."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 21, 2010]
"Dr. Nabil Shaath, Commissioner of International Relations and member of the Fatah Central Committee... stated that the decision to renew negotiations was a tactical decision, i.e., a temporary, defensive decision... and it is dependent upon the possibility of attaining tangible results for the Palestinians. He concluded: 'Even the resistance uses defensive tactics in order not to miss opportunities.'"
[Al-Dustur (Jordan), June 10, 2010]
"Dr. Nabil Shaath, member of the Fatah Central Committee... emphasized that 'the Palestinian people has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to act in the way of the armed struggle. We have acted in this way for 100 years. Fatah led it (the armed struggle) for 23 years, and Hamas adopted it for 15 years. We are proud of all of our Shahids (Martyrs), and it is our right to return to the armed conflict whenever we view that as our people's interest.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 7, 2010]
[The New York Times, Jan. 27, 2011]
By Rev. Ted Pike
Last year I praised Sen. Rand Paul for his proposal that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 be repealed because it gave special rights to some over others. I was criticized in the anti-Zionist right for encouraging an inveterate "bootlicker" of Israel.
But now Paul is again showing himself capable of independent thought and action, demanding that all U.S. aid to Israel be cut off.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday Paul said that "Reuters did a poll, and 71 percent of American people agree with me that when we're short of money, where we can't do the things we need to do in our country, we certainly shouldn't be shipping the money overseas."
When asked by Blitzer if he wanted to halt an annual $3 billion that go to Israel, Paul replied affirmatively, explaining that Egypt receives almost the same amount.
"You have to ask yourself, are we funding an arms race on both sides? I have a lot of sympathy and respect for Israel as a democratic nation, as, you know, a fountain of peace and a fountain of democracy within the Middle East. But at the same time, I don't think funding both sides of the arm race, particularly when we have to borrow the money from China to send it to someone else. We just can't do it anymore. The debt is all-consuming and it threatens our well-being as a country," Paul said. ( "U.S. Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slam Republican Senator's call to halt Israel aid" Jan 28, 2010.)
Despite Paul's obligatory praise for Israel, the bottom line is that a U.S. Senator is now calling for the virtually unprecedented: cutting the financial umbilical cord through which we have sustained Israel for more than a half century.
Christians especially have no duty to sustain the racist and Christian-persecuting state of Israel. (See, 50 Top Israeli Rabbis: Proud to be Racists and Israel's Increasing Anti-Christianity) Far from safeguarding American interests and making friends for America in the Mid East, a century of Zionist theft, terrorism and abrasiveness has violently inflamed the Arab world, not only against Jews but also against Israel's obedient ally, America.
Modern Israel is not that nation of obedient Jews which God says in Scripture He will bring back to peace and safety in the Holy Land. Instead, as the "Great Harlot," "Babylon" she constitutes that rebellious false return of Ezekiel 38 and 39, leading to Jewish dominion over the nations and arrival of Anti-Christ. (See, "Babylon the Great" is Israel)
As such, Sen. Paul lends support to Scripture in its command to Christian America to "come out of" any involvement with this writhing system of oppression and persecution (Rev. 18:4). (See, Israel: On the Way to Empire in the Mideast)
Democrats and the Israeli lobby are already loudly protesting Paul's recommendation. We can expect overwhelming pressure this week (led by ADL) to force Paul to back down and apologize, as he did last year.
Don't let them get away with it! Call Paul's office toll free 1-877-851-6437 right now and let him know that countless Americans stand solidly behind him.A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright~
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