Operation Enduring Instability By Ernest Stewart ""So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand." ~~~ The History of the Peloponnesian War: Thucydides ~~~ Q: "What is the difference between Fitzwalkerstan and other banana republics?" A: "Palm trees!" ~~~ John Barth "...along with uncontested facts in the record, demonstrate that Uthman more likely than not was part of al Qaeda." ~~~ U.S. Judge Brett Kavanaugh ~~~ Don't stop believing Hold on to the feelin' Don't Stop Believing ~ Journey There he was again, shucking and jivin' about another act of treason. Barry came before the cameras to explain his latest act of treason, i.e., going to war without a Congressional declaration of war, as the Constitution demands, This is only the latest example of Presidential treason. In fact, every President since FDR with the exceptions of Kennedy and Carter is guilty of this crime as the last time Congress declared war was on December 8, 1941! That means Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush the elder, Bush the minor, Clinton and Barry have all disregarded the Constitution that they swore to uphold and protect, and put themselves up as Emperor and the lickspittle Congress has always gone along with these acts of treason and made them their own! Yeah, Korea wasn't a war; it was a police action--bullshit; it was a war! Vietnam was all about The Domino Theory--or was it Chinese Checkers? I get those two confused! In every instance, there was no threat to the United Snakes, no real reason to go to war; so all those presidents couldn't go before Congress to ask for a declaration of war. I'm sure, at least since Reagan, they all could've gotten a declaration, if they'd been honest. Had they said we need to go to war to make all those people from whom we take bribes billions of dollars in profits, Congress, being the corpo-rat stooges they are, would've signed off on it! I'm just surprised that none of these Presidents has appointed a horse as a Senator as Caligula did, "Senator Incitatus," "Senator Mr. Ed!" You know Dubya would've done so, if only he'd thought about it! From Andrew Jackson on down, US Presidents have been a power unto themselves. You'll recall that Andy took it upon himself to disobey a Supreme Court ruling that said the Indians in Georgia own their land and had rights under a treaty that George Washington had signed. Andy couldn't stand that thought, so he took an Army into the South, and drove all the Indians they could find down that old "Trail of Tears" into Oklahoma. The tribes lived there until oil was discovered, just like when gold was discovered in Georgia, starting this act of crimes against humanity! It's an old American tradition--treason among Presidents. Most all are guilty of it, even Lincoln, whose first official act was suspending habeas corpus and who invented the modern day Concentration Camps, i.e., Happy Camps™, not for soldiers but for civilians! Those camps worked so well that the Nazis copied Lincoln's camps when they began to design their own! No, America, there aren't two sets of laws; there's only one set of laws. However, they only apply to some of us, while some of us are above the law. How can this be? Simple, consider that most Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Congressmen and all Supreme Court Justices are lawyers, say no more! In Other News Treason still reigns supreme in Wisconsin, Scott Walker, Scott Fitzgerald and anyone in the Wisconsin Senate and House who goes along with them need to be arrested by federal marshalls and placed on trial! Since illegally ramming through the bill to destroy Wisconsin unions, they've started to implement it, even though a judge has ruled twice that they can't, as well as the Secretary of State who refuses to publish it and make it a law. For folks who have taken a solemn oath to uphold and protect the laws, this group of corpo-rat-controlled Rethuglican criminals apparently thinks they're above the law. I know, I know--politicians who think they're above the law, how very rare.... NOT! Now they're illegally keeping the Demoncratic Senators from voting which again is against the law, and is certainly another act of treason. If it was you or I who was committing treason out in the open like they're doing, do you suppose we'd be around and free to commit it, again? Yeah, "Fat chance of Fong!" Their class gets away with murder, treason, sedition, war crimes, and crimes against humanity! In our class, if you steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family, you get life without parole! Here's the latest from Fitzwalkerstan. State Senator Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, sent a letter to Rethuglican Senators that read:
"Dear Members: With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members' participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions. Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats' votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded." To which replied, State Senator Fred Risser, a Madison Democrat who is the senior member of the legislature:
"Who does Senator Fitzgerald think he is? Just because his brother is the speaker of the Assembly and his best friend is the Governor of Wisconsin does not give him the power to decide who can and cannot vote in the State Senate. His statement that Senate Democrats can no longer vote in committee is the height of arrogance. In my tenure in the legislature, I have never seen any attempt to deny duly elected legislators their right to vote. Need I mention that Fred has been in the Senate longer than Fitzgerald has been alive, or that this is the same Wisconsin Rethuglican Party that twice endorsed Joe McCarthy for the U.S. Senate? Do you see any patterns forming? Scott Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now puts it this way: "Senator Scott Fitzgerald isn't content with illegally passing a bill which takes away the rights of 175,000 working Wisconsinites, and now has expanded his attacks to disenfranchise the voices of 2.2 million more Wisconsin residents and taxpayers. Considering how the Republicans plan to slash $900 million from our public schools, cut healthcare for 1 million Wisconsinites, raise prescription drug costs for countless seniors, raise taxes on the working poor by $51 million while at the same time handing $200 million in tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate special interests. Senator Fitzgerald might better spend his time convincing his fractured caucus that Governor Walker isn't sacrificing their majority in pursuit of higher office." The good news is in many recent polls the popularity of the Rethuglicans in Wisconsin has plummeted to all-time lows, and many will follow Governor Walker to the unemployment line come November 2012, while Walker himself will be subject to a recall in January of 2012. A lesson that will be repeated in Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana and Michigan come election day! And Finally Well those crazy knuckleheads over on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled yet another doozy for the Obamahood junta. In an opinion, written by Judge Brett Kavanaugh (a Dubya appointee like most of the members of this court), the court determined that "circumstantial evidence, such as a detainee being in the same location as other al-Qaeda members, is enough to meet the standard to hold a prisoner without charge." That's forever, folks, held forever without charge or trial on less than circumstantial evidence! I'm going to repeat that again for those of you on drugs: Innocent people held forever in a living hell without charge or trial and that's the law under Obama! For example, there was a robbery in Detroit today and the robbers were all black; ergo, anyone that's black and lives in Detroit is suspicious and can be held forever without trial or any charges being filed. So much for habeas corpus, huh? How's that work for you, America? That's America in the 21st century! Obamahood's America! So how do you like that "change" thingie now? Consider that over 95% of all prisoners held for years and faced with torture on a daily basis in Gitmo were let go because they were finally found to be innocent! Most of them sold to us by warlords for a profit! Even the fascists on the Extreme Court ruled that you must charge them or release them. Stalin, Hitler and Nero all would be proud of Barry as even they didn't dare to go this far. Where are the liberals calling for Barry's head, like they did for Bush's? Especially since Barry is turning out to be worse than Bush and wrapping up what Ray Guns started, the Crime Family Bush and Clinton continued, i.e., the end of America as anything but a banana republic. We are so screwed, America! Keepin' On I like to thank Ernie from Ontario for sending in some much-needed cash! It seems, as usual, when I need it most, Ernie comes to my rescue! It means I get to eat next week, yippie ki-yay! Meanwhile in Michigan, Governor Hitler wants to give several billion dollar tax breaks to the uber-wealthy. He plans on paying for this by taxing the working poor and the elderly. Like I could afford to pay taxes on my tiny SS check. Perhaps I could convince him I'm a poor millionaire trying to become another billionaire and perhaps he'd take pity on me and send a few million my way? I'm guessing that won't be happening! Once again, if you like what we do and would like to see that we continue doing it, please go to the Donations Page and follow the instructions that you'll find there. Have no fear--we'll put it to good use, unlike the current robber baron that sits on Michigan throne in Lansing! Of course, we're planning to recall Herr Snyder come July on the first day that we can! Those poor folks in Wisconsin have to wait until next January before they can get rid of their devil!
*****  10-26-1935 ~ 03-26-2011 Thanks for running!  08-06-1946 ~ 03-26-2011 Thanks for the insight!  07-01-1925 ~ 03-27-2011 Thanks for the films! ***** We get by with a little help from our friends! So please help us if you can...? Donations ***** So how do you like Bush Lite so far? And more importantly, what are you planning on doing about it? Until the next time, Peace! (c) 2011 Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 10 years managing editor and publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. Visit me on Face Book. Follow me on Twitter. |