[capitalistsforever] CRY ALMUNIA!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Antitrust Eurocommissar Joaquin Almunia declares we are going through a period of acute crisis. The fiscal crisis in Greece is threatening to destabilize other euro-area economies and even the proper functioning of the European monetary union, with serious implications for the growth outlook in large parts of Europe and beyond.

It is our responsibility to avert the worst-case scenario. Hence all our efforts today are focussed on finding an orderly solution to the problem of the Greek sovereign debt. Of course, some socialists are still in denial. Indeed, they'll even claim they're not spending enough and kickbacks are normal commissions of doing business with government! This is a particularly common cry from Graecokleptocrats and special interest groups that claim to represent the disenfranchised and the marginalized. http://venitism.blogspot.com

Almunia points out the Greek crisis can ultimately be traced back to a fundamental lack of sound macroeconomic management – and therefore of competitiveness – in a Fourth Reich country. Any bailout for the Cradle of Kleptocracy is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, xenoyankism, incivility, stupidity, charge stacking, and junketing.

Beyond the very short-term measures that we must urgently adopt, it is a fact that the crisis will not be fully resolved until we address the issue of competitiveness imbalances in Fourth Reich. Atlas shrugged in marilizardist Graecokleptocracy. It's impossible for Greeks to produce when marilizardist Graecokleptocrats loot them with heavy taxes, especially the 23% VAT, demand kickbacks, confiscate computers and personal files, impose stupid laws and regulations, harass dissident bloggers, condone cybercop brutality, and spread the cancer of socialism.

Almunia points out the Fourth Reich periphery in particular is struggling to find new avenues of growth. But the issue of global competitiveness ultimately affects Fourth Reich as a whole. Greek rabblerousers believe their job is to get kickbacks! These kickback collectors are masters of bribery and cronyism, serving not the people, but the pullpeddlers. These freaks try to gag all dissident bloggers, manipulate justice, churn the pension funds of poor workers, and equate truth with treason.

The years of prosperity and easy money masked the accumulation of structural problems in many corners of our economies. Access to easy credit allowed maturing sectors to stay afloat without the need to restructure. Easy access to capital also allowed some countries to source their growth in unsustainable ways.

Almunia asserts little was done to adapt the European economy to the new global challenges. The Lisbon strategy was not fully implemented. Not enough attention was given to the need to reform and innovate to respond to the rise of new and powerful global competitors and to adjust to a world of scarcer resources and low carbon imperatives.

This is not to say that Fourth Reich does not have its star players. There are many European companies successfully competing around the world. But even these companies are feeling threatened. Only stupid investors would squander their money in a country addicted to kleptocracy, socialism, charge stacking, marilizardism, and xenoyankism.

The impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though they looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! They are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece! http://venitism.blogspot.com

Fourth Reich as a whole is now largely the home of industrial and service sectors struggling to remain competitive in the face of new, large and efficient players abroad and of extremely rapid technological change. There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, which is infested with marilizardism, the October-18 Mafia, charge stacking, and the cancer of socialism.

Almunia laments that in this uncertain environment there is a growing temptation of a retreat to national strategies and of demands for protection and support. And this is a dangerous reaction, because the only way forward is more economic integration and the promotion of an open economy in Europe.

The economic agenda spelled out by the European Commission in its Europe 2020 strategy clearly identifies the reforms and the investments needed to create the right conditions for sound and lasting growth, but it fails to consider the huge impact of europeism and kleptocracy.

Europeism is a product of Eurokleptocrats. It is a product of the drones who do not want to go to work from 8am until 5pm during the week and to have a normal job. It is a product of the freaks who want to steer, command, patronize, and legislate others. On the one hand, they include politicians and to them related bureaucrats and on the other hand, eggheads operating in the public space and in the media who are attached to politicians. http://venitism.blogspot.com

Bruce Thornton points out the worldwide Great Recession that began in 2008 has taken much of the bloom off the European Union rose. These days, the enthusiastic pronouncements of recent years, when Fourth Reich(EU) was touted as a bold new experiment in living, one leading the way into a new era, sound premature if not delusional. Equally premature have been the prophecies of Fourth Reich's future dominance in the New European Century, or the prognostications that the the twenty-first century might yet belong to Fourth Reich, or the argument that the European way is the best hope in an insecure age.

anon: antimarilizardist
Anonymous: anon meme
the Cradle of Kleptocracy: Greece
Fourth Reich: European Union
Marilizard Libel: accusing dissident bloggers of treason
Marilizard Spaghetti: throwing charges on innocent people, in case one sticks
Marilizard Tower: stack of imaginary charges to scare an innocent blogger
marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
the October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
xenoyankism: stupid politics

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