Antitrust Eurocommissar Joaquin Almunia claims the Europe 2020 strategy is designed to help the EU and its Member States create jobs, boost productivity, and reinforce social cohesion. What is needed to achieve these objectives is a coordinated effort to upgrade the infrastructure at the basis of economic success. This involves first a better interconnection of European networks; be it transport, telecommunications, or energy.
EU antitrust has been transformed into a terrorist religion, which relies on pseudoeconomic theories that bestow a veneer of objectivity and credibility on EU law enforcement practices that actually rely on hunch, whim, and blackmail. On all EU antitrust cases, from mergers to price fixing, arbitrary antitrust laws lead to ill-informed juries and bureaucratic abuse. Those laws also create a perverse incentive for entrepreneurs to hold down sales volume, stop innovation, and avoid improvements in price, quality, and service; otherwise, such entrepreneurs could become the next targets of the antitrust terrorists.
Almunia also requires the development of soft infrastructure, the development of innovation networks to disseminate information and link it with the commercial world. Galileo muttered the phrase Eppur si muove, And yet it moves, after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. Similarly the new inquisition of regulators force executives to admit something they did not do, in order to get smaller penalties. Eppur si muove!
Almunia asserts Europe needs to invest heavily in skills, not only to promote integration into the labour force but also to be better positioned in markets with high value added. European antitrust laws lead to huge corruption, because government officials ask for kickbacks in order to erase the alleged violation. The standard kickback in EU is 10% of the erased penalty! Many Greek officials were caught on tape asking for the corrupt tithe! Many European political parties make up their election expenses from kickbacks on antitrust cases! This is the worst possible blackmail, where tiptop ethical companies are held hostage by European kleptocrats. Eppur si muove!
Member States must make an effort to restructure those sectors that are becoming a net cost to their economies and ultimately to their citizens. European antitrust law is wielded most often by favor-seeking businessmen and their kleptocrat allies. Instead of focusing on new and better products, disgruntled rivals try to exploit the law by consorting with kleptocrats. EU officials routinely direct antitrust regulators to bend the rules in pursuit of political ends. In reality, the threat of abusive EC power is far larger than the threat of oligopoly. Eppur si muove!
The only viable definition of monopoly is a grant of privilege from the government. It therefore becomes quite clear that it is impossible for the government to decrease monopoly by passing punitive laws. The only way for the government to decrease monopoly is to remove its own monopoly grants. The antitrust laws, therefore, do not in the least diminish monopoly. What they do accomplish is to impose a continual, capricious harassment of efficient business enterprise.
European semester is a process that allows Member States to discuss their priorities at EU level before they take their national budgetary decisions. The first semester of economic-policy coordination has come to an end earlier this month, and the European Commission has presented its recommendations for each country and for the euro area.
There is an Antitrust Armageddon in Europe between tiptop companies and Fourth Reich(EU). Eurokleptocrats are willing to do anything in order to get kickbacks from industry leaders. The European antitrust laws have the unfortunate consequence of harming Europeans by chilling innovation and discouraging competition. Instead of protecting competition, EU laws protect competitors who give kickbacks to kleptocrats! Kickback is the lubricant that allows a European industry to run smoothly! No European machinery can run without lubricant! Eppur si muove!
Almunia notes the most pressing recommendation in light of current events is the need to correct the macro-economic imbalances among Member States. The Commission insists that the countries that have seen a loss in competitiveness should carry out the necessary structural reforms to shift economic activity towards high value added and tradable sectors. The countries that run current-account surpluses, instead, should take measures to boost domestic demand.
Kleptocrats are costing trillions of euros and dollars every year. The brilliant minds of Silicon Valley and Redmond Washington, are going to waste time and energy on protecting their companies instead of thinking up new products and new ways to deliver them to consumers. Dragging smaller companies into the political swamps is just the latest diversion of West's productive resources into the unproductive world of political predation.
There is only one violator of Fourth Reich antitrust, and that's Fourth Reich itself, which does not allow VAT competition, fixing 15% floor of VAT and 25% ceiling of VAT!
Posted by Politics | at 4:03 AM | |Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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