You think so? I know of no charities that can give out 120K for medical
treatment a year, if you know of one please let me know so I can let some
folks know about this,
** An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind Gandhi **
----- Original Message -----
From: "zeus32117" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Crisis And Analysis
I think that charities tend to help more people than the government for the
same amount of money. I want more people to be helped and for each
individual to be helped more. I also want charities and the government to be
inheriting all wealth. I think that individuals who inherit a lot of wealth
tend to be no happier than the average person. I believe that this is why a
number of billionaires in U.S. have said that most of their wealth would go
to charities.
--- In, "Gary" <garyrumor2@...>
> Many on the right are enamored with Ayn Rand and her vision of the lone
> entrepreneur battling the mighty forces of the state. She was writing
> during the cold war and the state she was fighting was some amalgamation
> of the Soviet Union and local state bureaucracies, she would hate things
> like zoning and land usage regulations. Republicans believe in their
> version of the enlightenment coupled with an interpretation of Adam Smith
> corrupted by Social Darwinism from the 19th century. It can be a heady mix
> and lead to certain delusions about the nature of the state and its place
> in society. Essentially they want the state limited to defense, border
> control, enforcing laws and providing a place for legal disputes to be
> settled. Other than that they don't have much use for the state. They may
> or may not believe in the state's right to provide currency or to regulate
> commerce in any manner at all. Contract law for the market place and some
> sort of militia for defense, is the extreme libertarian view of the state.
> --- In, elaine mckay
> <glyndon47@> wrote:
> >
> > Republican greed and lack of concern for their fellow man less well off
> > is mindblowing. They seem to think any kind of "socialist"move is
> > communism. Saying they pay their taxes. Well when you pay your taxes to
> > the govt. it becomes the country and ruling govt's money. I think they
> > are clinging to an old form of far right wing govt. that isn't tennable
> > any more. The tea party (tea baggers) are always quoting the founding
> > fathers as if it was yesterday. Those days are gone. Move on.
> >
> >
> > From: Gary <garyrumor2@>
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, 31 July 2011 4:44 PM
> > Subject: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Crisis And Analysis
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Crisis And Analysis
> > July 30th, 2011
> > The country, ie, the USA, is going through what has been described as a
> > manufactured crisis. Republicans want to make shrinking the size of
> > government a major issue. They think because of the election of 60 tea
> > party members to Congress in 2010, that they have a mandate to bring
> > about the right wing agenda that previous presidents have toyed with but
> > have never been able to impose due to opposition from the left and
> > center. Most Americans like their benefits. They count on Social
> > Security and Medicare being there for them and even though the media has
> > propagated the myth that these benefits will probably disappear in the
> > next twenty or thirty years, most Americans will fight to keep that from
> > happening.
> > Question is how hard will they fight? Unions were out maneuvered by
> > corporations that threatened to send jobs overseas if labor did not
> > cooperate and accept lower wages and benefits. There are no laws on the
> > books in the USA to prevent companies to up and leave whenever they
> > want, disrupting communities, destroying tax bases and lowering the
> > standard of living, all in the name of seeking to maximize profits.
> >
> > The international labor organization is weak and consequently there are
> > large sectors of the world with no effective labor organization, thus
> > wages are low and because of population pressure, the countries with
> > cheap labor are willing to let corporations get tax breaks and other
> > incentives to come and set up shop. Governments actively work to
> > suppress labor organizations and international bodies look the other way
> > unless a case is made by an NGO from the developed world working with
> > local labor.
> >
> > The rule of law, initially designed as a check on the power of kings by
> > the gentry, and a mechanism to disarm the gentry by the kings in Europe,
> > with the goal being to consolidate power and establish a centralized
> > state with less violent conflict between power blocks. Also rule of law
> > provided a more rational means of repressing peasants seeking redress by
> > establishing a mechanism that established hurdles to suppress demand for
> > rights, and also a means to identify and imprison or execute
> > troublemakers before they became too dangerous and a threat to the
> > state. All ruling class elements have made a fetish of the rule of law
> > and citizens are indoctrinated in acceptance of the system at an early
> > age.
> >
> > There probably will always be a need for governance, as long as there is
> > complex society. But it does not have to be one so biased in favor of
> > the wealthy. Since the political and economic systems are so tightly
> > intertwined, there is no reason why a more equitable method of social
> > control and wealth distribution cannot be devised. I prefer a form of
> > socialism that tends to communism and direct democracy. But for that to
> > work it implies an educated citizenry not distracted constantly by
> > concerns over survival, war, bread and circuses. There needs to be the
> > space and time to consider the issues of the day in a fair and balanced
> > manner. Whatever we have now, it is not that.
> >
> > Moneyed interests using lobbyists influence the passing of legislation.
> > Wall Street sends it warnings and the executive winces and bends to its
> > will. The media circle this small group of elected officials and mirror
> > their interests and decisions, worrying over them like a piece of road
> > kill meat.. Analysis is reduced to digestion and regurgitation.
> >
> > The system is broken, we all know that. Question is where are the people
> > willing to replace it with something that reflects the will of the
> > people.. Or have the people become so corrupted and stunted that we need
> > philosopher kings? A dictator over the proletariat, or a dictatorship of
> > the proletariat?
> >
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Re: [Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Crisis And Analysis
Posted by Politics | at 10:31 PM | |Sunday, July 31, 2011
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