Marilizardism is the cancer of cyberspace. There is a great need for bloggers who value rights and freedoms to work in concert across borders, as marilizardists persist in persecuting dissident bloggers who challenge abuse of power. While brave and determined bloggers claim their rights and freedoms, governments seek to evade scrutiny and accountability. That's where Anonymous moves in to protect bloggers.
Anonymous launches a wikiLeaks for hackers, HackerLeaks! Despite countless WikiLeaks copycats popping up since the secret-spilling site first dumped its cache of State Department cables last year, the new generation of leaking sites has produced few WikiLeaks-sized scoops. So instead of waiting for insider whistleblowers, the hacker movement Anonymous hopes that a few outside intruders might start the leaks flowing. The October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet.
Marilizardism has metastasized in many repressed countries. The most disgusting marilizardist countries on Earth are Bahrain, Belarus, Burma, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morocco, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Earlier this week anons, and specifically a sub-group known as the People's Liberation Front, (PLF) launched two new leaking sites, (not to be confused with the similarly named and Both hope to receive documents through an anonymous submissions channel, analyze them, and then distribute them to the press to get "maximum exposure and political impact." Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers are very common in PIGS.
But while LocalLeaks aims to use WikiLeaks' model of insider sources to expose corruption on the local scale, HackerLeaks openly invites data thieves to upload documents through its submission system, so that they can be analyzed and publicized. "You download it, we'll disclose it for you," the site's homepage reads, listing potential booty such as "databases, exploits, security flaws, documents, and email spools."
Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish October-18 mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of October-18 mafia which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.
On Tuesday, according to one of the hackers involved who goes by the name Commander X, the leaking site got its first submission: a list of the personal details of Orlando officials including addresses, home values, incomes and other data. That "leak," which Commander X says was submitted anonymously to HackerLeaks but was posted, confusingly, on LocalLeaks, comes as Anonymous has been engaged in what it calls "Operation Orlando."
Since early Tuesday hackers have been launching attacks on Orlando-based targets including and the websites of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce and Universal Studios in retaliation for arrests of Orlando workers for the non-profit Food Not Bombs who lacked permits.
"These are the folks that wrote and are enforcing a very brutal law against very poor people," Commander X, who says he is serving as the current "editor in chief" of the two sites, wrote to me over instant message. "They themselves appear to be very very rich, so we thought we would point that out." Kleptocracy, marilizardism, and xenoyankism are anathema to civil society.
And why is a leaking site necessary for hackers, who have lately used sites like Pastebin to publish information on their own? Commander X argues that Anonymous and the PLF have already established connections to the media outlets that can help better expose important data, and that they hope to also provide "unique and enlightening analysis."
"We just wanted to make our own offering, compete in the disclosure marketplace and maybe fill a unique role if we can," writes Commander X. He argues that part of that unique role is that HackerLeaks will be legal, despite publishing hacked materials. "We don't obtain this material. We merely publish it. This violates no sane law anywhere."
That's an argument that sounds much like the one used by WikiLeaks, which has also published hacked data including Sarah Palin's stolen emails and East Anglia University's hacked emails related to climate change. Netizens abhor kleptocracy, marilizardism, and xenoyankism.
But that legal stance may be a tough sell for Commander X. Although he refused to comment on whether he had engaged directly in illegal hacking, he describes himself as "field commander of a global cyber militia" and says that he has had some part in Anonymous operations that have involved attacks on Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal in retaliation for their severing ties with WikiLeaks, as well as attacks on the governments of Tunisia, Iran, and Egypt.
Commander X was also named by HBGary Federal chief executive Aaron Barr in a planned presentation that aimed to out Anonymous' leaders. But Barr misidentified the Anonymous hacker, who tells me he is a "50ish" American, as Ben De Vries, the founder of a Facebook group called Global Strike 2011. Barr's digging incited Anonymous to attack HBGary Federal, dumping thousands of its emails in February on a site called AnonLeaks, Anonymous' first experimentation with a WikiLeaks-like interface. Barr resigned later that month. Commander X says he wasn't involved in the HBGary hack.
Commander X's subgroup of Anonymous isn't the only one that's getting into the leaking game. The last release from the hacker group LulzSec included half a gigabyte of data from AT&T that has been reported to have come from an insider source at the company.
As part of its ongoing campaign known as AntiSec, aimed at exposing corporate and government data and humiliating security firms, one Anonymous twitter feed suggested earlier this week that leakers contact the group over IRC to spill insider secrets: "If you are working for a corrupt government/company," wrote one Anonymous twitterer, "Leak the data."
anon: antimarilizardist
Anonymous: anon meme
the Cradle of Kleptocracy: Greece
Fourth Reich: European Union
Marilizard Libel: accusing dissident bloggers of treason
Marilizard Spaghetti: throwing charges on innocent people, in case one sticks
Marilizard Tower: stack of imaginary charges to scare an innocent blogger
marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
the October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
xenoyankism: stupid politics
Posted by Politics | at 11:20 PM | 0 comments |Thursday, June 30, 2011
[Fun_with_Bead-Patterns] need help - more serious beading question
Posted by Politics | at 9:58 PM | 0 comments |I am not sure if this is the right group to ask, but I didn't know where else to start, and I figured someone might know where I could go for further information... I have a feeling I may be desperately in need of help very soon so I am trying to collect info to help me out now.
If anyone has it in them to help me in any way, I would be extremely greatful. I am severely chronically ill, in a great deal of pain, and have a hard time thinking clearly in the best of situations - This is extremely stressful for me.
Here is the situation. I placed an order at late June 15th on the internet. I have kept all e-mails/communications from the beginning. I received my order only 3 days later (june 18) only to discover that there were only 5 strands out of the 27 I had ordered and paid for. I immediately e-mailed Lisa (that day on Saturday the 18th) at customer service and explained the situation. She returned my e-mail on Monday stating that, "it seems as if the items either fell out or were taken out" and to tell her the items I didn't get and she would send them immediately. I have to admit that read flags came out about the "fallen out" part as the package was very well sealed and didnt appear tampered with at all - I began wondering about dishonest employees, scams etc. but hoped for the best. Anyway, I immediately sent her the list of the items I did and didn't get. I requested a return e-mail telling me she had mailed
these items. She didn't e-mail me back at all Tuesday - despite my attempts to contact her via e-mail and phone. Wednesday she sent me a copy of the original package confirmation (the package I received on the 18th!) with no other words or explanations or anything. I also noticed on Wednesday (yesterday) that someone from the company had placed $1 into my bank account - no explanations, no e-mails assuring my that my package was on the way - nothing. I had left messages all week - e-mails and phone. So today I sent an angry e-mail, stating clearly that I was very upset about the way that this was being handled, and I wanted assurance that the 22 strands I have paid for have been mailed to me - I wanted an e-mail with a list ofwhat was sent along with the NEW package confirmation. I also asked for the name and number of her supervisor or someone else in the company I can speak with about this issue.
My question is - - what can I do if this keeps going on and on and I don't get my stuff - am I just a victim of theft with no way to force them to give me what I bought and paid for? Does anyone know who I could contact? The worst part of this is that any stress causes all of my symptoms and pain to skyrocket - and this is very stressful to me - and I am very poor and can't afford to lose this order. Beading/jewelry making is the one thing that my illness hasn't completely taken away from me - something I feel go about and can earn money with or make donations with or gifts... and this experience is horrible. Anyway, thanks for listening and any advice you can give me. If she did mail the 2nd package when she said she did - it should have already been hear by now - so I am very concerned and feel completely helpless and violated.
Dawn's Designs
by April Dawn
Hand-Crafted Jewelry -- Inspired by Nature
and the Diversity of Life
From: allison edwards <>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:49 AM
Subject: [Fun_with_Bead-Patterns] Re: pattern making help please
Thank you all for your help and suggestions for pattern making.. It has been invaluable to me and I look forward to being able to share some of the patterns/beading items I will make.
You are a great bunch, keep up the great work!!!!!!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [gingery_machines] HOME SURFACE GRINDER PLANS
Posted by Politics | at 6:52 PM | 0 comments |GDay All,
Kerri, My apologies to you. I looked at the signature at the bottom of
the email and thought it was from Kathy. Of course, if I had looked at
the sender's name I would have seen it was from you. No harm done :D
And thanks for taking the time to seek out that info to begin with, that
must be above and beyond ... I do appreciate it!
Andy M
On 1/07/2011 11:24 AM, Kerri Duncan wrote:
> Andy- Sorry about the confusion- that was the response I received from
> Kathy at Village Publishing after trying to locate the Surface Grinder
> article in their index. I was also informed they had several from the
> 80's as well available only on photocopy.
> I was in a rush and failed to mention this was a response I had. My
> apologies.
> Kerri
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Here's this week's column...
Posted by Politics | at 6:48 PM | 0 comments | ![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Independence Day America By Ernest Stewart
Escaping from the Declining Fall of the Roaming Empire ~~~ Proctor and Bergman "We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve." ~~~ Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto I introduced legislation last week that is based on a very simple principle: federal agents should be subject to the same laws as ordinary citizens. If you would face criminal prosecution or a lawsuit for groping someone, exposing them to unwelcome radiation, causing them emotional distress, or violating indecency laws, then TSA agents should similarly face sanctions for their actions. ~~~ Congressman Ron Paul I'm going down For example, you could give a tribe of Indians some diseased blankets soaked in small pox to keep them warm. If you live way down yonder you could whip some black folks or recreate the War of Yankee Aggression where Robert R. Lee takes Ulysses S. Grant's sword in surrender. See I bet they didn't know that the south won the civil war? Can I get a Yee Haw? How about a Damn Yankee? You could enslave a million Chinese and force them to build a railroad through the Rockies in the dead of winter! Or you could murder 90% of a native population and have the survivors live in open air ghettos in the barren wilderness! In fact, you could take the kids worldwide to strange, exotic places full of strange, new, exotic people and kill everything in sight -- while stealing everything of material worth. That should open up the little ones' eyes! But, of course, you won't do such a thing; you'll get loaded, and ignore reality, and start chanting, "USA, USA, USA!" Watch the neighbor's kid blow off a couple of fingers with an M-80, fly Old Gory, or The Stars and Bars or both! You'll be making heaping plates of the newest designer grilled Franken Foods as you watch the Vets flinch every time someone throws a firecracker and think to yourself, "Life is good!" Happy 4th of July, Ya'll! I also see where there are a lot of old folks, sick folks, poor folks, and hungry folks going to be asked, well, demanded of, to pay the piper for the rich and the military. Forget the fact they've already paid for these services and that basic health; food and welfare are A RIGHT NOT A PRIVILEGE in this society! As we've seen around the country this spring from all over America, angry people are confronting their Con-gress critters, pretty much mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore! The old boys saw that when they went home for break, and came back singing a different tune; the Tea Baggers didn't -- for them it's damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Tea Baggers, like Christie, Brewer, Scott, Daniels, Brownback, LePage, Snyder and Walker, may be doing us a favor. They all jumped the gun a bit, and, instead of lulling the sheeple back asleep, they went right ahead with their dirty work, not only in the open but daring America to do something about it -- then they were sticking out their tongues, sticking their thumbs in their ears and going: Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah! Methinks, by overplaying their hands, and with what is at stake, we may see the awakening of a sleeping giant, the American people? Ask Admiral Yamamoto how that worked out for him? Or not? You've no doubt heard about the sick-with-leukemia, wheelchair-bound, 95-year-old, great grandmother who was forced to remove her diaper (Depends) so that those perverts could inspect it to make sure those pee stains weren't actually C-4! That's right, America, for the privilege of getting inside that sardine can, and being treated worse than cattle, you are now required to remove your unmentionables for inspection on order! All to protect you from developing a backbone and telling them to go f*ck themselves! Whether strip searching grandmothers in wheelchairs, or telling you to tell your child that the fondling and molesting the friendly TSA man is doing to them is just playing. You know, just like the friendly pervert down the block would say to them. It's okay when the government screws you, little Mary, and Billy Ray -- so you better get used to it, as this time won't be the last time that you get f*cked by the government! Fear not, America, Deputy Fuhrer John Pistole says it's all in good fun, and they were only following ze orders and the "agents" said, "they felt something suspicious on her leg and they couldn't determine what it was" even though they were told what it was -- not much imagination, eh? They "acted professionally and according to procedure," said Pistole. NO, folks, I'm not going for the obvious joke or insight to John's psyche because of his name and how it might have effected his brain to the point of ordering checking the interior of diapers. Even as easy as it would be; NO, I won't go there! Thanks, Mr. Underwear Bomber! I suppose we should be grateful that al Qaeda doesn't send male and female bombers with C-4 shoved up all of their orifices. Even if they're unsuccessful, can you imagine those next rounds of searches? On second thought, I think I'll just take the train! For those of you who can help us out to remain publishing for another year, please do so NOW! We need to raise money fast if the magazine is to remain solvent. I don't make enough from Social Security to pay the bills myself anymore. In fact, I don't get enough money from the government to be able to live on my own, and have to live in a relative's house to keep a roof over my head! Either Issues & Alibis is an important part of your life, or it isn't. If it is, please step up as donations this year are at a ten year low. No donation is to small or to large -- and if by some miracle, we do bring in enough to pay the bills, anything left over will be used to make improvements and bring back some departments that we used to have before we couldn't afford to buy them anymore. So smoke 'em if ya got 'em, America, and help us if you can! ![]() 09-16-1927 ~ 06-23-2011 Thanks for everything!
![]() 02-24-1923 ~ 06-23-2011 Thanks for the music! ***** We get by with a little help from our friends! So please help us if you can...? Donations ***** So how do you like Bush Lite so far? And more importantly, what are you planning on doing about it? Until the next time, Peace! (c) 2011 Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 10 years managing editor and publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. Visit me on Face Book. Follow me on Twitter. |
Re: [gingery_machines] Surface Grinder Plans
Posted by Politics | at 6:44 PM | 0 comments |Hi all
For those who thinks DIY Surface Grinder too expensive or too
dangerous to make due to the high speed involved, you may consider
using a safe and slow way using an oil stones just like sharpening
knives. It works fine but slow. Am in the midst of looking for a
suitable oil stone, encountered few fakes Carborundum-Indian Chief
head logo, must have been China made.
On 6/30/11, David Frantz <> wrote:
> Andy I don't have plans but surface grinders can be and are often simple
> mechanically. The table can be driven left to right with a hand wheel and
> some cable for example. The biggest problem for a DIY approach would be
> making the structure stiff enough to work well as a grinder. To that end
> the vertical arm and saddle assembly will likely take more metal than the
> average Gingery machine. The base could be a big chunk of steel so I don't
> see that as a problem.
> The best suggestion these days is to do an Internet search. I know there
> are at least a couple of DIY surface grinders out there. Plans are another
> thing though.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jun 30, 2011, at 3:36 AM, Andy M <> wrote:
>> GDay All,
>> Does anyone have any plans for a Surface Grinder?
>> I'd like to build one with a work envelope of approx. 8 to 12 inches x 6
>> inches x 4 inches. (IE: the part would be 8 to 12 inches x 6 inches x 4
>> inches)
>> I'm not 100% sure exactly how a commercial surface grinder actually
>> works, but I imagine that as the part passes beneath (or above) the
>> grind wheel the table the part is affixed to slowly lowers/raises until
>> a preset measurement is reached.
>> I also imagine that the table would move from front to back at a
>> predetermined rate.
>> Question is, at what speeds and rates should these operations occur?
>> Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.
>> TIA
>> Regards
>> Andy M
>> ------------------------------------
Re: [gingery_machines] HOME SURFACE GRINDER PLANS
Posted by Politics | at 6:24 PM | 0 comments |Andy- Sorry about the confusion- that was the response I received from Kathy at Village Publishing after trying to locate the Surface Grinder article in their index. I was also informed they had several from the 80's as well available only on photocopy.
I was in a rush and failed to mention this was a response I had. My apologies.
From: Andy M <>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [gingery_machines] HOME SURFACE GRINDER PLANS
GDay All,
Kathy, thanks for the info! I tried to order those copies online but I
don't have a credit card so I can't go any further :(
Andy M
On 1/07/2011 5:47 AM, Kerri Duncan wrote:
> If you are looking for the Home Shop Surface Grinder project- you can
> order the back issues from Village Press directly- The email address is
> below- the project is by BYLER- and ask for 2006- May, July, and
> September (3 issues).
> Anything before 2006 photocopies of projects are available.
> Kathy Erlewein
> Circulation Department
> <>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[gingery_machines] New file uploaded to gingery_machines
Posted by Politics | at 5:34 PM | 0 comments |
This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the gingery_machines
File : /Surface 'Vest Pocket' Grinder.pdf
Uploaded by : trumpy81 <>
Description : Plans for a Surface 'Vest Pocket' Grinder by Frank W. Harth
You can access this file at the URL:
To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
trumpy81 <>
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute B
Posted by Politics | at 5:05 PM | 0 comments |
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: DDT is safe: just ask the professor who ate it for 40 years
Posted by Politics | at 5:00 PM | 0 comments |There is no doubt in my mind that for me, at least, DDT is completely harmless. I am not sure if I would want others to consume it, though. By the way, one of the jokes about me goes like this – "Vladimir, why are you naked, barefoot and radioactive? It's no big deal. They simply dropped a few nuclear bombs on me by a mistake. What makes you think that they did it by a mistake? Because, the consequences of using violence are always unpleasant. You don't really think that they want to suffer more, do you?"
--- In, Carl Spitzer <cwsiv@...> wrote:
> By Terence Kealey
> 12:00AM BST 19 Jul 2001
> THE World Health Organisation, Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, the
> UN environmental programme and its development programme, USAID, and
> almost all the other international representatives of the great and the
> good now campaign against DDT.
> But, perversely, the Third World still uses it. To those who believe
> that America under George W Bush and his gas-guzzling,
> permafrost-drilling accomplices is the source of all global pollution,
> this Third World defection is disappointing. Where are the virtuous
> blacks when we need them?
> DDT was introduced as an insecticide during the 1940s. In Churchill's
> words: "The excellent DDT powder has been found to yield astonishing
> results against insects of all kinds, from lice to mosquitoes."
> And astonishing they were. DDT was particularly effective against the
> anopheles mosquito, which is the carrier of malaria, and people once
> hoped that DDT would eradicate malaria worldwide. Consider Sri Lanka. In
> 1946, it had three million cases, but the introduction of DDT reduced
> the numbers, by 1964, to only 29. In India, the numbers of malaria cases
> fell from 75 million to around 50,000.
> But, in 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, the book that
> launched the environmental movement. In that book, Carson showed how DDT
> was imperilling wildlife, particularly predators at the top of the food
> chain that accumulated the chemical in their fat and in their thinning
> egg shells.
> Within a decade, the developed countries had banned DDT, as did some
> developing countries, to the detriment of their health. In Sri Lanka,
> cases of malaria soon rose to 500,000. Worldwide, malaria has returned
> with a vengeance, accounting annually for 300 million cases and, sadly,
> one million deaths, mainly of children.
> As the Third World now knows, there is no ready substitute for DDT. The
> spraying of houses with DDT prevents malaria because most people are
> infected after dusk as they sleep indoors. DDT permeates the walls of
> buildings, and a single spray will provide indoor protection for months.
> Other chemicals are available, but they are generally less effective,
> shorter-acting and - most importantly for the Third World - more
> expensive. And DDT is extraordinarily safe for humans. Prof Kenneth
> Mellanby lectured on it for more than 40 years, and during each lecture
> he would eat a pinch.
> Nor need DDT imperil wildlife. The destruction that Carson described was
> caused by the agricultural use of DDT as a mass insecticide in vast
> quantities on crops. But the discriminating application of DDT indoors
> involves only a tiny, contained, environmentally tolerable, reversible
> fraction of the dose. That is why some international health (as opposed
> to environmental) agencies, including Unicef, still support the
> judicious use of DTT. Even the WHO is now softening its stance.
> Malaria was once endemic in Britain. Cromwell died of it and both Pepys
> and Shakespeare described it. Until the 1930s, it was still active in
> Essex. But we are lucky in our frosty climate, which kills anopheles,
> and we have eradicated the disease. Yet Greenpeace and other
> environmental agencies resist the appropriate use of DDT in the tropics.
> Politics has long bedevilled malaria. Its first effective cure was
> quinine, which was discovered by Jesuit missionaries in South America
> during the 1630s, but for decades Protestants preferred to die rather
> than swallow "Jesuit's Powder". Today, Third World health is endangered
> by comfortable Western environmentalists, some of whom, discreetly, view
> black natives as threats to the local wildlife.
> Supporting those black natives, however, are two researchers, Richard
> Tren and Roger Bate, whose Malaria and the DDT Story, recently published
> by the Institute for Economic Affairs in London, shows how to foster
> both a healthier and an environmentally friendlier Third World.
> Greenpeace, in its self-assurance, embodies a contemporary cultural
> imperialism as offensive as any Jesuit's.
> * The author is the vice-chancellor of Buckingham University
Re: [gingery_machines] HOME SURFACE GRINDER PLANS
Posted by Politics | at 4:55 PM | 0 comments |GDay All,
Mr. Shannon ;) Thanks for the link. That's a very simple design and
could be made from readily available materials and simply bolted or
welded together. It also falls right into the part size envelope that I
had in mind.
In other words, Perfect!
I've grabbed the page and I will convert it to .pdf and upload it to the
files section.
Thanks again.
Andy M
On 1/07/2011 8:49 AM, Shannon DeWolfe wrote:
> Here is a small surface grinder. Not mine. Just found it with a Google
> search:
> I'm using Firefox. I have to right click and "view image" to enlarge the
> images. If you are using IE, I'm sure you will figure it out. ;-)
> Regards,
> Mr. Shannon DeWolfe
> --I've taken to using Mr. because my name misleads folks on the WWW. I
> am a 55 year old fat man.
[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Re: Photo album: Hamas Weaponry and Tactics/other news
Posted by Politics | at 4:51 PM | 0 comments |I think that it makes sense to deal with terrorism in a way that would produce a positive result. Terrorism is a global problem. Therefore, the solution to it must be global as well. I think that all school children everywhere on this planet should be taught to act in such a way that most of the people on this planet would benefit from it. I think that parents are already doing the best job they can. It is time for all teachers and for all school administrators everywhere on planet Earth to start working on it.
--- In, "mech'el samberg" <mechelsambergnew@...> wrote:
> Photo album: Hamas Weaponry and Tactics/other news
> June 2011
> Middle East
> ADL Action Alert: Tell Congress Palestinian Unilateral Action Threatens Peace Process.
> Related:
> Facts on the Palestinian Campaign to Unilaterally Declare Statehood
> Background on the 2011 Gaza Flotilla: A coalition of international anti-Israel organizations called “Freedom Flotilla II†is planning to send approximately a dozen ships to Gaza in late June. The ships are expected to meet in the Cyprus area on or around June 25 and begin sailing towards Gaza.
> Related:
> ADL letter to The New York Times Flotilla Not Freedom Fighters
> ADL to Delta: Don’t be a party to discrimination. In response to concerns expressed in news reports of the potential for religious discrimination after the inclusion of Saudi Arabian Airlines in the global SkyTeam Alliance, ADL wrote to Delta Air Lines to ensure that Jewish, Israeli and other non-Muslim passengers do not face discrimination as a result of the partnership.
> Abraham H. Foxman Jerusalem Post blog: Six Words That Could Change History â€" Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas must stand before his people and say six courageous words: "I will accept a Jewish state."
> On the 5th anniversary of the capture of Gilad Shalit, ADL demands: Free Him Now!
> Related:
> Following Hamas’ announcement that they will not provide the International Red Cross with evidence that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is still alive, ADL expressed support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement that Israel will toughen the conditions of Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli prisons. Abraham H. Foxman stated: “It is unfortunate that Hamas' intransigence… has left Israel little choice but to impose limits on the privileges of Palestinian security prisoners.â€
> Abraham H. Foxman oped in The Jewish Week: Palestinian Leadership Must Save Itself
> Compromise enables Israeli basketball player to compete in European Women's Championship. ADL had urged FIBA to reconsider its decision, saying the policy was "insensitive and discriminatory.â€
> Related:
> ADL wrote to FIFA (the Federal International Football Association) objecting to their decision to prohibit an Iranian Women’s National Team from wearing traditional hijabs and track pants while participating in the pre-Olympic trial match in Jordan. The team members wished to wear these items for modesty reasons related to their religion. Abraham H. Foxman wrote: “We hope that you will reconsider and reverse this injustice for future tournaments.â€
> ADL condemned an arson attack against a West Bank mosque.
> Rachel Kedar, Director of Educational Programs in the ADL Israel office, delivered the Anti-Semitism Today presentation to two separate groups of Jewish teenagers: one from Efrat, Israel, who will be traveling soon to Auschwitz, and the other, a group from Sarasota Florida, who were on a two-week visit to Israel.
> Europe
> Andrew Srulevitch, Director of European Affairs, and Naomi Mazin, Director of Special Programs, Education Division, met in Oslo with Norway’s Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen during a four-day fact-finding trip organized by the Jewish Community of Oslo. Meetings were also held with editors of all major Norwegian newspapers, representatives of all the political parties in Parliament, leaders of the Church of Norway and the Norwegian Muslim community, and the Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities. ADL’s concerns about a recent survey of Oslo schools, which showed 33% of Jewish students suffering from bullying because they were Jewish, were discussed with the Governing Mayor of Oslo Stian Berger Røsland.
> ADL wrote to Jorge Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Ambassador of Spain to the United States regarding a decision by the Spanish Supreme Court to overturn the conviction of four people for selling Nazi literature in a Barcelona bookstore. ADL wrote: “We strongly disagree with this decision. Freely propagating anti-Semitic and xenophobic materials should be considered incitement regardless of whether the public will be receptive to these sentiments. This hate-filled literature pollutes the public square and creates an atmosphere whereby racism and anti-Semitism appear to be tolerated in society, creating conditions in which bigots are emboldened to express their hatred violently. This ruling is particularly disturbing in light of successive public opinion polls â€" including ones conducted by the Anti-Defamation League â€" which document strong anti-Semitic attitudes within Spanish society.†ADL urged the Spanish government to “do its utmost to enforce Spanish laws that prohibit incitement to anti-Semitism.â€
> ADL wrote to Elena Poptodorova, Ambassador of Bulgaria to the United States, to raise concern regarding an annual exhibition on Palestinian issues in Sofia, which featured biased and anti-Israel propaganda, as well as reports of the desecration in Pleven of a monument commemorating Jews killed in the Kailaka concentration camp.
> Latin America
> President Hugo Chavez "has not lived up to his word" to speak out against anti-Semitism in Venezuela. ADL pointed to a recent radio program where the notorious anti-Semitic forgery, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was promoted on Venezuelan state-owned radio.
> Global Issues
> ADL welcomed the announcement by the United States that it will not participate in the so-called "Durban III" conference, saying it is "appropriate for the U.S. to refuse to be a party to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel extremism at the United Nations."
> ADL extended congratulations to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on his election to a second term. ADL Chair Robert G. Sugarman and National Director Abraham H. Foxman wrote: “Since January 2007, you have used your office to stand up against grave human rights abuses and used your podium to speak out against hatred and intolerance. On a personal level, we would like to thank you for your outreach to the Jewish community. We look forward to continuing our open dialogue in your second term. Particularly as this upcoming General Assembly session is likely to be one filled with challenges and controversies, we are ready to continue working with you and the United Nations to help build understanding and peace.â€
> Statement by Lisa and Ilsa Klinghoffer on the production of "The Death of Klinghoffer" at Opera Theatre of St. Louis.
> Boston:
> The Honorable Friedrich Lohr, New England Consulate General of The Federal Republic of Germany, experienced an ADL Law Enforcement Training at the Federal Reserve in Boston. He expressed interest and appreciation for the League’s work to prevent hate crimes not only locally but also overseas in places such as Turkey. Consul General Lohr led a delegation of three officials from Germany.
> Los Angeles:
> ADL staff and lay leaders met with the Consuls General of South Korea and Mexico, and the Vice Consul General of Austria as part of an ongoing program of outreach to the diplomatic community based in Los Angeles.
> New York:
> Aaron David Miller discussed his views on the current state of the Middle East peace process in a briefing to the New York region leadership.
> Philadelphia:
> Philadelphia Police Deputy Commissioner traveled to Israel with ADL to study counter-terrorism.
> Washington, DC:
> Washington, D.C.: Chief Superintendent Eitan Menashe of the Israel Police gave a presentation to the FBI Washington Field Office's (WFO) Counterterrorism Division on how Israel has prevented and responded to suicide bombings and terrorist attacks in a briefing organized by ADL.
> Prepared for the
> Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
> by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
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> Tuesday,
> June 28, 2011
> Daily Alert Needs Your Support
> In-Depth Issues:
> Germany: Israel Accepted Prisoner Swap with Hamas (AP-San Francisco Chronicle)
> On Monday, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert confirmed that Israel had accepted a proposal by a German mediator to free Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas-linked militants in Gaza five years ago, but that "so far, Hamas regrettably has not yet accepted this proposal."
> Israel Upset with Jordan over Condemnation of Jerusalem's Old City Renovation - Danna Harman (Ha'aretz)
> Israel's ambassador to UNESCO Nimrod Barkan said Monday that Israel is shocked that Jordan had led a successful effort within the international body to condemn Israel over renovations planned for the Mughrabi Gate Bridge in Jerusalem's Old City - after signing an agreement with Israel to allow the work to go ahead.
> "The Jordanians lied in a way that cannot be believed, both to us and to the Americans," Barkan said.
> Israel Trumps the Arab World (The Peninsula-Qatar)
> A comparative study of Arab nations and Israel on "Scientific Research and Patent Rights Compared," by Palestinian researcher Dr. Khalid Said Rubaia, found that Israel has registered 16,805 patents, while Arab countries have only 836 patents - 5% percent of what Israel has.
> Israel spends 4.7% of its total GDP on scientific research, the highest in the world, while Arab states spend 0.2%.
> On per capita spending on scientific research, Israel is number one with $1,272.8. The U.S. is second with $1,205.9 and Japan third with $1,153.3.
> The Arab countries spend an average of $14.7 annually per capita. The oil-rich Asian Arab countries spend $11.9 per capita.
> Promised Land Awaits 7,500 Mizo Jews in India (Times of India)
> At least 7,500 Mizo Jews from Mizoram and Manipur will migrate to Israel, which they refer to as their Promised Land, this year.
> "Preparations for a mass migration to the Promised Land are on. The lost tribes from the northeast will go to Israel in the later half of this year after their peers from South America migrate to that country," said Jeremiah Hnamte, one of the leaders of the Aizawl-based Bnei Menashe.
> Zaithanchhungi, a Mizo researcher, said the Bnei Menashe had once migrated to the two northeastern Indian states after traveling through China and were still following the Jewish culture and traditions in many ways.
> In 2005, Israel's Chief Rabbinate officially recognized the Bnei Menashe as descendants of Israel. About 1,700 Bnei Menashe have migrated to Israel so far.
> Shalem Gin, 20, who immigrated to Israel from Mizoram in 1995, has become the first person from his community to be an officer in the Israel Defense Forces.
> News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
> Iran Unveils Missile Silos as It Begins War Games - William J. Broad
> Iranian state television on Monday broadcast images of silos deep underground, saying they held medium- and long-range missiles ready to hit distant targets. The report showed footage of an underground launching pad for the Shahab-3 missile, which has a range of about 1,250 miles.
> Col. Asghar Qelichkhani said the missiles were permanently in the vertical position and "ready to hit the predetermined targets." Last year, the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London reported "emerging evidence" of Iranian silos that could fire missiles at Iraq, Israel, Turkey and countries throughout the Persian Gulf. The co mmander of the Revolutionary Guards' Aerospace Force, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said with these installations "we are certain that we can confront unequal enemies and defend the Islamic Republic of Iran." (New York Times)
> See also Iran Tests 14 Surface-to-Surface Missiles in War Games (Press TV-Iran)
> International Criminal Court Issues Warrant for Libyan Leader's Arrest - Colum Lynch
> Judges from the International Criminal Court on Monday issued an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, his son, and a top military intelligence chief, calling for them to stand trial for crimes against humanity in connection with a violent crackdown on antigovernment protesters. They are accused of killing and persecuting hundreds of Libyan civilians since the government began suppressing public protests Feb. 15.
> In issuing the ruling, Judge Sanji Monageng of Botswana said there was sufficient evidence to believe that the three Libyans have committed the crimes and that their arrest was necessary to ensure they appear befor e the Hague-based court and to prevent them from continuing further crimes. (Washington Post)
> See also Indicting Gaddafi: Why They Aren't Trembling in Tripoli - Editorial
> The indictments serve as a way for the international community to pretend to do something without having to get its hands dirty stopping genocides or other crimes against humanity. Thus Sudan's Omar al-Bashir resides comfortably in Khartoum more than two years after his first indictment by the court. No word yet on whether the Gaddafis plan to turn themselves in. (Wall Street Journal)
> News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
> Some Flotilla Activists Seek to Harm Israeli Soldiers - Barak Ravid
> Senior officials in Jerusalem said Monday that Israel has received information that organizers of the Gaza flotilla may be bringing chemical substances on the ships to use against Israeli soldiers. They also said several extremists among the participants had recently claimed that they intend on "shedding the blood of IDF soldiers." Moreover, despite earlier reports, activists from the Turkish organization IHH will be joining several of the ships sailing for Gaza. (Ha'aretz)
> Israeli Who Accidentally Entered Palestinian Village Nearly Lynched - Omri Ephraim
> Nir Nachshon was on his way home when a GPS device mistake caused him to mistakenly enter the Palestinian village of Issawiya in east Jerusalem Sunday night. Speaking from his hospital bed, he said, "Just as I made the turn, I figured out that I made a mistake, but I didn't realize how big the issue was. This is Jerusalem. This is home." "Immediately when I made the turn a 12-year-old boy started screaming 'Jew, Jew.' Each time he called out dozens more people arrived." That is when they started throwing rocks and cement blocks into the car. "All I could see was murder in their eyes. I felt my life would be over at any minute."
> Nir then described how his life was saved: "Someone came out of nowhere and tried to resc ue me from the people; there was screaming but he managed to get me to his house." The rescuers were one of the village's muhtars and his sons, who took him to a police patrol car waiting outside the village. (Ynet News)
> Palestinian Terror Cell Planned Attacks in Jerusalem - Anshel Pfeffer
> Israeli security forces have arrested a terror cell belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which planned to carry out terror attacks in the Jerusalem area and to abduct an Israeli soldier, it was revealed Monday. (Ha'aretz)
> Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
> The Floating Gaza Strip Show - Editorial
> Anti-Israel activists are launching a fresh high-seas publicity stunt. Freedom Flotilla II is a public-relations exploit in the guise of a humanitarian relief effort. Conditions in Gaza are far from the crisis activists would have the world believe. The people aren't starving, and they don't want for basic medical care. Two luxury hotels reportedly will open soon in Gaza, along with a new multilevel shopping mall. Life expectancy in Gaza is 74, seven years above the world average and higher than in Egypt, India or Russia. Infant mortality is less than half the world average. (Washington Times)
> Hizbullah and Syria: Who Abandoned Who? - Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid
> Today Hizbullah's enemies have multiplied to the extent that Israel is now the least of their worries. More than half of the Lebanese people are against Hizbullah, while most Arabs are against them as well, and Syria seems to have abandoned them or at least distanced themselves. The majority of Sunnis in Lebanon view Hizbullah with suspicion, or indeed hatred, because they believe that Hizbullah was responsible for the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, as well as for occupying areas of Beirut three years ago. In addition, at least half the Christian population of Lebanon oppose Hizbullah, demanding that it give up its arms, fearing that Hizbullah wants to establish an Islamic republic along the lines of Iran.
> ; Syria has been Hizbullah's neighbor, ally, and protector for over 30 years. However, the popular uprising is witnessing demonstrators openly chanting anti-Hizbullah slogans and accusing the group of supporting the al-Assad regime in suppressing the demonstrators. Hizbullah's seeking to dominate Lebanon by force will be confronted and face severe challenges in the forthcoming stage. Hizbullah's pretext of confronting Israel has been removed since Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon 11 years ago. Since then, Hizbullah has transformed into an organization that serves Iran's interests. Syria seems to have given up playing the role of custodian and ally to Hizbullah, even before the situation in Damascus is resolved. (Asharq Alawsat-UK)
> How Arab Media View a Declaration of Palestinian Statehood - Linda Menuhin Abdul Aziz
> Unlike the vibrant debate in Israel over the Palestinian plan to seek support for statehood in September in the UN General Assembly, the Arab media is occupied with the wave of changes sweeping Arab countries, leaving little room for discussion of the projected Palestinian plan. The Arab media predicts that a declaration of statehood by the Palestinians would not result in any immediate changes on the ground. Any Palestinian state would lack sovereignty and authority, with borders dictated by certain facts - the security fence, the settlements, and Israeli control of Jerusalem, as well as continued ec onomic dependence on Israel. (Institute for Contemporary Affairs-Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
> Libya: The Lost War - Amitai Etzioni
> Despite the fact that I predict that the stalemate in the U.S.-led intervention in Libya will not last, and Gaddafi will either be killed or quit, there are several strong reasons to conclude that the mission has already failed, including, of course, that it is still ongoing. For one thing, the leaders of Iran cannot but conclude that a nation that gives up its program of obtaining of WMDs - as Gaddafi's Libya did - is much more vulnerable to Western intervention than a nation that succeeds in acquiring them, as North Korea did. At the same time, the U.S., already mired in three wars in the Muslim world and desperately looking for ways to cut its deficit, has shown that it would rather have others doing the intervening and has no stomach for another war. (National In terest)
> Observations:
> Why Alice Walker Shouldn't Sail to Gaza - Howard Jacobson (CNN)
> Gaza is under siege, Israelis will tell you, because weapons are fired from it into Israel, threatening the lives of Israeli children. If the blockade is lifted there is a fear that more lethal and far-reaching weapons will be acquired, and the lives of more Israeli children endangered.
> The boat on which Alice Walker will be traveling will be carrying, she tells us, "Letters expressing solidarity and love." Solidarity is a political term implying commonality of interest or aspiration. So what interest or aspiration does Alice Walker and her fellow travelers share with the people of Gaza? A longing to live in peace? Is the firing of rockets from Gaza an expression of such a longing? And what about the declared hostility of Hamas to the very existence of Israel?
> Hamas, we are often told, is the elected government of Gaza, a government that fairly represents the wishes of its people. In which case we must assume that Hamas' implacable hostility towards Israel fairly represents the implacable hostility felt by the people of Gaza. Are Alice Walker's letters of love and solidarity solid with the people of Gaza in that hostility?
> The writer is a British Jewish author and journalist.
> Winds Of Jihad
> UK: Child Killer Saves His Skin by Turning to Islam
> CHILD murderer Levi Bellfield is trying to save his skin in prison by turning to Islam. I spare you the look of him, but you can click here if you’re curios… The serial killer has been...
> Never Consider a Muslim Putz for President
> “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years there’d be a shortage of sand.†~ Milton Friedman †“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his...
> Understanding the Jihad Against Israel and America
> This post is one for keeps. A powerful summary that’s got it all. Bookmark it now for future references. Pajamas Media A powerful, explicit, informative article on the identity and nature of...
> Glenn Beck vs the Muslim Brotherhood: †“Democracy Is a Bad, Backwards, and Retarded Ideaâ€
> Funny. If Geert Wilders says Islam is retarded the PC freaks go apeshit, when Muslims say Democracy is backwards and retarded nobody takes notice. After that, its all about Texas. Today also marks...
> Mickey Mouse Jihad
> Mickey Mouse Jihad CAIRO (AP) â€" An Egyptian Christian telecom mogul has angered Islamic hard-liners by posting an online cartoon of Mickey Mouse with a beard and Minnie in a face veil. Image of...
> Turkey’s ‘Reform Islam’ will be just like the original Islam
> That means back to the 7th century. This article is from 2008, but the hope for a ‘reform Islam’ was as preposterous then as it is now. And, as WoJ readers know, deleting the...
> Poll Results: Will the killing of Bin Laden win Obama’s reelection?
> 14 % voted ‘yes’ 36 % voted NO 27 % voted ‘moonbats will make the same mistake again’ 24 % voted â€Americans are too smart to be fooled twice†News Links: Al...
> Holland: “it is not the government’s job to integrate immigrantsâ€
> Right said! Now that the Wilders witch-hunt fizzled, others dare to speak up. Holland kills the multiculturalism that is killing it (Bolt) The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population is now...
> “Good Muslim. Perfect Muslim. He pray five times a day.â€
> No misunderstanders here: Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif was arrested for a jihad plot against a Seattle military recruiting station. His niqabbed first wife says he was a pious Muslim who prayed five times...
> Weiner Watch
> Too much Weiner for my lunch: The disgraced former congressman and his wife were spotted having lunch in New York City on Saturday where she “looked miserable,†a witness told the NY Daily News....
> The Next Gaza Flotilla
> Jun 27, 2011 11:00 am | Eric
> A group of terrorist supporting activists are planning to sail ten ships to Gaza. They plan attempt to breach Israel's maritime blockade of the terrorist controlled territory.
> The Next Gaza Flotilla is a post from: The Israel Situation
> Related posts:
> Iranian Flotilla to Gaza
> Why The Gaza Blockade Is Not Israel’s Fault
> The Gaza Flotilla: Review and Roundup
> Photo album: Hamas Weaponry and Tactics
> Israel Defense Forces | June 28, 2011 at 12:16 | Categories: Facts & Figures | URL:
> View the new Flickr album, a collection of photos of Hamas weaponry and tactics from 2005-2011.
> Since Israel's 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip, the terrorist organization Hamas has turned Gaza into a central hub of terror activity.
> Over the last decade, Hamas and other terror organizations under its jurisdiction have launched thousands of rockets into major Israeli population centers in southern Israel, populated by one million Israeli civilians. Hamas is also responsible for orchestrating a long series of suicide bombings during the Second Intifada, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians.
> The above flickr album covers Hamas's weaponry and tactics. Active in smuggling weapons, the terrorist organization Hamas uses the sea and underground tunnels to import weaponry into the Gaza Strip. Tunnels are a means for weapons smuggling and kidnapping Israeli soldiers; dummies are designed to trick Israeli soldiers into entering booby-trapped areas; religious centers are desecrated as weaponry hideouts and Palestinian civilians are cynically exploited--Hamas and its state sponsors will stop at nothing to destroy the state of Israel.
> New gay & friends of gays yahoo group
> Click link or send email to join
> or
> Feel free to refer friends here. All topics will be considered. For those who know me from other groups, I will not be sending any posts about Israel unless they concern gays in Israel in case anyone presumes that this group will cover the same things I already send
> A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright~
> Israel should not be fearing world opinion. Israel should be making the world respect her!!! And remember, it is the rich oil cartels who rule the world, NOT the Zionists!!
> Mech'el B. Samberg
> Permission granted to share with others!!