[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Nazi Rally Coming To Claremont, Skinhead Leader Shot Dead

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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Nazi Rally Coming In Claremont, Skinhead Leader DeadMarch 3rd, 2011 Today I decided to take a look at domestic right-wing violence. It seems that a prominant skin-head has been shot and killed. One almost forgets about these types, you don't run into them in the general course of things. You don't see them on the job, or in school. But they exist in their own subterrenean world and occasionally they pop up into the light of day.
For instance there will be a Nazi rally in Claremont, CA for us anti-nazis to protest. It should be a great time for shouting and chanting and if you have some hostility to get out, the Nazi's seem to thrive on our yelling at them. This will be on March 19th, a Saturday. A good time should be had by all.
This is the Nazi contact: For more information Email Jeff Hall at cali@newsaxon.org
For an anti-Nazi Contact I would reccomend :Socal.Antiracist@gmail.coim
LA @ AntiRacistAction.org
From ABC News 10 Sacramento
Update: Citrus Heights fatal shooting takes new twist
Trevor Zickgraf Last updated 17 hrs ago Posted: 3/2/2011
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA - Citrus Heights police say they have detained a person of interest in the shooting early Wednesday morning of a man and woman in a Merlindale Drive home.
Officers were called to a home on the 5900 block of Merlindale just before 4 a.m. There they said they found a man dead in a bedroom with gunshots to his head and chest. A 33-year-old woman had been shot in the leg. She was taken to Mercy San Juan Medical Center where she was expected to fully recover, said Lt. Gary Hendricks.
According to responding officers, two others were in the house at the time of the shooting.
Police were trying to determine a motive for the shooting. A positive identification of the dead man hasn't been released but the Southern Poverty Law Center reports he was a man active in white supremacy groups.
From SPLC Hatewatch
American Front Founder David Lynch Shot to DeathPosted in Extremist Crime, skinheads
by Heidi Beirich on March 2, 2011
Early this morning, a man was killed and a woman injured in a shooting in Citrus Heights, Calif., a suburb of Sacramento. Law enforcement authorities said the man, who was shot in the head and torso, was found dead inside the home. The woman, who was shot in the leg, was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Local media reports said that two children were believed by law enforcement to have been inside the home at the time of the shooting.
Law enforcement sources have confirmed to Hatewatch that the man who was shot was David Lynch, 40, and his death is being treated as a homicide.
Lynch was a clever and charismatic racist skinhead organizer whose history of racist activism dates back to the late 1980s, when he became the eastern states coordinator for American Front, a nationwide skinhead coalition modeled after Britain's racist National Front. After American Front's power waned in the mid-1990s, Lynch lived for a time in Canada, then relocated to Sacramento, where he gradually assumed control of the Sacto Skins, one of the oldest skinhead gangs in the country.
While he maintained a strong presence in the Sacramento white supremacist subculture from the late 1990s through 2005, at one point meeting with then-National Alliance chairman William Pierce when the neo-Nazi leader visited Sacramento, Lynch for the most part limited his activities to that city alone.
Later, Lynch's empire expanded. In 2007, law enforcement officials told the SPLC that Lynch had united skinhead crews in northern and southern California, Utah and Florida under the banner of a newly energized American Front. He had also established a United States division of Troops of Tomorrow, an international skinhead organization, and helped to launch Prison Skin, a prison outreach campaign to support and glorify incarcerated skinheads.
Skinheads and neo-Nazis from around the country are posting memorials to Lynch on Facebook. Expressing what seems to be the common sentiment, Billy Roper of White Revolution wrote: "Dave Lynch: My Friend, and one of the best men I've ever known, a hero of our people and our cause. We are in shock."
No further details were immediately released about the shootings.
From LA TImes
White supremacist leader killed in Sacramento County; individual detained in shooting
March 3, 2011 | 10:48am
Police have detained a person of interest in connection with the murder of a prominent white supremacist leader at his home in Citrus Heights in Sacramento County, authorities said.
David Lynch, 40, was found shot to death in the bedroom of his home in the 5900 block of Merlindale Drive just before 4 a.m. Wednesday, according to police. He had been shot in the head and upper torso, authorities said.
Lt. Gary Hendricks, a Citrus Heights police spokesman, said the person of interest was taken into custody at gunpoint but "without incident" Wednesday afternoon at a gas station in Rancho Cordova. Authorities have not identified the individual, whom Hendricks said had not been charged.
Hendricks said details such as whether the person being detained was acquainted with Lynch, and the motive for Lynch's killing "were all under investigation."
"It would be premature to speculate while the investigation is underway," Hendricks said.
A 33-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was also found in the hallway of Lynch's home with a gunshot wound to the leg, authorities said. She was taken to a hospital and was expected to survive.
Police confirmed that a third adult and a teenager were also inside the home at the time of the shooting, but they were not injured.
According to information published by the Anti-Defamation League, a national anti-hate organization, Lynch had been "an active racist skinhead" since the mid-1980s and was leader of the American Front.
"The group espouses an anti-Semitic, white supremacist ideology and disseminates its message in public events that demonize Jews, immigrants and other minorities," according to the anti-hate group.
Since Lynch took over leadership of the American Front in 2002, his greatest strength was to solidify his connections with other white supremacist hate groups across the country and even into Canada, according to information published by the ADL. On its website the American Front describes itself as "a collective of highly motivated racialists of European descent, striving to establish an autonomous homeland for American whites" and "dedicated to securing, advancing, and defending the sacred blood of our glorious ancestors at all costs."
Members of the group could not be reached for comment on Lynch's murder.
From SPLC Hatewatch
SPLC Hate Group Count Tops 1,000 as Radical Right Expansion ContinuesPosted in `Patriot' Groups, Editor's Pick, Hate Groups, Nativist Extremist
by Mark Potok on February 23, 2011
For the second year in a row, the radical right in America expanded explosively in 2010, driven by resentment over the changing racial demographics of the country, frustration over the government's handling of the economy, and the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories and other demonizing propaganda aimed at various minorities. For many on the radical right, anger is focusing on President Obama, who is seen as embodying everything that's wrong with the country.
Hate groups topped 1,000 for the first time since the Southern Poverty Law Center began counting such groups in the 1980s. Anti-immigrant vigilante groups, despite having some of the political wind taken out of their sails by the adoption of hard-line anti-immigration laws around the country, continued to rise slowly. But by far the most dramatic growth came in the antigovernment "Patriot" movement ­— conspiracy-minded organizations that see the federal government as their primary enemy — which gained more than 300 new groups, a jump of over 60%.
Taken together, these three strands of the radical right — the hatemongers, the nativists and the antigovernment zealots — increased from 1,753 groups in 2009 to 2,145 in 2010, a 22% rise. That followed a 2008-2009 increase of 40%.
What may be most remarkable is that this growth of right-wing extremism came even as politicians around the country, blown by gusts from the Tea Parties and other conservative formations, tacked hard to the right, co-opting many of the issues important to extremists. Last April, for instance, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed S.B. 1070, the harshest anti-immigrant law in memory, setting off a tsunami of proposals for similar laws across the country. Continuing growth of the radical right could be curtailed as a result of this shift, especially since Republicans, many of them highly conservative, recaptured the U.S. House last fall.
But despite those historic Republican gains, the early signs suggest that even as the more mainstream political right strengthens, the radical right has remained highly energized. In an 11-day period this January, a neo-Nazi was arrested headed for the Arizona border with a dozen homemade grenades; a terrorist bomb attack on a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in Spokane, Wash., was averted after police dismantled a sophisticated anti-personnel weapon; and a man who officials said had a long history of antigovernment activities was arrested outside a packed mosque in Dearborn, Mich., and charged with possessing explosives with unlawful intent. That's in addition, the same month, to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, an attack that left six dead and may have had a political dimension.
It's also clear that other kinds of radical activity are on the rise. Since the murder last May 20 of two West Memphis, Ark., police officers by two members of the so-called "sovereign citizens" movement, police from around the country have contacted the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to report what one detective in Kentucky described as a "dramatic increase" in sovereign activity. Sovereign citizens, who, like militias, are part of the larger Patriot movement, believe that the federal government has no right to tax or regulate them and, as a result, often come into conflict with police and tax authorities. Another sign of their increased activity came early this year, when the Treasury Department, in a report assessing what the IRS faces in 2011, said its biggest challenge will be the "attacks and threats against IRS employees and facilities [that] have risen steadily in recent years."
Extremist ideas have not been limited to the radical right; already this year, state legislators have offered up a raft of proposals influenced by such ideas. In Arizona, the author of the S.B. 1070 law — a man who just became Senate president on the basis of his harshly nativist rhetoric — proposed a law this January that would allow his state to refuse to obey any federal law or regulation it cared to. In Virginia, a state legislator wants to pass a law aimed at creating an alternative currency "in the event of the destruction of the Federal Reserve System's currency" — a longstanding fear of right-wing extremists. And in Montana, a state senator is working to pass a statute called the "Sheriffs First Act" that would require federal law enforcement to ask local sheriffs' permission to act in their counties or face jail. All three laws are almost certainly unconstitutional, legal experts say, and they all originate in ideas that first came from ideologues of the radical right.
There also are new attempts by nativist forces to roll back birthright citizenship, which makes all children born in the U.S. citizens. Such laws have been introduced this year in Congress, and a coalition of state legislators is promising to do the same in their states. And then there's Oklahoma, where 70% of voters last November approved a measure to forbid judges to consider Islamic law in the state's courtrooms (see related story) — a completely groundless fear, but one pushed nonetheless by Islamophobes. Since then, lawmakers have promised to pass similar laws in Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah.
After the Giffords assassination attempt, a kind of national dialogue began about the political vitriol that increasingly passes for "mainstream" political debate. But it didn't seem to get very far. Four days after the shooting, a campaign called the Civility Project — a two-year effort led by an evangelical conservative tied to top Republicans — said it was shutting down because of a lack of interest and furious opposition. "The worst E-mails I received about the Civility Project were from conservatives with just unbelievable language about communists and some words I wouldn't use in this phone call," director Mark DeMoss told The New York Times. "This political divide has become so sharp that everything is black and white, and too many conservatives can see no redeeming value in any" opponent.
A Washington Post/ABC News poll this January captured the atmosphere well. It found that 82% of Americans saw their country's political discourse as "negative." Even more remarkably, the poll determined that 49% thought that negative tone could or already had encouraged political violence.
Last year's rise in hate groups (see map) was the latest in a trend stretching all the way back to the year 2000, when the SPLC counted 602 such groups. Since then, they have risen steadily, mainly on the basis of exploiting the issue of undocumented immigration from Mexico and Central America. Last year, the number of hate groups rose to 1,002 from 932, a 7.5% increase over the previous year and a 66% rise since 2000.
At the same time, what the SPLC defines as "nativist extremist" groups — organizations that go beyond mere advocacy of restrictive immigration policy to actually confront or harass suspected immigrants or their employers — rose slightly, despite the fact that most of their key issues had been taken up by mainstream politicians (see story and list). There were 319 such groups in 2010, up 3% from 309 in 2009.
But like the year before, it was the antigovernment Patriot groups that grew most dramatically (see list), at least partly on the basis of furious rhetoric from the right aimed at the nation's first black president — a man who has come to represent to at least some Americans ongoing changes in the racial makeup of the country. The Patriot groups, which had risen and fallen once before during the militia movement of the 1990s, first came roaring back in 2009, when they rose 244% to 512 from 149 a year earlier. In 2010, they rose again sharply, adding 312 new groups to reach 824, a 61% increase. The highest prior count of Patriot groups came in 1996, when the SPLC found 858.
It's hard to predict where this volatile situation will lead. Conservatives last November made great gains and some of them are championing a surprising number of the issues pushed by the radical right — a fact that could help deflate some of the even more extreme political forces. But those GOP electoral advances also left the Congress divided and increasingly lined up against the Democratic president, which is likely to paralyze the country on such key issues as immigration reform.
What seems certain is that President Obama will continue to serve as a lightning rod for many on the political right, a man who represents both the federal government and the fact that the racial make-up of the United States is changing, something that upsets a significant number of white Americans. And that suggests that the polarized politics of this country could get worse before they get better.

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