[Politics_CurrentEvents_Group] Here's this week's column...

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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Revolution Is The Solution!
By Ernest Stewart

Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution, got to revolution
Volunteers ~~~ Jefferson Airplane

"The Bible says it's a capital offense. You want someone with unrepentant criminal behavior? And it's not just that, neither should adulterers, neither should thieves, neither should a lot of things. The church is full of sinners, but we're told in 1st Corinthians it rattled off the homosexual, the adulterer, the thief, the liar, and such were some of you, but you've been washed, you've been justified and so forth. It's not what you were. You're not punishing a thought. But do you want an unrepentant drug dealer in the military? Same thing." ~~~ Bobby Franklin on homosexuality in the military.

Oh but ain't that America for you and me.
Ain't that America something to see baby
Ain't that America home of the free
Little pinks houses for you and me.
Little Pink Houses ~~~ John Mellencamp

"'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman." ~~~ Harlan Ellison

We owe Scott (Hosni) Walker and his puppet masters the Koch brothers a debt of gratitude. Not one that would interrupt their trials and executions for treason and sedition, mind you! Perhaps the hangman could place the noose to the side of their necks, instead of behind their heads? That way it would immediately break their necks, instead of slowly straggling them? Why this generosity toward these evil men? For finally getting the average American couch potatoes off of their fat asses and into the streets where they belong!

I've sat here for ten years watching, wondering, and waiting to see what it would take for Americans to stand up to our corpo-rat masters and throw off their chains! Through a half a dozen. illegal, immoral wars. The gutting of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, even the loss of habeas corpus didn't trigger any large scale revolts!' The draining of our Treasury by giving trillions of dollars to Wall Street criminals that should have faced the headsman's axe for their crimes against humanity and destruction of the worlds economy, with the bill landing squarely at the middle classes, and working classes doors. Through eight years of the Crime Family Bush's and two years of Obamahood's reign, most Americans were idle, only bitching about these things, with no real action displayed by the vast majority. Why do we call them Sheeple, indeed, why?

So when Messrs. Koch and Walker tried their union-busting ploy and the people responded by taking over the capital and clogging the streets with tens of thousands of men, women and children. When even the cops, instead of busting heads joined in the protests, I saw a spark of hope arising in Madison. Last Saturday with a crowd of over one hundred thousand coming together in Madison while hundreds of thousands of others from coast to coast joined in the protests, perhaps this old dog lost some of his sarcasm, toward the Sheeple? Not much, mind you, but a definite crack in the armor!

Whether the revolution in Madison works out like it did in Egypt or as it has so far in Libya remains to be seen. If Hosni Walker calls out the guard, it may be a turning point in American history, depending upon whether they back the Kochs or the people. As long as it stays peaceful and Walker and his inner circle of evil don't hire some Blackwater goons to start violence as they've already talked about doing, the people might actually win one, which would enliven others to put their bodies where their mouths are and take a stand for America. Only time will tell; and have no doubt, I'll be watching every move, taking names and reporting it all back to you!

In Other News

With the Rethuglicans now-a-daze coming out of the closet to destroy what is left of American civil liberties, it's not surprising that the attacks on women's rights is at the front and center of their agenda. Rethuglican State Senators and Representatives are crawling out from under their rocks and cesspools to demand that women's bodies belong not to themselves, but to the state. So far, this appears to be happening in some of our more medieval states like Georgia and South Dakota where they'd like America to return to those Antebellum daze of Kings and slaves! However, the same kinds of things are happening as you know in Wisconsin and in Michigan, neither a hot bed of fascist theorem!

For example, Georgia's favorite son, Bobby Franklin, you may recall Bobby's bright idea from last year? Bobby wanted to make rape victims not victims but accusers, with the rapist not really a rapist but the real victim! Think that over for a minute, America, but don't let it give you any brain cramps.

This year this little Nazi brain-dead came up with a ten-page bill that would criminalize miscarriages and make abortion in Georgia completely illegal. Both miscarriages and abortions would be potentially punishable by death: "any prenatal murder" in the words of the bill, including "human involvement" in a miscarriage, would be a felony and carry a penalty of life in prison or death! Under Bobby's bill, HB 1, women who miscarry could become felons if they cannot prove that there was "no human involvement whatsoever in the causation" of their miscarriage. In other words, all miscarriages, which is about one quarter of all pregnancies, are suspect and it would be up to the women to prove she is innocent. Considering that most all miscarriages occur because there is something wrong with the fetus, not the mother, this is incredibly wrong on a thousand different levels. So much for assumed innocent until proven guilty; now it's "guilty until proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt," something that has become the standard since Ray-Guns came on the scene.

Not to be outdone by Georgia, South Dakota, once known for Mount Rushmore, now known for the lunatics that run that state, has been a busy little beaver, too! On a similar blood-thirsty note, there is a bill under consideration that would make the murder of a doctor who legally performs abortions no longer a crime of murder but justifiable homicide! This includes killings that are intended to prevent harm to a fetus, an idea that could make it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions. House Bill 1171 has passed out of committee on a nine-to-three party-line vote, and was expected to face a floor vote in the state's GOP dominated House of Representatives, but before that could happen the word got out and it got tabled. Perhaps it's only waiting for the outrage to die down and a better time to bring it up again for a vote?

This turkey is being sponsored by Rep. Phil Jensen, and it alters the state's legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person "while resisting an attempt to harm" that person's unborn child or the unborn child of that person's spouse, partner, parent, or child. If the bill passes, it could, in theory, allow a woman's father, mother, son, daughter, or husband to kill anyone who tried to provide that woman an abortion, even if she wanted one. Oh, and did I mention that these folks aren't even tea baggers, just ordinary old run-of-the-mill conservative Rethuglicans?

Not to be discouraged by the tabling of House Bill 1171 on Tuesday, the state's House of Representatives voted 49 to 19 to approve HB 1217, a first-of-its-kind law that supporters hope will drastically restrict access to abortion in South Dakota.

This legislation would require women to visit crisis pregnancy centers or CPRs that are most often run by anti-abortion groups before obtaining an abortion. A woman would need to first consult with the doctor providing the abortion, then visit a CPC and wait 72 hours. There has been controversy at the federal level about taxpayer dollars going to support CPCs, but this would mark the first time that a state would force women to visit such a center.

CPCs are not regulated, and are generally run by anti-abortion Christian groups. They are staffed by volunteers—not doctors or nurses—with the explicit goal of discouraging women from having abortions. Considering it's about an average of a 6 hour drive to get to a clinic for most women in South Dakota, this will in effect do what their attempts to outlaw abortion in South Dakota couldn't, i.e., stop abortions! Vote slavery, America; vote Republican!

And Finally

A couple of years ago I tried a little experiment over at You Tube. A friend, who at the time, didn't know how to put up videos at You Tube used to ask me to put his videos up. Most were videos of his cats or political videos he shot for America Jr., or Issues & Alibis and one video concerned his kitten Radar. It's 42 seconds of Radar being a kitten, not a big draw, well, not until I labeled it, "Kitten Being Eaten By A Snake!" Since I put it up on January 9th 2009 it has turned out to be an eye opener and the gift that keeps on giving.

Talk about a Psych 101 experiment on your friends and neighbors! Remember these folks are out, on the loose. Maybe the guy next door who looks so normal, who's quiet and who you'd never expect to be a chain saw murderer! Perhaps the guy down the block who is approaching 40 who sits in his underwear in his parent's basement on the computer from dawn to dark? Here are some of the replies left:

Thank God you did not do what was stated in the title of the video. My blood was boiling before seeing the video. Now I see it was a trick to get traffic. Still not cool at all. LittleTruckingBozo 1 year ago 3

I am sooooooo glad the kittens okay, but a very boring video.
angeldream2 1 year ago 3

Those represent about 9% of the the replies, here are some of the 91% of the less pleasant variety. Note not only what they say but the names they have chosen for themselves!

another flag for misleading title.. cant a guy see a snake screaming for its life while being eaten by a snake? do i honestly have to buy a damn snake and feed it kittens?
CerberusFlux 4 months ago 3

wat the hell wat a ripp
MrRAZZY1234 6 hours ago

where is your snake ?
zeah337 2 days ago

man I wanted to see a fucking kitten get digested.
IceDragon714 2 days ago

@Sowff well then fuck Nam!! if thats how you want it worded. asshole
CrashOverdrive4 3 weeks ago

SuperDarkestKiller 1 month ago

cats are the most stupid retarded animals out there i'd be happt to see the snake eat it,

Fucking asshole, you've wasted my time! I really wish you and your gay cat die from some sort of brain timor or blood disease. Shit, even AIDS would be OK for you 2 faggots.
DarkMurderer38 6 months ago

shit video, shit cat, you wasted my fucking time you CUNT.
markdangerman 6 months ago

Stupid fucking video. I just wasted 42 seconds of my life.
montananurse1 6 months ago

@Sowff fuck you i want dead kittens eaten alive bitch
TheBramful 7 months ago

@Sowff THIS VIDEOCLIP SUCKS i flagged it Innapropaite for misleading name !
socomsix19 7 months ago

Total lies... thanks arsehole i was going to enjoy that. "respect for his creative freedom"? translation - i am an attention grabbing fuckhead
minstrelfool 7 months ago

I hate cat .
geography10110125 8 months ago

It makes you proud to be an American, does it not?

Keepin' On

Like the Harlequin in Harlan Ellison's "Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman" I, too, am running out of time. Also, like Harlequin, I, too, am a rebel against the system, as are you, too, or you wouldn't be reading these words. However, unlike the Harlequin I'm running out of money to keep publishing, and like the Harlequin I'm also running out of time to raise the money that I need to keep publishing!

To say that donations this year are at an all time low is a vast understatement. As it stands today, there will only be two more editions after this one before we run out of time. If you ever have considered helping us out with a donation, or if you would like to place an ad, now would be the time to do so!

There is still time to help us effect change and stop the madness that all but engulfs us, but just barely. Please send us any amount that you can in cash, a check, or a postal money order. Just go to our Donations Page and follow the directions. Ticktock, ticktock, America!


09-19-1926 ~ 02-27-2011
Yer out of dere!

02-01-1901 ~ 02-27-2011
At Ease!

06-21-1921 ~ 02-28-2011
Thanks for the films!

06-28-1946 ~ 03-01-2011
Thanks for the flights!


We get by with a little help from our friends!
So please help us if you can...?


So how do you like Bush Lite so far?
And more importantly, what are you planning on doing about it?

Until the next time, Peace!
(c) 2011 Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 10 years managing editor and publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. Visit me on Face Book. Follow me on Twitter.

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